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Natasha had always dreamed of going to Disneyland, and only one of the Avengers knew that. So she was very excited when Steve took her across the country just to visit the theme park.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" Natasha beamed with excitement.

"Tasha, can you perhaps calm down a little bit?"

"...Nope, to excited!"

Steve sighed as the spy continued to bounce in her seat. He cast a glance at her. She wore a Peter Pan shirt, shorts, and on her head rested Minnie Mouse ears. Her emerald eyes were glowing with happiness, making Steve smile. He loved seeing her happy like this.


"Stevie, where do we go first?! Oh, we should go meet Anna & Elsa. Oh, no. Let's ride Thunder Mountain. Oh, better yet, let's-"

Steve grabbed Natasha and kissed her, effectively shutting her up. When he pulled away, Natasha was speechless.

"Calm down. We have two days here, so we can do a majority of the stuff."

Natasha took a deep breath and nodded. " Okay. Well then, how bout we hit the gift shop first?"

Steve let her lead the way, gripping her hands so he wouldn't lose her in the crowd. Once they entered the shop, Natasha took her time going through every aisle. Steve followed behind, chuckling at her childish behavior. Natasha seemed content trying on an assortment of sunglasses, occasionally putting a pair on Steve. Finally, she decided to get a simple pair of Mickey Mouse ears for Steve.

"Do I have to wear these?" he moaned, following Natasha out of the shop. The spy simply nodded, smiling at Steve's pink cheeks.

Natasha was dead set on riding everything, using the fast lane passes Tony had provided them with to speed through the lines. Steve didn't mind though, since he was to focused on making Natasha happy. There were the occasional crowd of fangirls, since they hadn't put any effort into disguises. They took pictures with all of them, Natasha only getting slightly annoyed at the single moms who tried to make a move on Steve. She'd glare at them discreetly, before kissing Steve on the cheek to mark her territory.


When they finally sat down for lunch, Steve ordered a huge burger and fries. Natasha laughed as he quickly eat, sneakily taking some of his fries. She had ordered chicken tenders, eating them slowly.

Once they both finished their lunch, Natasha dragged Steve to see Anna and Elsa. The whole three hours they were in line, Natasha wouldn't shut up about her Frozen 'ships', which led Steve to discover she secretly was in love with Elsanna. Once they actually got to meet Elsa and Anna, Natasha looked happier than a kid in a candy store. Steve volunteered to take their picture, but Natasha insisted some stranger took their photo so Steve could be in it to.

"Are you happy now?" Steve asked, showing Natasha the photo.

"Yes yes YES!" Natasha squealed in delight. Steve chuckled, lacing his fingers through hers as the continued walking through the park.


"Where to next?" Steve asked, looking down at the spy.

"Can we go to Indiana Jones adventure?" Natasha asked, pointing to the entrance.

Steve nodded, following her into the line. It was getting dark, which led to Natasha suggesting they finish the day off with the Haunted Mansion. Steve agreed to this as they boarded the ride. When it came to have their picture taken, Steve pulled Natasha closer and kissed her on the cheek. He stayed like this until the camera flashed, not noticing the blush forming on Natasha's cheeks.

Once they got off the ride, Steve bought the picture and gave a copy to Natasha. She smiled at it, carefully placing it in the bag.

"So I figured, after we go through the Haunted Mansion, we get an ice cream and watch the fireworks?" Natasha nodded to this.

Once they reached the Haunted Mansion, Natasha latched onto Steve's arm. Steve chuckled lightly, earning a glare from the woman. They slowly made their way through, Steve occasionally stopping Natasha from killing the spooks. Natasha sighed in relief once they exited, loosening her grip on Steve's arm.

They made their way to the ice cream cart, Natasha ordering vanilla and Steve getting chocolate. They rested on a bench as the fireworks started going off. Natasha subconsciously grabbed Steve's hand, eyes glowing with amazement.

"They're beautiful..." she muttered, eyes not leaving the display.

Steve nodded in agreement, looking over at Natasha. She wore a smile, her eyes glazed over. Something inside his stomach fluttered, making Steve slightly blush. Once the fireworks ended, Steve and Natasha made their way towards the park exit. Natasha yawned, leaning against Steve. He got down on his knees, allowing her to climb upon his back.

Once they reached the car, Natasha was out cold. Steve gently laid her in her seat before going over to his side of the car. The ride to their hotel was silent, accept for Natasha's occasional snores.


"Tasha, come on." Steve muttered, lifting the girl out of the car. She stirred, eyes opening slightly.

"Wha?" she mumbled, speech slurred from sleep.

"You got to change into comfier clothes." Natasha only tipped her head, leaning against Steve as they made their way to the hotel room.

Once inside, Natasha slowly changed into one of Steve's shirts before tucking herself into the comforter. Steve took time to shower before pulling on pyjama pants and laying next to her. Natasha scooted over and nestled herself into Steve's arms, muttering 'I love you' before drifting to sleep.


Please note I have never been to Disneyland myself, so there might be a few things wrong with this.


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