Day 1

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It's the summer of 2007, and in the evening with orange sky, our new neighbors finally finish unpacking. My name is Micheal, and I'm a 7 year old kid who has just gotten through 2nd grade. I'm enjoying my summer, but it was a bummer when our old neighbors left. I was friends with their youngest son, Ray.

But who knows, maybe our new neighbors have a kid too I can become friends with. Speaking of which, our neighbors are walking over here. One of them was a girl shorter than me, which was an acomolishment. "Come on, son. Our neighbors want to meet us." Mom grabs my hand and we head outside, stepping off of the porch. The girl was now eye to eye with me, as our moms were the same.

The girl had pretty long black hair, and dark blue eyes. She looked like the shy type. "Well, honey. Introduce yourself!" Says the girls mom with similar long hair. The little girl then murmurs. "I-I'm sorry, but I didn't hear you." She tries to speak up but is still a little quiet.

"Sorry... My name is Ruby..." I put a hand out to shake hands awkwardly. "It's okay. My names Micheal!" Ruby just nods her head in response, and after a short pause she shakes my hand.

Then my mom interrupts. "My son here lost one of his friends when they moved. So I'm hoping that your daughter might be able to be friends with him." The other mom responds. "Well of course! My little girl isn't much of a people person but as long as he's kind it shouldn't matter."

"I'm kind!" I respond before mom could say anything. Both of the mothers chuckle to that but Ruby stayed quiet. Oh well... I'm sure she'll grow on me with time... maybe. I've never really had many friends that are girls, but I'll try my best to treat her well.

"Well anyway, we just came over to introduce ourselves. My name is Rebecca, may I ask your name?" Ruby's mom says. "I'm Cynthia Woods. It's a pleasure to meet you. Could I invite you over for coffee sometime?" "Well of course!" The moms kept mumbling on so I let go of my moms hand and walk over to my trampoline, getting on.

The girl oddly follows behind, sitting on the trampoline next to me at a distance. "Y-your mom talks a lot too, huh?" She finally opens up a little with small talk. "Yeah. My mom can go on for hours if allowed." "My moms the same way... I'm... kind of quiet like my dad." I nod in response awkwardly.

I didn't really know how to respond to that. The slight upset feeling came back in my stomach. My dad left about a year ago...

"You okay?" She asks. "Uh, well, my stomach hurts but I'll be alright." "Hm. Doesn't sound alright. Here." She pulls a pill out of her pocket, which was odd. "Uh... what is it?"

"Have you never taken a pain pill before. It should help with your stomach ache." I push her hand back slightly. "Nah, I'll be okay..." "Alright..." She looks down over the edge of the trampoline, seemingly sad that I didn't take it.

Probably because she wanted to help, I guess. "So what do you like to do?" She looks back to me. "Uh... I like to read... You?" "I like to draw and play on my N64. If you'd like we could play it sometime. I have a second controller." She looks a little discouraged. "I'm... I've never played video games before... Mom says it's bad for you."

"Really? They're fun! I'll teach you how to play sometime." She smiles slightly to that. "Alright..."

Soon after, Ruby and her mom goes home, and my mom and I head back inside. I accidentally put myself in the mood to play the N64, so I do so until my bed time. Mom forced me to go to bed, which was a bummer.

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