First day to the Forever love

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Early Morning...

Goenkas except kaira is in hall.

Aryan : From media to fans everyone is curious about the new journey of kaira, they were so private that they can't imagine how they will be like a couple

Vedika : even me is confused.. Will they be bickering couple, or romantic one.. Or more like a matured one 🥺

Gayu: i never saw naira in love so.. So.. Its hard to guess.. Will she be happy.. Like overwhelmed to wore his sindoor.. Did she feel proud to told others that he is her now onwards...

Samarth : we all did arranged marriage. so i donno how the first day feel like for the love married guys.. May be like a..

Its like a dream come true moment..

Keesh enters.

Suwarna : that's true.. May be the are enjoying this dream come true moment.. And they deserve it.

In other side

Karthik wake up.. He for a second forget that he is married.. Like usual he send good morning love to his naira.. Then gets ready.

He comes down in an casual outfit for his shoot day. He greeted his family who is looking at his in a surprised eyes- like *where is naira* look

He walks straight and stopped at the corridor...when he turn left..

Karthik POV 🪄

This is that moment i dreamt for 4 years.. My wife is standing in front of me.. And she is none other than my heart beat my jaan Naira.. Morning i forgotten this fact, because still i cant believe that she is mine...

His pov broken by Aryan.

Bhabhi you were in kitchen. Oh we thought you guys are still sleeping

Naira: its my pehli rasooi.. Am excited to cook food for you guys.. And karthik.. Are you okay.. Why are you looking at me like that.. Do i look like a ghost in white 🥺

Karthik come near to her

You look like an Angel.. 🪄

His sudden announcement before all made her surprised and at the same time, she is blushing hard

Akhilesh : Don't make it hard for old men's like me and my bhai.. We can't be this sweet lover boys anymore 😁

But i can't stop admiring what i got.. You guys wont understand this feel.. This feel of getting that person who is your dream for ages💕 she is

Hayee🥺✨️ no words.. I conquered the world by marrying her...

Other's are lost in this sweet majnu who knew how to cherish what he got.

Naira: Are you okay.. Looks like you are not😂 ohh good

Karthik : Am not.. Early Morning empty bedside made me feel that you are not yet mine.. So i wished you good morning like usual and came down.. And then.. Then i saw you here as my wife, tell how will i feel.. Like a dream naa

Daadi: Here is no restrictions for romance. So carry on.. 😂

Karthik grabbed her into his embrace..

Daadi gave the permission, we should not miss it 😁

Naira: you are really mad🙄.. We can continue this later.. Whole fam is here.. Kids are here.. Luv kush watching us.. Stop being a majnu..

Karthik : luv kush.. Find a girl who is worthy to keep loving.. What's her status, or her complexion, doesn't make it your measuring tool for love.. Love is love there is no definition no parameter.. It's just a formless magic feelings one can experience..

Aryan: you didn't give this nice piece of advice to me ever.. Why.. Why you didn't do that..

Karthik : because Vedu is more than what you deserve ✌🏻

Naira loosen the grip and about to go..

But karthik stopped her

Remember you got me.. Hereafter feel free to do whatever you want 💫

Naira cant resist her anymore

She just hugged him tight..

Daadi: come its time for pooja.. Kaira, its your first pooja.. Let's make it memorable one🤞🏻

Kaira together did the pooja. Everyone along with keesh joined them in this happy moment of their kids.

Daadi: Thank you.. Naira you gave us back our happy kittu and along with you, you bring ton of happiness.. That's all we need too.. Thank you once again

Naira: its my duty daadi.. To make you happy.. And i will never let this happiness go.. And i want to tell you something.. Soon.. Am going to resume my work.. I knew hereafter nothing is same..

Daadi : Who said so.. If nothing same for you then nothing is same with karthik too.. Baccha feel free to be your characters.. Whatever we do ppl will judge us. So stop being worried about it💞

Karthik : haa.. Naira am not afraid of seeing your name in gossip columns with someone else.. All i care about you is your happiness and well being.. I loved you as a one side lover for ages, i knew how to respect you and your choices.. I wont ever let you struggle between my insecurities

Aryan: bhabhi.. Someone is here to meet you..

Naira: can i use the lawn..

Manish : we arranged a mini office for you in lawn for your script discussion. I told you naa.. You are my kid and protecting your wishes is my duty ✌🏻

She lefts to lawn after giving a side hug to her coolest sasur ji..

In Kaira Room

Daadi come inside and sit near karthik. He put his head in her shoulder.. She put her chin on his forehead

Karthik : thank you daadi♥️ For keeping my love a secret.. That time you saved our friendship.. And Now thanks for supporting me when we went public.. You were there always.. Sorry to misunderstood you once.. I think you and papa hated my profession so i kept myself away from you.. But still i came near you whenever am in a mess

Daadi : feel free to come kittu. And you are the one i should help and protect.. You are my precious kittu.. You hold my heart 💕 daadi don't knew how much i love you. Now naira too.. She too hold a special place in my heart.. Where is she

Karthik : having a meeting with someone.. She will come soon✌🏻..

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