Chapter 1: Insanity or Prophecy? (written)

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    Aisha was on her way to the city. She didn't feel very safe there, but with all of her appearance changes, she was confident that they wouldn't recognize her.

    After all, it had been years. 

    After running for so long, Aisha and Hannah decided to build their own house. Off of any maps and away from civilization. Hannah could get a job in the city, but Aisha couldn't. She was too cautious. It wasn't much, but Hannah at least had a stable amount of money coming in while Aisha worked at the small farm they started to grow their own food.

    They didn't own a car, so Aisha had to walk all the way into town. She didn't mind. She had gotten used to it anyways. It was at most an hour walk, and she had just gotten to the outskirts. She had to get some new clothes for Hannah's birthday, plus some food. As she was walking toward the store, she heard yelling across the street.

    At first, she ignored it, but then she heard what was being said.

    "Get away from my store, crazy!" a male voice shouted.

    "No! I have to tell people! We are in danger! My dreams are never wrong! You have to listen to me! Ow!  Let go of me you useless waste of DNA!" A girl's voice yelled back. Aisha turned around. People where just walking past as some guy dragged a young woman away from his store. 

    She had dark brown hair and bangs, was wearing black shorts and boots, and had a tan shirt. Her face had strange circle markings under her eyes, like makeup or something. Her eyes were a striking red, almost creepy.

    Aisha quickly walked across the street. 

    "HEY!" she called out. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" She kicked the store owner in the shin and placed herself in between him and the girl. Aisha's light brown hair fell over one of her eyes, and she brushed it out of the way.

    The store owner started shouting at her. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" He bellowed, getting in her face. Aisha fumed.

    "Someone who doesn't support abuse!" She said back, trying not to raise her voice. She didn't need too much attention. Behind her the girl laughed. Why is she laughing? Aisha thought, but she brushed it off.

    The owner growled and stepped toward them, as if to attack them. Aisha didn't think. She knew what it looked like when someone was about to blow a fuse. She punched the guy in the face. He stumbled backwards and almost fell over, holding his hands over his nose.

    "THATS WHAT YOU GET!" Aisha yelled and flipped him off as she turned and ran in the opposite direction, all thoughts of the store gone from her mind. There was a crowd gathering around the guy. She had to leave. The girl took the lead, grabbing Aisha's arm and leading her down a bunch of streets towards a wall of apartments.

    "I'm Alice!"


ah yes, the first time Aisha meets another one of my egos, its because she punched someone in the face.


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