Chilling After Class

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"hello earth to (y/n) Billie says chimed in nudging you hard with her elbow "ow Bills that really you hurt!" you exclaimed rubbing the pain away from you arm

"don't be such a crybaby it didn't hurt that much" Billie protested jokingly you just rolled your her at in response "anyways what are we doing outside? you questioned confused "you said (y/n) that you were gonna help me and Billie read through our English assignment for Miss Paulson's class before we have go back to class next week" Emma answered sternly Billie does but nothing but looks her eyes and nods her head in disappointment while putting both of her hands in a pray's sign

"Oh i'am sorry you guys I forgot,what was the assignment about again?" you said cluelessly thinking "it's about Sonnet 54 dummy" Billie scoffed annoyed "oh yeah I forgot" you muttered embarrassed under your breath  "what is up with you today (y/n) are feeling ok?" Emma asked concerned putting her hand softly on your shoulder to soothe you "yeah Emma i'am find do you ask?" you replied happily "it just that you seemed a little distracted this morning since we all leaved class this morning"

"Maybe it's because of Cody" Billie playfully joked in a bad attempt to do a Aussie an accent

*Why how does Billie know I never told her anything*

you and Emma chuckled loudly in response "was my Australian accent that bad?" Billie laughs softly while rising her hands up  in the air, you down at your watch grasp in horror quickly getting up from the branch "omg guys biology is starting in 10 minutes we gonna go now" Billie follows your lead "but (y/n) what about our assignment?" Emma asked pessimistic throwing a mimi temper tantrum "we don't have time Emma let's go" Billie protests in a rage

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