English Class

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You, Cody, Emma and Billie make it to class on time "good morning class" Miss Paulson declared sternly sitting upon her desk taken notes of all the students in her class while watching over them all taking their seats and chatting one with another Emma quickly passes Evan whose sitting next to Taissa she waves at her but ignores him before taking a seat next to you and Billie on the top roll "so you're giving me the silent treatment now" Evan exclaimed sarcastically Cody sits next to Darren and Finn giving both high fives as he takes his seat

"Welcome to my English class and my name is Miss Paulson and I will be teaching you all about the wonderful works of William Shakespeare, do any of you know who Shakespeare?" She says confidently standing up for her desk silent fills the room Cody puts on his glasses so can see properly slowly reaching his hand up to answer Miss Paulson's question "yes you" she said pointing straight at him "he's was a famous English playwright, poet and actor in the early 16th and 17th century" he answered confidently

*Wow Cody looks extra cute with glasses on he should wear them more often*

"Yes very good Shakespeare was well known all for those, but mostly known for his play in-practically now anyone name me any of those plays Shakespeare has written?" Miss Paulson exclaimed

"Romeo and Juliet" you say excitedly

"Henry v" Taissa says unbothered

"Hamlet" Darren says happily

"Othello" Finn says cheerfully

"King Lear" Emma says sorrow

"A Twelfth Night" Billie says rolling her eyes in boredom

"The one with donkey's ass" Evan scoffed jokingly causing the other students laughed apart from Miss Paulson who looks over at him unamused "you meant a Midsummer Night Dream" she corrected him "yeah whatever it's called that play it's really no big deal you know" he said angrily "Well is it a big deal Mr Peters if you wanna pass my class, if you continue to keep up this attitude you'll be staying behind after class at the end of the day helping me with marking the class's work are we clear Mr Peters?" She said sternly

"Crystal" Evan exclaimed annoyed Miss Paulson continues to rant on about Shakespeare you begin to daydream off into your thoughts and find yourself locking eyes with Cody from a distance as he was sitting on the bottom roll smiling at you and gives you a sexy wink before turning his head back to the front to face Miss Paulson again

*Did Cody Just wink at me?, I think he likes me or maybe I'm thinking too far ahead or does he like actually like tho no it's too early to tell I only just met him this early morning*

"Hey (y/n) are you ok? Billie asks lightly nudging you on the shoulder

"Yeah I'm good thanks" you reply softly trying to get back into listening mode again but you mind slowly differed back to Cody again

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