Guy Talk

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TW: this some of this chapter will be about Cody having insecurities, anxiety and depression

AW: Mild Swearing

Cody's P.O.V

2 hours later

*I sat in my dorm room later in the evening that I shared with Darren and Finn, longing on my bed while my mind was wondering about (y/n) and nothing as Darren and Finn we're fighting over the PS4 to play resident evil 2 on the HD surround sound television sitting beanie bags on the floor*

"Hey Cody what's up?" Darren asked concerned throwing the PS4 controller over Finn's head slumping next to me onto my bed  "OW DARREN YOU PRICK THAT HURT DUDE!" he yelled angrily rubbing his head "AND GUESS FINNY BOY NOBODY CARES!", So what's wrong big C?", It's nothing Darren I'm fine" I said calmly knowing deep down I wasn't really, "let me guess over be half of Darren is it the college life?" Finn asked playfully sitting beside on my bed

"I do miss home back but isn't that you guys just won't understand" I said defiantly in a calm manner "what is it Cody?" Darren chimed in "yeah cause you're scaring us now Cody, you're our boy we're worried you about?" Finn adds

*I should tell Darren and Finn the truth?"

I take a deep breath and sigh

*Ok here goes nothing*

"I really like (y/n)" I exclaimed shyly from the tip of my tongue

"That's what it was big c" Darren exhaled raised his eyes-brows clearly surprise from my confession "it's nothing to be embarrassed about c, you never know meant she like you too in the same way" Finn said "Woah wait a minute Finny (y/n) did say early at lunch that she liked a guy" Darren happily adds "so you're thinking the guy she likes is me obviously, I don't think so you guys why would any girl wanna date me for anyway? I ranted in anger , "a nerdy shy Aussie dude with low-self esteem who wears stupid glasses so he can see right and has absolutely no confidence in getting girls at all"

Tears slowly begin to fall from my eyes as Darren and Finn both pull me in a for hug "Cody stop beating yourself up man" Finn said to sooth wiping my tears away from both my cheeks,"Finny's right dude you're one of the coolest guys I know, apart from Finn of course" Darren adds over the moon making me chuckle nothing but happy tears from my eyes "now why I get you why said at lunch you didn't time to have a girlfriend to Emma,Billie and (y/n) it's because you're just shy really bro, she won't know that you like  her if you don't tell her Cody"

I nodded in response and sighed while putting my hands onto my cheeks
Finn quickly puts out his iPhone from his pocket, he unlocks it to go his gallery and shows me and Darren a picture from our high school prom (which is the picture above)"do you remember that night you guys?" he asked excitedly "yeah how could I not Darren got so wasted at the after party at your parent's house" I laughed trying so hard to hold it in "so did you big c, you ended up puking on my Gucci tux that night" "oh yeah and you both dared me to jump in my parents swimming pool in the backyard naked for 20 bucks" Finn exclaimed giggling like a little naughty school girl

*At that moment me, Darren and Finn were all having a good time laughing without a care in the world *

Darren quickly takes out his iPhone from bottom pocket to reserve a text from Evan

"OMG!" He yells excitedly jumping from my bed "Darren what's up? I asked concerned "Evan's throwing a secret freshers party at his frat house in the basement , guys we have to go this it's gonna be epic" "oh I don't know Darren" I said under-sure with the idea "come on Cody it's gonna be fun, it's about you let your hair for a change dude and party with us, beside you never know who could be here and if you really like her like you say you do Cody come with me and Darren to the party and see what the night brings you" Finn declared excitedly cheering

*Finn was right this may be my only change to tell (y/n) how I feel and I know, I'll know regret it if I don't tell her the truth in end, and I wanna also myself and relax a little bit for once in my life without worrying, it what my family and friends would say back home in Southern Cross I'm young and I'm only gonna live once and why should I waste on self-pity*

"I'm in you guys when's the party started" I said confidently high fiveing Darren and Finn

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