[33] Now we match

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Lance lifted the sheets from Shiro's leg, grimacing at the sight. It was still twisted and mauled, despite the best efforts of both he and Kelaan, the skin was yellowing, the blood vessels appearing darker and bolder on skin that stretched taught over misplaced bones. 

Kelaan was right, it would have to go. 

And soon.

Lance sighed, collapsing into a chair beside Shiro's bed and pressing his palms into his eyes, only relieving the pressure when galaxies began to spread across his vision. 

Lance looked over to Nyma, who lay fast asleep across Rolo's torso. She hadn't left his side in days. And for once she was not joined by Lotty.

He wasn't sure how he felt about the understanding that had formed between the two girls. But if they found comfort in each other, who was he to ruin it?

Besides, he had ruined enough today. He doubted the relationship between he and Muxis would ever be the same. 

Because Lance would never be able to forgive him entirely for his words. He couldn't. 

Lance reached over to adjust Nyma's head, the way it was positioned doing nothing for her ever present sore neck. Rolo grunted and Lance held his breath. 

Rolo's eyelids flickered, but then he stilled once more. Lance allowed himself a small smile, before turning back to Shiro and moving the blanket aside to get a proper look at what they would be dealing with.

"I see we have both come to the same conclusion, Paladin Lance." Kelaan sighed, causing Lance to swivel at an alarming rate to face her.

"Jeez Kelaan, make a noise or something." Lance groaned, running a hand across the star on the side of his head.

"My apologies. I did not realise that you were deep in thought."

Lance sighed, gently turning Shiro's leg so that he could see the underside. "It's fine," he said. "As long as I get a little warning next time."

"Of course."

Lance nodded his agreement.

"I just wish Shiro could've woken in time to ask his permission, he's already lost so much." Lance said lowly, bowing his head.

"I have already spoken to Olina about the situation, and once she has recovered she will begin work on a replacement prosthetics."

Lance nodded slowly, moving to grab the medic garb he had grown to know all too well. He tugged a mask down over his head, letting it sit around his neck. "I'll move him into theatre for you," he said, only for Kelaan to blink owlishly.

"Paladin Lance, you are going to be there to assist."

Lance was getting real sick of walking out of theatre with blood in his hair, although Roy had picked a good style.

At least now it would be easy to wash out. 

"Hey Kid, heard you decked Muxis. What's up with that?"

"Hey, Matt." Lance greeted, rolling his eyes. Matt chuckled, matching pace with Lance.

"So what poor sop did you have to operate on this time?" Matt asked, noting the red streaks through Lance's hair. He sighed. Maybe he should look into wearing a helmet to stop that from happening. Or maybe ask Roy if there was something more discreet.

It hit Lance rather suddenly that Matt didnt even know that Shiro was here.

"I mean, does it matter? I want to hear what Mux did to deserve you of all people to hit him."

Lance sucked in a breath between his teeth, debating over how much he should tell Matt. 

"Um, well there was a distress beacon so of course I went to help but I was in Blue and there's now reports floating around of a sighting of me? I don't regret it because if I didn't respond Shiro wouldn't be alive right now but then Muxis got mad at me for being reckless and said that Paladins are replaceable and I guess I just attacked him..." Lance trailed off awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I'd deck him in the face too," Matt laughed, shaking his head. 

He froze on the spot, before whirling around and sprinting back down the hallway to the medbay.

"Dude!" Lance yelped, grabbing onto his arm. "You can't just burst in, there's patients!"

Matt slowed his pace, flushing a little. "Yeah... sorry... but you did say Shiro, right?"

"Um, yeah," They were outside the doors once more, so Lance turned to look Matt dead in the eyes. "Be warned though, he looks a lot different to when you last saw him, and not in a good way."

"Whatever, no big deal, this is Shiro we're talking about."

Lance's shoulders slumped, but he led the way to Shiro's bed.

"On second thoughts, you weren't kidding," Matt said, eyes raking over the scar running across Shiro's nose. "

Lance peeked under the covers, discreetly checking the dressing on Shiro's leg. Apparently, he wasn't discrete enough. 

"What are you looking at?"

Matt pulled the sheet back, face paling as he took in what was left of Shiro's right side. He was silent for a minute, sinking into the chair beside the bed. He opened his mouth to say something, shook his head, and closed it again.

"Did you... have to take them both?"

"The Galra took his arm and replaced it with one capable of turning into a weapon." Lance said quietly.

"And his leg?"

"We- we couldn't save it." He placed a hand on Matt's shoulder, hoping it was some form of comfort.

"We're not sure how he'll react when he wakes up." Lance admitted, drawing back so he could readjust the sheets. "Losing his arm must have been traumatising, and now it's gone for a second time, so-" he sighed, letting the end of his sentence trail off in the air.

Matt nodded, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms.

"You're reacting to all this way better than I thought you would." Lance noted. "I kind of expected more anger and noise, maybe a few tears or heartfelt hugs. The whole shebang, y'know?"

A smile tugged at Matt's lips, and he looked up to Lance. "Come on kid, have more faith in me. I'm a tough guy. And besides-" he shrugged, lifting his own leg and letting it rest against the edge of Shiro's bed. His smile grew a little, though there was a tweak of sadness in his eyes.

"Now we match."

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