[43] I thought they'd need you back on base

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Lance stretched his legs out, relishing in the feeling of flying once again. He was going to enjoy this mission as much as humanly possible, simply because he didn't know when he would get another chance. He was still grounded, after all.

But Skisch, Skisch and Skisch has come from a water planet, and no other ship in the resistance was built for water travel. The Blue Lion was.

According to Matt in any case. Something about being able to withstand tonnes of pressure and being completely sealed, along with a...

Lance had stopped listening at that point, distracted by his jacket's zip breaking. But he had gotten the gist of it. The Blue Lion could go underwater.

Cons: Lance was the only one who could fly Blue

Pros: Lance was the only one who could fly Blue.

Olia had decided that having so many children on board was dangerous, and made it their priority to return them all home as soon as possible.

Pros: that included Lance's help, grounding be damned.

Cons: Olia had also decided that Lance needed an escort, simply so he didn't go 'off mission'. Which led to his current situation.

"I thought they'd need you back on base," Lance said, and Olly shrugged.

"Not really. I've hit a wall with Shiro's arm - see, they're a lot more complicated than legs, with fingers and all, and he didn't come with a reference. The Captain thought this might be a good way to clear my mind, think things out."

"That's... not actually why she's here," Roy said. "Olly's on this trip because I am. She's just the—"

"Buy one, get one free." Lance completed, and Roy smirked.

"Exactly." She whacked Olly's hand away from where it was creeping up on Blue's controls, smirk turning quickly into a frown. "Don't touch anything, you don't know what it could do."

"Well, duh!" Olly retorted, leaning against the wall and poking her tongue out. "That's why I'm touching them, to find out!"

"Roy's right, Olly," Lance grinned. "My girl's over ten thousand years old, I'm not even sure of all her abilities yet."

"Then why do they let you pilot her? Also, is it a human thing to assign gender to your ships?"

"No- I mean, yes, but Blue told me that herself. She speaks to me sometimes. And they don't let me pilot her, she chose me herself." Lance failed to hide his smugness, and Olly gasped in obvious interest.

"So there's an AI interface?"

Lance chuckled. "I guess she's an AI? I'm not sure, she was created by the Alteans, before the Galran Empire."

"Can we speak to Blue?" Skisch number one asked, popping up from behind Lance's seat. Her eyes were bright as she watched Blue's lights with wonder.

"Sorry, but no," Lance said, placing a gentle hand on her head. "She doesn't really speak out loud - more like feeds ideas into my brain. It's special, but nobody else can hear."

"So like a secret?" Her eyes were still wide, staring up at Lance and hanging on to his every word.

"Yeah," he replied. "Just like a secret."

A beep sounded through the cockpit, and Roy glanced down at her wrist, pressing a button. A holo-map appeared before her, several pieces flicking off as it zoomed in, circling around one particular planet. "Star chart says we're almost there," Roy said. "Should be the one right ahead."

"Looks like it." Lance said, shifting Blue's nose so she was in line with the blue planet in front of them. It was mostly frozen, something Lance could tell even from this far away.

"Skisch, do you want to head on back and tell the others to strap on in? Entering atmosphere is always really bumpy, so I don't want you to get hurt."

She nodded eagerly, running off. A light pulsed on Blue's controls, and Lance brought up the screen connected to it.

"Okay, so there's not really any clear shot into the water down there," he said, skimming over the details onscreen. "We're gonna have to break through some ice, but Blue's tough enough that she won't take damage. She's also detected where it's thinnest, so I guess we're aiming for there."

Behind him, Lance heard a huff. He rolled his eyes. If Nyma had something to say - which she hadn't, for the entire trip so far - then she could come up to Lance and actually say it.

"And down we go!" Lance whooped, putting Blue into a nose dive. Olly cheered, raising her arms above her head as if she were on a roller coaster. Roy grit her teeth, hand gripping the seat behind Lance's head.

Lance's grin widened, and he threw in a couple loops before levelling back into his planned route once more, the loud cheers of the Skisch sounding from behind him.

Roy whacked Lance upside the head. "Stick to the path next time." She grumbled.

Olly just giggled, cheeks flushed. "That was great!"

Despite the already fading pain in the back of Lance's head, he found himself still smiling. "That felt great!" He replied, making sure he was definitely on the correct route, giving way for adjustments. Roy shook her head, peering down at one of Blue's screens.

"Hitting atmosphere in three." She said "Two. One."

Blue rumbled as she hit, smooth under Lance's guidance. He kept the speed up so they could break through the ice ahead.

"Brace for impact." He said, turning back so he could check if everyone was doing so.

Nyma, unsurprisingly, hadn't moved since the start of the mission, arms folded as she glared at the floor so intensely it might've melted made out of any different metal. If Lance was being honest, he was a little bit worried about her. He shook his head, deciding to instead adopt his new apparent catchphrase.

None of his damn business.

Blue rumbled as they smashed through the ice, immediately submerging in the waters underneath. It sounded to Lance like a purr, and he sat still, letting her drift a little in the currents.

Something made him feel like she belonged in the water.

"Alright everyone," Lance said, rolling his seat back and turning around so he could see them all. "Helmets on, we're gonna head out."

Nyma didn't move.

Roy slipped her rebreather over her nose and mouth, before helping Olly with her helmet as she was too busy helping Skisch number two with his. As soon as she was done, Skisch turned to the first Skisch, helping her. The third Skisch just smiled, pointing to some gills in their neck.

"Nyma?" Lance said, frowning as Nyma stood, clipping her pistol and emergency back to the belt around her waist. She didn't reply, instead heading towards Blue's jaw.

None of his damn business, as usual.

"Everyone out!" Olly chirped, herding the Skisch out behind Nyma. Roy smiled faintly, following.

"Aw, you softy." Lance whispered, helmet phasing into full visor form. He was actually pretty happy to be back in Paladin armour, deciding that since this wasn't a true mission, it'd be appropriate to wear.

"Heard that." Roy said over her shoulder. Lance simply chuckled.

As soon as the door sealed behind them, Blue opened her mouth to the watery expanse beyond. Olly shot out immediately, two of the Skisch following close by.

"Your excitement is rubbing off on her," Roy said to Lance, nudging Skisch number three forwards. "I'd reign it in just a little, so she doesn't do anything impulsive."

"Why do that when Nyma's already counteracting?" Lance said, watching as the woman swam a few metres ahead. She apparently could breathe underwater, which explained her actions earlier. "Did you know she could do that?"

"Do what?" Roy watched Nyma for a second, as she paused to let the rest of the group catch up. "Oh, nah, that's a new one."

Lance hummed, taking to watching the three Skisch.

He'd learnt from the oldest Skisch on the way there that the youngest Skisch was from a species that was considered nobility. Over centuries of life, their two species had developed something close to a symbiotic relationship. In return for food from the nobility, the other species helped to keep their home planet clean, and everyone safe.

The second Skisch lived closer to the surface, more amphibious than the other two by nature.

It was all very fascinating, and Lance was kind of sad he wouldn't get to spend more time with them and learn everything about them. It was his duty to get the three kids home, but that was it. He understood their haste.

If only he could go home.

Lance brushed that thought aside. No time to dwell on such insignificant feelings. He was startled out of his thoughts by a high pitched giggle. He turned quickly, but only caught a flash of colour. The giggle sounded again, this time from in front.

Nyma had stopped again, hand hovering over her pistol.

Another flash of colour in the corner of Lance's eye. They had all stopped moving now, forming a loose circle.

"Hello?" Lance called, scanning the waters around them. Only a giggle replied.

"Are you here to help us?" Olly asked, scooping up the youngest Skisch - who still struggled a little to swim - and placing them on Roy's back, effectively stopping Roy from rising up in the water. That part, Lance couldn't explain. Roy was apparently more buoyant than she looked, even with a hunk of metal attached to her leg at all times.

"We're looking for our families." Skisch number one said.

"Do you know where they are?" Skisch number two added.

Two figures swam out of the darkness, revealing themselves to be tailed beings, eyes alight with mirth.

"You're mermaids," Lance found himself blurting out. One of them laughed, voice musical. The other simply observed their group, attention darting from one person to the next. Her gaze lingered on the Skisch on Roy's back, before her expression lightened.

"Follow us," She said, waving as she led them on, her friend at her side.

Olly took the lead, the group having to move quickly to keep up. Lance paused, looking behind him.

"Nyma, are you coming?" He asked, frowning.

Her expression was stormy, concerned. "There's something..." she paused, shaking her head. "Nothing. I just have a bad feeling."

Nyma moved to catch up, cutting through the water with ease.

They swam in silence for a bit, before a glistening underwater city appeared before them, seemingly out of nowhere.

Though that was probably because one of the mermaids had moved a piece of kelp from their view. Lance personally preferred his first assumption.

The city was huge, the farthest reaches being blurred by the water currents, or fading into the darkness. It was lit up bright, including a massive castle, rising up in the water.

Everyone was silence, taking in the view before then in awe. To put it simply: it was beautiful.

Lance couldn't compare anything her had seen on his journeys to this. He had never seen anything like it. (And that was saying something, seeing as the whole reason he had seen most things was because of a messed up wormhole.)

"Welcome, to our village."

"If this is your village, I'd be a little scared to see your cities." Roy murmured.

They swam deeper into the buildings, following the mermaid guides. Lance tried not to feel self conscious under the gazes of everybody they passed.

"Where are we going?"

One of the mermaids simply smiled back at Lance. "You will see." She answered.

They arrived at the largest building, the walls towering above every other structure. It seemed to glow faintly, a feat that only seemed to make the place more majestic.

"The castle?"

The doors opened, and they entered, marvelling at the interior, which was just as beautiful as the outside.

"Queen Luxia is already aware of your arrival."

The mermaids left, and Nyma immediately grabbed Lance's arm.

"We have to leave." She said urgently, eyes already searching for the exit.

"Nyma, what are you—"

"We have to go." She said, and Lance could see something close to fear in her eyes. "Lance, we have to go. Now!"

Olly instinctively reached out to grasp Roy's hand.

"Calm down." Roy said, voice level. "What's wrong?"

"This isn't Paciatl, we have to go!" She spun around, frantic. "Please!"

But it was too late. The doors opened, and a mermaid who Lance could only assume was the Queen floated in front of them, a warm smile on her lips.

"Nyma my daughter, you have returned."

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