The World Is Beautiul

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I couldn't stop smiling. We were running towards the tree, where we first met. She was holding my hand, pulling me towards it.

"Jake, don't you feel we're going to meet once more?" She said as she sat down, panting.

"Yeah, we'll meet again," I said, smiling. She leaned forward and whispered softly, "Let's start this all over again when we'll meet, okay?"

"We will, I promise." I gave a peck on her cheek. She smiled. She surely had the most amazing smile...


I opened my eyes slowly. I can't believe it's morning so soon. That seemed like yesterday that I had seen the amazing smile. It was so familiar....

I looked at the clock. It was time to get dressed. Suddenly something struck my head, it was Emma's birthday today.

I dressed up quickly and walked downstairs. I didn't take my breakfast, for I had to plan a surprise for her. I mean, who wouldn't want to surprise their dream girl, right?

"Hey, Jake wait for me!" Someone shouted. It was, of course, Garry. "I can't believe it's been one week now...."

I frowned. "One week since what?" I asked, confused. He gave me his sly smile and said, "Since you and Grace went on a date, obviously!"

"Dude, you were counting the days? You're weird bro!"

"Hehe, I know, right?! Anyways, do you really like her?"

"Oh man, I told ya before it's just a fake relationship. I hate Grace, you know it! I love...." I blushed at the thought of Emma.

"Yeah yeah, you like Emma. But you kissed Grace already, so she's practically your girlfriend."

"IT WAS JUST AN ACCIDENT! I hate that evil genius!"

He shrugged and wandered off, smiling. I sighed and walked slowly. What could be the best gift for Emma?

Suddenly something hit me on the head. I turned around to find.... nobody? I looked down to see a small stone lying down. I shrugged and walked away. But soon, another stone hit me, and it was bigger than the last one.

"Who the heck is throwing these?!" I burst out, annoyed. When no one came out, I thought it was some kind of joke playing on me and ran away. It was probably Grace, 'cause she's the only prankster I know.


I took a deep breath and entered the classroom. I looked at Emma. She was looking more beautiful than ever, with people crowding her. She waved at me. I blushed and waved back. Why it couldn't have been Emma instead of that evil genius, Grace, as my girlfriend?! I swear, I didn't have to pretend then!

"Alright students, pay attention here, there's going to be another new student this year. She'll be here next week and I hope you are going to welcome her warmly." The teacher stated. "And I hope you all have your dates ready for the dance. The month's ending soon!"

Oh man, I totally forgot about this crap! I have only one chance of asking Emma about the dance. How about.... I make it a date today?!


Skipping to after school...

"Emma, wait up!" I called out to her. She turned at me, smiling as usual. "Emma... I was wondering if you would, I mean could... I mean, want to...then maybe we could hang out....a little?"

She blushed. "S-sure, I guess I am free today..." She said.

I couldn't believe it, Emma actually said yes! Oh man, I so want to kiss her! Just a few steps, then we could truly be together!

"But would Grace like that?" She asked. Her smile turned to disappointment...and so did mine. I hate that my life has that evil genius as a girlfriend and not my real love, Emma. All that old man's fault, hate to be a spy's son! Now I can't kiss her or be together. The whole world knows whom I falsely love, but not my real love. I'm gonna kill that old man!

"Y-yeah, she'll be okay with it. So, a-are you saying yes?" I stammered.

She smiled and nodded. "Sure!"


I ran across the hall to dad's room. It was high time to tell him about Emma. I slammed in the room, "Dad, there's something you should know about my love!"

But there was.... "Dare?" I mumbled.

"Oh son, look who's here. It's your girlfriend's dad, Dare. Now, he's here with a chit chat for you. Dare?" Dad turned to Dare.

Dare glared at me with a suspicious look. "No no, let your son speak first. Now what was that you were telling, son?"

I gulped. A sweat streamed down my back. "N-nothing. I was j-just saying how much I l-love that evil.... I mean, how much I love G-grace. It was a great time with her that day..." I stammered.

"Hmm, right. So I was, as you feel the same way, was thinking about letting you go on another date. How 'bout that?" He said, a bold smile appeared on his lips.

"S-sure! So can I go now?"

Both the men looked at me, confused. "I meant today. She's home, sick. I want you to make her feel better." Dare had worry in his eyes. "Please".

I know how he must be feeling. After losing a wife and a strange first sister, about whom Grace told that day, he must be terrified of losing her second daughter too.

I nodded and walked out. I sighed at the thought of not being able to present Emma her wonderful gift. I looked at my watch. Only a few minutes for us to be together, and that evil genius interrupted into our lives. How can a girl like her be sick, that evil witch!


I rang the doorbell. A maid opened the door. "Can I meet evil... I mean, Grace?" I asked. It has become a habit of calling her 'Evil'. Her fault, obviously.

"She's upstairs. But if she's hurt, then I swear it'll be a war between us." She pointed upstairs. I nodded nervously and ran to her room.

"Hey, evil queen, open the door," I said as I knocked the door. "Are you going to open or not?" 

There was no answer. I peeped inside, "Alright, am coming in!" I came in, and got melted by the fragrance of sweet strawberries. I walked up to the bed to find Grace sleeping peacefully. I blushed and smiled. She looked so cute while sleeping, but only when sleeping. Suddenly my eye caught something. I leaned over to check if it was real....

Could it be possible?

She opened her eyes slowly. And it got wide as she saw me standing so close. She pushed me hard, "GET AWAY FROM ME, STUPID!" 

"Hey, that hurts!" I cried. "I-is that...a pendant?" I pointed at the key-shaped locket on her neck. She looked down at it and blushed. "Y-yeah, but why do you care?! Why're you here anyway, to kiss me, stupid-girl-kisser?" she yelled. She coughed. Her face turned red; she had fever in her body. 

"Your dad wanted to take you out, but I guess you won't be able to," I said, handing her a glass of water. 

"I...I am fine. And if he says so, then let's go. But...don't come any nearer to me, no matter what happens, stupid-girl-kisser," she looked down at the floor. "NOW GET OUT!"

I ran downstairs. My phone began ringing. I picked it up, "Hello?"

"J-Jake, it's me, Emma. Where are you? I-I am waiting for you at the park..." the other voice said. I sighed. "It might take a little longer...I-I'm busy right now, just don't go. It'll take only a few minutes....I hope."


I hung up. "Who was it?" someone asked from behind. It was the evil queen, Grace. She was red and sweaty. I could tell she was sick just by looking at her. "Nobody, let's go," I said and walked ahead. She followed, coughing. 

"Let's go to the hillside park," she said, panting. "I-I hope we'll....get a nice view."

"Park? Can't we go to..."

"Shut up and let's go!" she cried. But her voice had no strength in it. Maybe going there will make her feel better.

"ALRIGHT!" I wailed.


We walked to the cliff. I leaned on the fence. The cool breeze relaxed me. I turned around to find Grace coughing hard. "I think you should go home," I said.

"Wh-why are you upset?" She asked.

"I-I'm not upset..." I said as I looked down at the city from the cliff. It was pretty amazing. I could see my house, cars, school and.... "Emma," I mumbled. 

Grace grabbed my hand. "Go to her. I'm sure she's waiting for you..." she said. I looked at her with wide eyes. Did the sick evil queen allowed me to go? 

"Really?" I asked. She nodded, "Go before I kick you!" 

I smiled and ran away. It was the first time she had done something 'nice' for me....but why? I paused for a moment. Why would she do that for? 


"Emma!" I called out to her. She waved at me. Wow, did she look more gorgeous!

"Jake, you're here! I thought you'd never come..." 

"Why'd you think that?"

"N-nothing. Let's go."

We roamed around the park. We had lunch in a restaurant nearby and walked to an unknown place. "Where are we?" she asked.

"I don't know myself!" I replied scratching my head. She smiled and walked to a tree. I followed her. It was getting dark now. "It's almost 6! Are you sure you wanna stay here for a minute longer?" I asked, looking at her eyes. 

She nodded. "Isn't the world beautiful?" she asked. I could see the first stars reflecting in her eyes. This was it. The time to make her birthday more elegant. I have only one chance and this is it. I walked closer to her, blushing. 

She looked at me and smiled. She surely had the most amazing smile.....It was exactly childhood love?

"Let's start this all over again when we'll meet, okay?"  

I knelt down to ask her about being my dance partner. But...

"That day..." Emma started, still looking up at the stars. "I saw you and Grace together walking side by side to a hill. And I followed you there. When she hugged you..."

I gulped. "When she hugged you, it looked like you were the stars. Both of you. So close, so beautiful...I hope you'll never break her heart." She looked at me. 

I stood up and sighed. My one and only chance just got expired. I can't explain how hurt I was. A tear filled my eyes. Emma cared for us, for Grace and me. She never wanted this, she to be seen. Our fake love.


I waved at her as she disappeared into her house. I looked at my watch, it was 7 pm. I sighed and looked up. The stars looked as if they were smiling at me. Or maybe laughing. I couldn't tell which one exactly.

I walked to my home. I was about to open the door when my phone rang. "Hello?" 

"Jake, it's me, Dare. My daughter....where is she?" the other voice said. I dropped my phone. I left Grace on the cliff. I LEFT HER! 

I clenched my fists and ran towards the hillside. I cannot break Emma's promise. I cannot break her heart! I ran with all my might. I didn't love that evil queen, but I sure loved Emma. And I can't break her promise....I won't!

I reached the gates to the hillside. "Hey, stop! It's night now, you are not allowed to go inside." The security restricted me from going in.

"Please. My..." I paused. Grace isn't my anything. Yet why it feels so right to call her..."Girlfriend's there." He starred at me with disbelieving look for a moment and then let me in. I ran to the cliff and found Grace lying on the bench. 

"Grace? Grace?!" I called out. A tear poured on her cheeks. "J-Jake..." she murmured.

She was hotter than the sun. She needed medicals, right this moment. "Do you know any doctor nearby?" I asked the security. 

"I...Yes. He lives there," the security pointed to a bungalow close by. I lifted her up and ran towards the house. I didn't have to do that....but I did. Why? I loved Emma, not Grace....right?


"She's fine. Just some rest will make her better," the doctor said. I thanked him and left his house with Grace in my arms. She was deep asleep. Her body was still warm and her face was red. But it didn't hurt much felt like I've been doing it forever.


I dropped her on her bed. I removed the leaves and twigs from her hair. It had a beautiful strawberry aroma. I stood up and walked a step toward the door. Suddenly something warm grabbed me. It was Grace's hand...

"S-stay..." she whispered. I blushed. Her hand was soft, but warm. I drowsed beside her, my back towards her face. She grabbed me and drooled on my shirt. 

"H-hey!" I said looking at her. But she was deep asleep, beautifully. I smiled and closed my eyes...

She wasn't my love, but she sure was a mysterious evil queen....


Hey guys, like this chapter? Vote and feedback, please. Well, still don't get your minds set on having Grace as his childhood love, for more's gonna happen ahead...! 

Till then, enjoy this!!!

~ Smilingstar.

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