"Test" Results

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{Nagisa POV}

Well, that was pointless. KoroSensei only scared us once; he dressed up like some samurai ghost and told a story about how the spirits were angry with us... I have to admit, that bit wasn't really that bad. I think that Kayano was shaking a little. Oh, and this may not have been on purpose, but these cave bats flew right at us without warning... Did I mention that I hate jump scares?

No matter how well KoroSensei thinks he scared us, no couples were formed... That is, except for Bitch-Sensei and Karasuma-Sensei. I don't think that either of them realize it, though...

"Hey, Nagisa!" I turn to see Kayano, her mouth forming a chipper smile. "That was really fun! Especially the bats! It's funny to see you scared!"

"Kayano!" I complain, shoving her good-naturedly. We both start laughing. I know for sure that I didn't let my fear show... Maybe she saw it in my eyes? Karma always says that's where my emotions show the most... But why would Kayano be looking there...?

"Come on, Nagisa!" Someone calls out; I turn to see Karma, wearing his usual laid back smile. "Everyone else has already left! This is going to be our last dinner here on the island, and everyone's starving. Let's go!"

"Okay!" I call, waving to him as he sets off. I turn back to Kayano, who's staring at something in the distance. "You coming?"

"What?" Kayano jumps a little, as if she's been woken from a trance. "Yeah, yeah, coming!" Kayano jogs to catch up to me, and together we head back to the hotel. Just one more night. That's all there is until we go back to normal school life... Well, as normal as life can be in our assassination classroom.

{Kayano POV}

Waaaa! That was too close! Nagisa caught me staring off at nothing... That could've been embarrassing if he'd asked me what I was thinking of... Of course, I was thinking of him, and of his eyes, and of his bloodlust... But that's not important! What's important now is enjoying our last night at the hotel.

We just got done spying on Bitch-Sensei and Karasuma-Sensei on the little dinner "date" we set up for them, so now we're all eating our own food. I'm at a table with Nagisa, Karma, and Sugino, like normal. This is our friend group, after all. It would be weird if anything changed.

If anything changed...

Like two of the friends falling in love?

I blink, mentally slapping myself. That'll never happen, because Nagisa is a dense idiot who can't even tell I like him. It's not like my acting skills are getting in the way; Karma's noticed. Once, when Nagisa and I were walking alone in the halls, Karma passed us and gave me a note that read, "Just ask him out already! You two are driving me insane!"

I blush, forcing the memory away. For now, I'll just focus on the conversation at the table. That's sure to take my mind off of Nagisa...

"So, Sugino," Karma is saying, "Remember earlier, when we were asking around and finding out what girl each boy had a crush on?"

"Yeah, I remember," Sugino replies, glancing at Kanzaki across the room. "What about it?"

"Well, I also remember that we were interrupted by that octopus before Nagisa could reveal his crush," Karma grins mischievously, elbowing Nagisa. "So... who do you like?"

"Huh?" To my surprise, Nagisa doesn't look even the slightest bit embarrassed. "I don't like anyone. The only girl I'm really close to in this class is Kayano, after all... And we're best friends. So how could I like anyone?"

My heart sinks. Of course Nagisa doesn't have feelings for me. I knew that. But somehow, hearing him say it out loud makes it worse. I feel like I'm about to cry... But I'm an actress. I know what I have to do in this situation...

"Yeah," I agree, laughing. "That'd be REALLY weird!"

As soon as Nagisa isn't looking, Karma flashes me an angry look, like, 'why don't you just TELL him'? But I can't! If Nagisa rejects my feelings, not only would it be embarrassing, but our friendship would be ruined! Forever! No, I won't do it. It has to be my little secret... At least, until Nagisa starts liking me first. Until that day, I'll use my acting skills to play the role of "best friend".

THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING IF YOU GOT THIS FAR. This has been really fun to write... And using Kayano's acting skills here is making this really fun! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I don't know when I'll post the next chapter, but I'm hoping that it'll be soon!

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