Why Doesn't He Give Up?

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{Kayano POV}

It's been three days since Nagisa and I confessed our feelings. I'm completely ready to start dating, as many of our classmates seem to have been shipping us for a while now, but Nagisa doesn't want to... He always has a blush in his cheeks when he denies the idea... Embarrassed much?

Well, actually, I don't believe that he's embarrassed. Nagisa's not like that. Also, his eyes don't tell the same story; secrets ring through them. I wonder what's going on in his head...

Well, at least Karma can't do anything now. I got the dense idiot to confess, so everything will be alright. Karma will see that he was wrong and get his head (and his tongue, ew!) out of my love life. There's nothing to worry about anymore... Right?


I'm heading back into the daycare. I know I have to hurry or Sakura will be mad, but my head is still spinning. Kayano likes me? We kissed? That one's still hard to process. I'm floating in my own little cloud, almost inside...

"Hey, Nagisa."

The voice that rings out from behind me is a familiar one. "Karma!" I cry happily, spinning around. "You'll never guess what Kayano just did! We were alone in the garage, and she kissed me, and-"

"I know." Karma's voice is deadly soft. I blink in surprise as he raises his gaze. His golden eyes are filled with pure, burning hatred. "Oh, trust me, I know, Nagisa-kun."

A shiver runs down my spine. "W-what's with the formalities, Karma? We've known each other for three years... I thought we were long past those." Something isn't right. Nothing about Karma should make me want to run and hide, but he does. The bloodlust emitting from him now is far stronger than anything I've ever felt before.

"Nagisa-kun, I'd consider keeping your little thing with Kayano private." Karma growls, nothing like the boy I thought I knew. "I've had my eyes on her for so long, trying to get her to see me... And now this little runt who only just now got a hold of his emotions is moving in?"

"Karma..? You're... you're kidding, right?" My knees are shaking now. This is bad. Really bad. I don't know what made Karma get to this point, but in his current state, he might kill me. He's definitely strong enough.

"I WILL get Kayano to fall for me," Karma growls, his eyes a wildfire. "Until then, you'd better not go out with her, Nagisa-kun. Or I'll make you wish you were never born."

"K-Karma!" I say shakily, trying to pacify him. "We're best friends! We can't turn on each other! There are lots of stars in the sky, just pick one-"

For some reason, this seems to set him off even more. "ENOUGH!" He screams. "And cut the whole friendship crap! We can't be FRIENDS with something like this in the way! I'll see you later, Nagisa-kun. And you'd BETTER not try anything stupid!"

Karma spins and marches away into town. Watching him go, I'm too stunned to say anything except... "See you later, Karma-kun." It hurts to say his name like this, but I can't change his mind. Karma-kun is set on winning Kayano's heart, and I can't exactly LET him. No matter how long it took me to realize it, I DO love Kayano, and I'll protect her no matter what.


It's been great ever since Nagisa and I's kiss. We've laughed more often, we hang out more... The only thing that worries me is Karma. He's been shooting Nagisa dangerous looks, and they've started using formalities with their names again. I wish Karma could just accept the facts, but it doesn't look like he'll be giving up anytime soon...

"H-hey, Kayano?" I blink as Nagisa comes up to me. "I- I have something to tell you."

"What is it? Make it quick; the play's in five minutes." The crew and I are already in costume, and as the narrator/princess, I'm the first on stage. Why would Nagisa talk to me NOW, of all times? Then I realize: Karma's still changing. This is our only chance to talk without any risk of him listening in.

"The reason I keep refusing to go out with you is because Karma-kun threatened me," Nagisa admits. "His bloodlust was brimming over the top... I was honestly scared for my life, Kayano. He was mad enough and strong enough to kill me if he wanted..." He hangs his head in guilt. "But I should have stood up for myself. I should have stood up for YOU."

"Oh, Nagisa," I sigh, pulling him into an embrace. "I understand. I understand all too well. He's insane when he's mad... It's not your fault..."

"I'm scared..." I gasp in surprise as Nagisa begins to shake. Something wet falls onto my neck, and I realize that he's crying. "I'm so scared..."

"Hey, Kayano!" Okuda pokes her head around the corner, her wavering voice breaking our moment. "You're on! These kids want a show!"

I pull away from Nagisa, wiping his tears with my thumb. "It'll be okay. We'll get through this, I promise." I give him a sad smile, and then I give him a little shove. "I've gotta go. Make sure you clean yourself up before you go tutor Sakura, okay?"

With that, I turn away from the one I love. For now, I can't focus on this drama. As an actress, I've perfected the art of  pushing everything aside and acting the part. And that's what I do now.

"Once upon a time," I begin, "there was a beautiful princess, and she loved her kingdom very, very much..."


I face the dark figure in front of me with confidence. He takes up a fighting stance, but I'm not threatened; I know I can beat him if push comes to shove. He's too traumatized to fight well against me, anyway. However, there is ONE person that would get this man's spirits riled...

"I need a favor," I growl, leaning against the wall behind me.

"Oh, yeah?" The man's low voice replies. "What would you want from me?"

"The same thing YOU want," I answer, laughing. "Revenge on Nagisa Shiota." At this, the figure tenses a little. "I know how much you're dying to get your hands on him. So what do you say? Do we have a deal... Takaoka?"

~CLIFFHANGER TIMEEEEEEEEE! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for your support so far; it's kind of amazing that I've only been on WattPad for three days and this thing already has almost a hundred views. I can't thank you guys enough!!! Bye~

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