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"Jimin! Where are you going!"

Rachel screamed when she saw her lover running away as he giggled like a kid. His eyes disappearing as his smile got brighter and laughs became symphonic. The girl too couldn't help but smile. She ran towards him and he embraced her into her arms, spinning her around causing him to lose balance and fall on the grassy land. The two first whined in pain but laughed at their silliness.

"Jimin... I love you. Don't ever leave me again."

Rachel said and rested her head on his chest. Jimin played with her hair silently before caressing them gently.

"But... I am already gone..."

Jimin whispered causing Rachel to lift her head a bit and look at the boy confused.


Jimin sat up and cupped her cheeks and looked into her wavering gaze. He smiled softly before caressing her cheek with his thumb.

"Accept it Minimo... accept it... this isn't real... you need to wake up now."

Jimin said causing Rachel to shake her head. She didn't want this to end. But before she could say anything, Jimin had vanished from her sight.


Rachel woke up sweating and panting. It was a dream.

Hour: -:-
Location: Near the jump point

Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jin, April and Violet were present in the cockpit, seated on their designated seats, preparing themselves for the jump.

"We are near the jump point."

Jungkook announced firmly. Taehyung took deep breaths, his heart was getting heavy with nervousness but it suddenly stopped when he felt soft squeeze on his hand. He lift his gaze and saw April holding his hand while her gaze was fixed on the space. The boy smiled before moving his gaze on the black space.

In few minutes, they made the jump point. The map beeped, indicating new location. Jungkook and Hoseok looked at each other before zooming on the map but it wasn't formed yet. They waited for few seconds before the whole map was on display. They all looked at the map on the big screen and gasped when they saw a red spot which was to denote a space vessel. They all looked at each other with hope.

They all turned their heads when heard hurried footsteps coming up to the cockpit. Solar stood on the door way and panted due to running.

"Guys... we got a distress signal..."

Solar began.

"It's Jimin..."

As soon as the name rolled out of her mouth, they all gasped. Yoongi undid his belt and ran to the communication room where Alice was sobbing as she was talking to her prince. Yoongi asked for the comms to which the girl gave him way. Yoongi's breathing was shaking along with his hands. He tapped on the mic before letting out his breath.

"This... this is Suga... can you copy?"

"Oh! Yoongi! You have no idea how relieved to hear your voice! I was so scared here!"

Yoongi broke down in tears as he heard the young man's familiar whining voice. He wiped his tears and chuckled a bit before speaking up.

"You idiot! You know how scared we were? Come here now!"

"Hey! Who are you calling an idiot! Don't forget, I am still your captain!"

Yoongi chuckled as he could imagine a small pout on Jimin's lips as he spoke.

"Okay! Now come back to the ship!"

Yoongi playfully scold the young boy who weakly giggled on the other side.

They all had held their breath. The portal reached the dream ship in around an hour and entered the main ship. They all looked at the door way as they heard the footsteps leading the metal stairs up to the cockpit. They all sighed in relief when the prince made his way inside the cockpit. He smiled at his team.

"Hey guys, did y'all miss me?"

They all ran towards the boy, scaring him a bit but smiled when they all group hugged him. After a while, Taehyung pushed past everyone and hugged the boy and sobbed in his arms causing the blond haired boy to caress the other's back.

"Hey, I am alright okay? I am here now."

Jimin whispered to which Taehyung broke the hug and nodded, wiping his tears. Jimin looked around the cockpit, searching for a someone particular but stopped when he felt another unexpected hug. Yoongi held the man taking everyone by surprise. Jimin looked at the team with wide eyes and gestured them asking what's happening to which they all just shook their heads.

"Don't ever disappeared like that! It is so much trouble to search you!"

Jimin chuckled at Yoongi's and nodded. Yoongi realized what he was doing causing him to back off and scratch his ear out of embarrassment and avoid their amusing gazes. His eyes met that of Taehyung who was watching him with jaw dropped.


Yoongi said to which Taehyung just shook his head bewilderedly. Jimin's eyes looked around once again but he didn't have to anymore when he heard a soft voice calling out to him from behind.


Rachel called to which the boy turned around. The girl ran towards and crashed into his arms causing the boy to sigh in contentment. She was the main person missing for his welcome. He inhaled her scent which he missed so much. They broke the hug before pressing their foreheads together. The rest wiped their tears watching the pair finally meeting, filling their hearts with warmth.

After washing up, Jimin was getting dragged by Jin who brought him to the kitchen where he had prepared a feast just for the young man. Jimin couldn't help but feel touch and shed few tears. He did feel bad to enjoy the feast alone but he was indeed enjoying it with his whole heart and stomach.

After his heartily dinner, he made his way to his room. He smiled when he saw his Minimo sitting on his bed. Only he knew how much he missed her. He was going crazy on the thought that he wouldn't get to see her again. Kiss her again, love her and hold her but here he was next to her. She looked at him with a small smile.

"Did you enjoy your food?"

Rachel asked gently to which the boy happily nodded before pacing towards her and standing in front of her. She rose to her feet, not breaking her eye contact with the boy nor the smile.

"So you must have gotten your energy back?"

Jimin was taken aback by her question but smirked when his mind gave him the idea. He ran his tongue over his lips before biting his lower lip suggestively.

"I mean... for you baby... I am never out of energy..."

Jimin said as he ran his fingers on her bare arms to which Rachel first smiled and picked up a pillow confusing Jimin.

"That means I can do this?"

Rachel started hitting the boy with the soft pillow causing Jimin to run around his room, trying to save himself from her attacks but fell on the bed. She climbed over him and continued to hit him.

"You! I hate you so so much! How dare you break your promise and vanish!"

Rachel started crying causing Jimin to grip her hands, stopping her actions. The girl stopped and got off him and sat on the edge of the bed, weeping hard. Jimin wrapped his arms around her and snuggle into the crook of her neck.

"I am sorry... I didn't mean to worry you, love."

"Wh-why are you so-sorry!"

Rachel asked in between her sobs and turned to face him. He cooed at her before wiping her tears. He pulled her closer and kissed her. He couldn't help but sigh in happiness and deepened the kiss. He missed her so much. Rachel entangled her fingers soft hair and moaned softly. Breaking apart, he gazed into her glossy eyes, keeping his hands on her cheeks.

"I was scared when you just disappeared..."

Rachel said as she circled her fingers on his bare torso. Jimin ran his fingers delicately in her hair before caressing her hair. Rachel told him how she had lost her mind and went crazy, risking everyone's safety along the way. But Jimin understood her reaction. Back at Naxoion, when Rachel went missing, he too had felt the same and this situation was graver than that. Jimin placed a tiny kiss on her head causing her to kiss his chest.

They all gathered around in the meeting room. They all looked at the captain who gazed at them with apologetic smile.

"Guys... I am really sorry for worrying you all..."

Jimin said and bowed to which they all stopped him from doing so. Rachel too rose to her feet and apologized for behavior causing the rest to stop her from doing the same. They understood their situations. They all were caught in storm and couldn't control the situation.

"Alright... so... where are we now?"

Jimin asked as he looked at the map before moving his gaze on Hoseok.

"We are now, what we have denoted as N-7. It's just to keep a track."

Hoseok explained to which Jimin hummed before nodding. He smiled at Hoseok who looked at the captain with hesitance in his eyes. Jimin looked at him worriedly.

"What's wrong Hope?"

Jimin asked in concern to which the Space Ranger sighed and looked at the young captain.

"I am sorry Jimin... because of me... you got separated from us..."

"Hey, hey! You were just trying to help us. And it was my decision to go. So, only I am responsible for my actions, okay?"

Jimin said to which Hoseok nodded before hugging the prince. The blond boy knocked on the doctor's door who responded with a come in. Namjoon smiled upon seeing the young captain and patted a spot next to him on the bed which Jimin gladly and sat next to the older.

"Thank you for taking care of the team Namjoon."

Jimin expressed his gratitude to which the older shook his head.

"I didn't do anything."

"You did. You made sure they all were fine and encouraged."

Jimin said to which Namjoon shyly smiled letting his dimples to appear. They spoke about the serious issues before the prince left. Jimin was worried about the situation they were currently in. Less fuel and no set path to go to. He walked around a bit more before stopping when he felt a strong force of hug, almost throwing him on the floor. Alice hugged the boy like there was no tomorrow.


"How could- could you just vanish! What would have I answered to your father?"

Alice cried loudly to which the prince chuckled a bit before caressing and patting her back gently.

"Well... in order to tell my father, we need to first make it out of here."

Jimin said to which Alice nodded before breaking off her hug. She glared at him causing Jimin to get in a bit defensive mode. She threateningly walked towards him to which he slowly stepped backwards. Though, she was his protector but she was also a very scary woman.

"Don't you ever, ever do this type of stupidity! Or else!"

Alice warned with running her thumb around her neck, threatening her prince before walking away. Jimin gulped his saliva as he watched her walk away.

"Why are all the women in my life either threatening or beating me?"

Jimin questioned himself before turning around but screamed as he was startled by April's sudden appearance. Her expressions weren't any different from Alice.


Jimin asked to which April crossed her arms and glared at him.

"Do you know how worried TaeTae was? Poor boy could fall asleep! You shouldn't be pulling such dangerous stunts!"

April scold the poor boy who looked at her with his kitten eyes feeling accused.

"Hey! It wasn't my fault that there was jump point there!" Jimin fought back.

"I know! But still! Next time if you do this, you won't have any rights on TaeTae!"

April said and huffed before walking away, leaving the boy baffled. He blinked, wondering what just happened.

"I think, they all lost it!"

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