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Hour - 12:14
Location - Galaxy M-119

"But why Jimin?"

"Because I said no."

Rachel sighed as she was losing her patience and energy thanks to Jimin's stubbornness of not telling her the reason while Jimin kept his attention on the space rather than the pale girl. She gripped his arm making the blond boy look at her. He felt sorry for the girl but he wanted to save his life before someone who he had just met.

"Jimin.. please, you promised me! You promised me to take me to my destination."

Jimin sighed and turned completely to face her and held her hands into his and looked into her dark eyes. He was getting lost in her beautiful eye but he distracted himself and spoke up.

"Minimo, T-M is almost three hundred Galaxies away from here. And I think you are smart enough to know that a mammalian body can take only seventeen jump point at most. And looking at your condition.... I am not risking anything."

"Jimin, I can take it okay! I need to get to Antheria."

Rachel tries to stand only to stumble causing Jimin to hold her. She looked into his beautiful dark silver eyes, forgetting her pain for a while.

"See you can't even stand on your feet and you were saying that you will take three hundred jumps?"


"No! We are going to the nearest planet. We are going to a doctor first and then getting Christian some repairs. Is that understood?"

Rachel felt like a little girl under his intimidating gaze. She slowly nodded her head and Jimin placed her on her seat and fastened her seat belt and looked into her eyes before turning away to his seat. He set the coordinates to the nearest planet. The ride was silent but not because they didn't want to talk to each other but they felt comfortable in the silence and the beautiful view in the front.

Hour - 18:13
Galaxy M-119, Planet Vion

Jimin landed the spaceship on the local space station, which was reserved for space explores who would come and rest on the planet after a long hard journey. Catching a cab to the hospital, Jimin admitted her in a infirmary which was not far from the space station. The doctors prepared for her surgery after some test.

As the doctor were taking Rachel on a stretcher bed to the operation theater, she stopped and called for Jimin. The blond came closer to her and held her hand and leaned closer to hear her words which caused his heart to feel a bit heavy.

"Please... don't leave me... I am scared of hospitals..."

"I... I promise... now get going.. hm.."

She looked at him with puppy eyes to which Jimin smiled softly and nodded. As she was getting surgery, Jimin cleared all the bills and walked out of the small infirmary. He walked around a bit to get some necessary equipments for his dear ship and got to his ship. Jimin started the thrusters but he couldn't get himself to airlift his loving spaceship.

"I can't just abandon her here... she just told me that she is scared of hospitals."

Jimin sighed and unfastened his belt and got back to the infirmary to find someone yelling in the lobby.

"Where is He? He said he will be here!"

"I am sorry Ma'am but Mr. Park as already left after paying the bills."

"But he-"


Rachel looked in the direction of the voice and saw the familiar blond boy. With all strength she could gather, she ran to him and hugged him tightly, scared he will go away.

"I thought you left me...."

"No Minimo.... and what are you doing here? You should be resting!"

After a while, Rachel was settled in a small single room. Jimin sat next to her on the bed and looked down to his fiddling fingers.

"Minimo... I actually.... I actually thought about running away...."

"But you came back.. why? You came back for a stranger?"

Jimin smiled at her question and looked at her and leaned a bit forward and whispered in her ear.

"I guess I am being quite interested in this beautiful stranger...."

Rachel playfully pushed him away causing him to laugh like child but that soon came to an halt when the doctor came in with a tense expression. Rachel saw the papers in her hands but before the doctor could say anything, Rachel turned to Jimin who was now quiet.

"Jimin, can you please get me some water..."

Jimin nods as he gets up but Rachel catch his hand making him turn around to her.

"Don't run away, okay?"

"I won't."

Jimin smiled and promised showing his small pinky finger and walked out of the room leaving the doctor and Rachel alone. The black haired girl turned serious as the doctor sat on the chair near the bed and handed Rachel the report. The girl hysterically smiled at the same results. She closed the file and looked at the doctor who was giving her sympathetic look.

"Mrs. Park-"

"Ms. Standzer."

"My bad, Ms. Standzer, you are dying..."

"I know, I have known this since last two months."

"Rachel.... have you received some kind-"

"I am back!"

Jimin walked back in cutting the doctor's words and before she could continue, Rachel gestured her not to do so. Spending two days under observation, she was finally discharged from the infirmary and Rachel was really happy since they could now continue their course but Jimin couldn't replicate the same.

"But why do we need to stay here? We could start our journey! We are wasting our time here!"

"Minimo... I told you we can't take Christian more than ten Galaxies and your journey requires three hundred!"

Jimin said as he was fixing some wiring of the ship while Rachel huffed at his logic and walked out of the spaceship. Jimin sighed as he saw her walk away in rage and felt bad for refusing her wish. The dark haired girl sat on a small hilltop which was not so far from the space station. She sadly looked at the beautiful city, she laid back on the ground to see the three Suns sky. The sky was slowly showing its orange hue but soon the view was interrupted by five hooded man.


Jimin cleaned his hands and got down from his ship to get Rachel back but he couldn't find the girl anywhere. The blond hair boy started panicking by her sudden disappearance. Jimin called out her name and ran frantically searching for her but halted as soon as he heard a loud scream.

He ran in the direction of the sound and saw the girl he was searching beat up five hooded men as they yelled for mercy. Jimin was shocked to see her ruthless actions and he won't lie, he was definitely turned on. Distracting his horny thoughts away, Jimin went to her causing her to drop off the man's hand and run towards and embraced him. Jimin was again shocked to see change in attitude.


"They tried to loot me!"

She whined making Jimin look over her shoulder to the men lying on the floor and then the girl in his embrace.

"And you kicked their asses?"

Rachel simply nodded causing Jimin to chuckle and hold her close.

"Good girl! I am proud of you."

She lifted her head to look at Jimin with a not pleased expression.

"Excuse me, I am A Woman! Not a girl."

"Yes you are my love..."

Jimin said suggestively as he licked his lips causing Rachel to push him away and look away with a flushed face. Jimin giggled at her and asked her to follow him. They walked down the hill to a nearby quiet and empty park which was odd knowing that it was evening and the parks are mostly filled with people around this time.

"Isn't it odd... that there are no people around this time..."

Rachel murmured but loud enough for Jimin to hear. He felt a chill down his spine, he turned around and held Rachel's palm and started running in the direction of the spaceship.

"Why are we running?"

"Something feels odd, we need to-"

Before he could finish his sentence, out of nowhere gun firings started. Jimin increased his speed but a tall man stood in front of him with a big electric gun aimed at him.

"Come with us!"

The man spoke but before Jimin could answer, the man was shot in the head from behind causing Rachel and Jimin step back and look in front at the shooter to find a tall and handsome, Green haired man with a amino gun in his hand with slight smoke coming from it. He smirked at Jimin and covered the distance before speaking in his deep voice.

"Long time, no see, Jimin..."

Hour - --:--
Location - Antheria, T-M

The old man stood near the big window, looking at the two moon sky, that were illuminating the dark sky. The fading blond hair of the old man, told him, that it was time for the throne to have its next successor to take his place but the young man had ran away from his place in order to find his true purpose or how the old man would rather say, running away from his duty.

The King of Antheria was brought out of his thoughts when one of the informer asked for the older's permission.

"What news have you brought today?"

"Majesty, we found the crown Prince."

Galaxy M-119


"Oh so you remember my name? I thought you must have forgotten by now."

Taehyung remarked sarcastically causing Jimin to roll his eyes. Rachel who was confused from the whole situation finally spoke up.

"Are we going to keep standing here?"

Jimin started running again pulling Rachel with him with Taehyung right behind them, shooting at the solider, covering the two running duo.

"Dude! How far is your spaceship?"

"Spaceship station!"

Taehyung groaned at Jimin's answers. The green haired boy was running out of amino causing the situation get out of control. Jimin sighed in relief when his ship was in sight. They all got in and Jimin activated protection shield and turned on the thrusters.




Rachel sat on the other pilot seat and started the thrusters and airlifted the ship causing Taehyung to stumble but sat on the seat nearby and straped the belt. Reaching the space, Jimin and Rachel sighed in relief and looked at each other as Jimin was about to speak up, the radar beeped and showed two boggies coming near his ship.

"Hold up guys!"

Jimin pressed the jump point causing the three yelp as it jumped two Galaxies reaching M-121. Rachel unfastened her belt and held her stomach, seeing her in pain, Jimin went closer to her and examined her.

"Minimo.... are you hurt? This is why I was telling you we should not jump point Galaxies."

Rachel looked at him sadly. Taehyung, who was watching everything carefully, cleared his throat, letting his presence know and looked at Jimin but didn't say anything but instead got up and started scanning around the messy cockpit and tsked at it.

"What is this Jiminie? What have you done to this ship?"

Jimin rolled his eyes and stood up and walked towards him and held his hands.

"Taehyung, what were you doing out in M-119?"

"Don't you think you are forgetting to say a 'thank you' to me? Don't worry I'll wait."

"Cut it Tae! Tell me what were you doing there?"

"Why? Are you not happy to see me alive? I am disappointed Jiminie."

Rachel who was watching and hearing the two male was confused and questioned about their history.

"I am sorry but who is He?"

"Who are you?"

Rachel was taken back by Taehyung's question and looked at Jimin who looked a bit uneasy towards Rachel.

"I am Rachel, Jimin saved me from a pirate ship, few days back. But who are you and why are you taunting Jimin?"

Rachel explained earning a playfully grin from Taehyung. He briefly looked at Jimin and then at Rachel letting a small smirk tug on his lips before speaking up

"Me? I am Taehyung Kim, Jimin's boyfriend."

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