Lavender Haze - Vol. 2 - Finale

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Hour: 12:01
Location: C-21, Arion, Space Patrolling Bereau

The team made their way to the center building. Everyone that passed by them either bowed with respect or insisted on taking a picture with the Captain, who indeed was enjoying his growing popularity. Taehyung pulled the boy along with them, finally making it to Adara's office. The woman welcomed the band with a huge grin on her face.

"Welcome everyone."

They all smiled at the older lady. She gestured them to walk along. They were taken to the underground facility of the SPB. Hoseok gasped when he saw the huge space where they were building new spaceships or other space vessels. Namjoon looked at Jimin who looked at the amount of weaponry building.

"You said you didn't have any more defense then what is this?"

Jimin questioned to which Adara smiled pleasantly before turning around to face the frowned faces of the band. They felt cheated.

"We built this while we were building your ship."


Adara turned around dramatically and placed her hands on the metal railing and looked at her people working below.

"After Preeta's attack... we cannot risk it. And with the said war coming our way, I wanted be of as much help as needed. Prince, I and the people of Arion will forever be grateful towards you and your team."

Adara said and bowed to the Prince. He awkwardly looked towards Namjoon who patted his back softly before nodding, giving him unsaid assurance.

"Thank you for your help."

Jimin said with a smile and extended his hand to her which she gladly accepted. They walked a bit more, passing by many weapon ships to which Yoongi, Solar, Hoseok and Jungkook opened their nerdy minds, talking about the built and strength of the ships while Violet shook her head and paced faster towards Rachel.

They came to an halt when they saw a big spaceship in front. Colored in black with purple strips. Taehyung's eyes were glued to the ship, taking in the view of their mesmerizing work of art.

"This your ship. Feel free to explore the inside, by that time I'll prepare for the press conference."

Adara took her leave. Jimin lead the team, climbing the platform. He instinctively looked at Rachel who smiled and nodded, encouraging him. He took a deep breath and walked inside.

They first entered the garage, where there were three additional small portals kept. There was a connecting alleyway leading to the engine room and further down was the weapons room. They climbed up, entering the more spacious cockpit. There were total of twelve seats in the room. Jungkook and Hoseok went towards the main controls and looked at the high-tech controls and maps. They were almost fanboying over the ship. There was a mid-size meeting attached to the cockpit.

They walked the stairs leading to the main hall. Jin paced towards the small alley which was sighed as theater. As soon as he opened the door to the room, he squealed happily causing everyone to run towards the older. They all gawk at the mini theater.

Returning to the main hall, April ran in the direction of room which was sighed as greenhouse. She gasped when she saw the greenery around. The place was a perfect replica of a luxurious park. It had various kinds of flowers and small trees. Namjoon too was quite satisfied by the space.

The next place that was explored was Jimin and Violet's favorite place. The bar. It was attached to the kitchen and dining area. The pair gave each other high-five before they went out. Solar explored the small library. There were few oldest books, projectors and holographic screens. Jungkook and Taehyung found themselves in the gaming zone. Completely fascinated by the variety of games displayed.

They paced towards the training room. It was a spacious place, equipped with every necessary combat and shooting equipments. Yoongi was quite impressed by the work and details added to the room. Namjoon awed at the medical room. It not only was equipped with medical care and bed but there was small laboratory attached.

Lastly, they all walked on the stairs that led them to their respective rooms. The rooms were quite spacious for a single person. But that wasn't the catch of the rooms, it was were who was next to whom. Rachel found herself face to face with Jimin's room. Their rooms were right opposite each others.

"Well... hello neighbor..."

Jimin greeted with a sly smile tugged on his lips. Rachel couldn't understand, why their rooms were designated with their names but Jimin very well knew why. A week before they broke-up, Jimin had met with Adara and requested to designate rooms with names and the neighbors.

April found Taehyung next door. Alice facepalmed herself when she saw Jungkook's name next to her room. Namjoon groaned when he came to know Jin was his neighbor while the older was happy. Hoseok and Violet were cool with being neighbors while Yoongi and Solar didn't care much about the arrangement.

Feeling content with the spaceship, they all gathered around in the meeting room, holding their first ever meeting in the ship. Jimin, the captain of the ship took the initiative.

"My dear teammates, I welcome you to our brand new spaceship. Cheers!"

They all giggled at the boy's cute greeting and clapped.

"Okay, now, we need to decide what we should name it." .

Jimin said seriously to which they fell in deep thoughts.

"What not name it Christian only?"

April asked to which Jimin dramatically shook his index finger in no.

"Christian has done his part of deed, now he rests well."

Jimin spoke like a religious preacher, joining his hands and closing his eyes which Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok and Violet followed the gesture, praying for the deceased ship.

"How about Moon?"

Jin suggested to which Jimin considered but Solar thought it was too basic.



Jimin dismissed Taehyung's idea. Just then, a similar thought passed Jimin and Rachel's mind causing them to yell out at the same time.


The pair shared a look of excitement but soon looked away. The rest shook their heads. Why were they not back together already? Jimin clasped his hands and looked at the team.

"Okay, Dream it is."

Hour: 15:09
Location: C-21, Arion, Frat House

The band had done their packing and settled down in the boy's side of the house. They were finally leaving the frat houses. Even though they spent just few weeks in there but it was enough to help them into getting to know each other more.

Jungkook and April were talking about here and there when the topic of Earth came into play. The topic was quiet controversial for few reasons. First, there were few who believed that the story of Earth and Milkyway was not true.

"If it is true then why haven't anyone from our generation not found the galaxy?"

Jin argued to which Rachel snapped him a look.

"But Earth existed. I am a living breathing evidence!"

"I second that."

Jungkook said earning a grateful nod from Rachel. Jin rolled his eyes.

"Then where is this Earth?"

"Some say that it used to be in C-side..."

Namjoon said looking unsure.

"Well, it cannot be."

Jimin said earning everyone's attention to the captain.

"Antheria was the first to make a contact with humans, so it was in the T-side of the universe."

Jimin said as he paced towards Rachel and sat next to her. Rachel scooted a bit away but he smirked and scooted closer. Rachel knew he was taking his "revenge" on her, which she secretly liked but she didn't want to show it to him.

"See, some say that it is T-side, some say it is C-side. No one has seen it except for the people one thousand years ago."

"Why are you so hell bound to decline Earth's existence?"

Alice questioned to which the older simply shrugged.

"I like talking about controversial topics. It brings excitement into my life."

Jin said it with a playful smile on his lips to which April and Taehyung chuckled. However, Hoseok sadly sighed getting their attention.

"What's wrong?" Solar asked.

"Some... some theories suggest that... after the Earth's gravity repelled, the whole milky way was destroyed... that's why we never found out about that galaxy."

They all went silent on this theory. They were distracted by a knock on the door. Jungkook opened the door, letting Mr. Amos enter. He gave the band a bright smile.

"We are ready for the press conference..."

Hour: 17:01
Location: C-21, Arion, Space Patrolling Bereau

The cameras flashed as Adara spoke to her netizens. She sympathized with the lives they lost and appreciated all the brave soul who fought back against the bloody pirates.

"Now, no further a due, let me welcome, the team, that despite my unfriendliness towards them, they helped and defeated the Black Wing and helped us capture the biggest pirate of the Universe, Preeta. Help give them a warm round of applaud, Jimin and band."

"Jimin and Band?"

Solar questioned to which Yoongi just shook his head. The prince walked to the podium gracefully, waving his hand at the screaming audience, sending kisses and winks towards them and the camera. Meanwhile, the team watched the captain in disbelief.

"Wow... I thought I was a drama queen but he is..."

Jin whispered next to Hoseok who nodded. April looked at Alice who had a odd expression on her face. It was her first time seeing Jimin behaving like that. Taehyung and Rachel shared a look.

"I think he lost it after breaking up with Min..."

Violet commented to which all of them nodded in sync.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am Jimin Park, Captain of ship Dream."

The audience roared at Jimin's sweet yet confident voice. Few people even commented how beautiful he looked which didn't go unheard by Rachel causing her huff.

"Even though, Adara has been crediting the victory to me and my team but it wouldn't have been possible without the help of her and her brave soliders and of course, netizens."

"He should be a politician."

Namjoon commented to which Jin snickered but immediately stopped when he earned a passing glare by Jimin.

"The reason, we had landed on this planet was to get help."

He took a deep breath and looked at Rachel. What he was about to reveal was going to shake the entire universe. Rachel gave him a firm nod causing him to look back at the camera.

"Maximus is building a weapon to annilate the whole universe."

Few moments ago
Hour: 16:34
Location: C-21, Arion, Space Patrolling Bereau

The band was preparing for the press conference. Jimin was preparing his speech. It was his first time addressing press and it was nerve-racking. He felt a touch on his shoulder, immediately recognizing it. He glanced by to find Rachel. She had a hint of hesitance in her eyes. She slowly started walking away while the boy followed.

"Are you alright love?"

"Jimin... Jimin I need you to reveal about Maximus' plan."


"Yeah... we have no idea what we are getting ourselves into or how he is planning on destroying planets but if we get them alert before we make it Redcrone, I think we can have a upper hand."

Jimin understandingly nodded and looked at the girl.

"But... you sure about this? He had sent Preeta after you, I am scared he might do something worse this time-"

"Jiminie... don't worry about me. Stopping him more important."

Hour: 17:13
Location: C-21, Arion, SPB

The audience and the reports gasped at this information. Even the members except Rachel were shocked at Jimin's bold announcement. The reporter started asking questions one by one but Jimin refrained from commenting about it. His determined gaze fixed on the camera in front.

"I know, believing a runaway Prince and Maximus' niece isn't something you would do but please, be prepared.

Maximus is coming."

Hour: -:-
Location: Antheria, Throne Hall

The old King turned of the holographic screen. He wasn't sure how to react on watching his son. One part of his heart was happy to see him strong and confident but the other part was disappointed that he was wasting his time on some petty war.

Hour: -:-
Location: Redcrone, Maximus' Mansion

Maximus groaned in anger as he watched the Prince sprawl about his plan. But what angered him more was that his niece was standing right next to him. Maximus wasn't going to just sit and watch them. He needed to destroy them before they come to him.

Hour: 17:21
Location: C-21, Arion, SPB

The press conference continued, though Jimin had no intentions of answering to reporters, one question in particular caught his attention.

"Sir! Are you going continue calling yourselves 'Jimin and the Band'?"

Jimin brightly chuckled before shaking his head. He was looking the attention he was receiving from people.

"Of course not, I am not a narcissistic."

Taehyung started coughing from behind making Jimin to look at his friend before turning his focus back on reporters.

"The name of the team is...

The Stars of the Galaxies!"

Jimin announced proudly to which the reporters and audiences glanced at one and another hesitantly before clapping. Jungkook bit his inner cheek as he remembered something.

"Isn't... Isn't this the name of a very old Terran movie?..."

Namjoon shot a look at the boy before rushing by Jimin side and pulled him away from the podium. He cleared his voice.

"We'll definitely discuss this as a team. Till then thank you for everything."

Namjoon said before excusing himself and pulling Jimin away from there.

"What happened?"

Jimin asked with a pout on his lips.

"Plagiarism can get you in jail in C-side!"


Jimin asked bewildered. The rest of the press was handled by Mr. Amos. The band made their way to their new ship. One by one they settled in their rooms while Jimin and Yoongi met with Adara for one last time.

"Thank you deciding upon helping us with this war."

Jimin expressed his genuine appreciation once again which Yoongi reflected through his small smile. Adara shook her head.

"I am just paying back for your help. Nothing out of ordinary."

Jimin gave her a shot firm nod before the duo paced to their ship. The band gathered around the cockpit since Jimin was distributing duty and pairs. For their takeoff, Jimin let Jungkook and Hoseok handle temporary before they get set on the course. And yes, he made sure he and Rachel are on the same duty.

They all settled on their respective seats before Jimin lit the green light for the takeoff. Their hearts filled fear, anxiety, horror and uncertainty. They for sure have taken the role of stopping Maximus but will they make it alive? They don't know but they know one thing for sure, that they will do whatever it takes to stop that mad man.

Hour: 00:00
Location: Galaxy, C-22

After successful jumping galaxy, everyone, except Hoseok and Jungkook dispersed to their loving rooms to rest after the heavy and busy day. Rachel wondered around the ship while Jimin quietly followed her. He wanted to make everything right before they went on a uncertain war. Rachel swiftly turned around and crossed her arms causing Jimin to stop.



"Why are you following me?"

"Don't you remember? I am taking revenge!"

Jimin said with a playful tone making Rachel to roll her eyes and turned around, smiling at his silliness. Suddenly the ship felt a slight turbulence causing Jimin to hold Rachel's hand. The pair shared a look before rushing to the cockpit where Jungkook and Hoseok were panicking around.

"Jimin! We are under attack!"

Rachel looked at monitor which showed the footage from the outside the ship. She immediately recognized the warships, they belonged to Redcrone.

"Jimin... they are Redcronian warships!"

Jimin turned around to look at Rachel. He took a deep breath before turning his attention on the other two boys.

"Hoseok, turn on the shields and get the blasters and weapons ready. Jungkook, alert everyone!"

The duo gave the captain a firm nod before commencing their task. The warships blast another round of blast causing the ship to hit another turbulence. Jimin missed his balance causing him to hit his hand on a blue switch which made the ship to shake tremendously before they all blacked out...

Vol.2 - End -


Teaser for Vol.3: Labyrinth

"We are lost?"

"Taehyung... I am sorry..."

"I speak only the truth!"

"I'll never leave your my love, I promise."

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