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Hour: 09:03
Location - Naxoion, Galaxy C-12

Jimin landed the ship on the hill of the Naxoion which was pretty far away from the main land so that they could fix up the ship and stay away from any trouble caused by the locals or the pirates. Jimin and Taehyung walked out of the ship to take in the fresh oxygen and letting the smoothing wind unwind their stress. Soon, Jungkook followed and joined the duo to examine any external damage to the ship.

"Jimin, I think me and Jungkook could fix the wheels down there, in maybe hour or so, why don't you and Rachel take a look in the engine room to find any issue."

"Okay then, I'll send April to help you two, so that yall finish it up as soon as possible."

Taehyung and Jungkook nodded and started to work towards the plan while Jimin went to the back of the ship, to head in. He jogged his way to Rachel's room, he knocked before entering and slided the metal door to peep his head to call her but the room was found to be empty which made the boy frown a bit. He knocked on the bathroom door, the door open letting a sleepy Namjoon came out of it.

"Good morning Captain."

"Good morning Doctor, have you seen Minimo anywhere?"

"No, I just woke up and the first thing I did was come here, why what's the matter?"

Jimin worriedly looked at Namjoon.

"She isn't in her room."

"Don't worry Jimin, she'll be somewhere in the ship."

"Doc, can you help me find her, we already are on a very dangerous planet, I don't want her in danger."

"I'll check the kitchen area and rooms, you go check the tops."

Jimin nodded before sprinting towards the cockpit, he called out her name on his way but got no answers. Hearing all the fuss, Alice followed Jimin to know what was happening.

"Rachel is missing."

"What can I do to help?"

"Search outside the ship and be careful."


Alice went outside to check on the girl but couldn't find her anywhere, she went towards the boys who were fixing the exterior of the ship.

"Have you seen Rachel?"

Taehyung and Jungkook shook their heads causing Alice to sigh as she rested his hands on her hips.

"What happened?"

Before Alice could answer Taehyung's question a panting and scared Jimin came running towards them.

"Rachel isn't in the ship!"

"She isn't anywhere around here either."

Jimin frowned as he bent a bit and placed his palms on his knees catching his breath but his heart was jumping in worry. The planet wasn't safe for anyone, though he knew Rachel was strong but he didn't trust this planet. Namjoon and April soon followed and joined the group.

"Anything on Rachel?"


Namjoon sighed at Jimin's reply. Alice rushed inside the ship and came back with her double ended sword, which was currently winded. Jimin looked at her confused before she spoke up.

"Let's go find her."

"And why do you care about her all of a sudden?"

Alice turned her gaze to Taehyung who crossed his hands as he looked at her suspiciously.

"Rachel seems important to Jimin, who I sworn to protect, which makes even her part of my protection."

Taehyung side glanced Jimin at her remark causing Jimin to sigh.

"I am coming with you."

Jungkook said making everyone look at him.

"No kid, it's too dangerous out there."

Namjoon tried to convince him but Jungkook said he wants to help.

"Okay stop all of you. We all shouldn't be going, we need someone to protect the ship."

"Jimin is right, so we split up."

"Yes, Alice, Namjoon, Jungkook come with me. April and Tae stay on the ship."

"You sure you don't want me with you?"

Taehyung asked with a hint of disappointment to which Jimin went towards him.

"I want you to protect Christian, while I go find Minimo. Okay?"

Taehyung nodded, Jimin went inside the ship, into the weapons' room which only he and Taehyung knew about. He got six amino guns and handed one to each.

"Doc, ever fired a gun?"

"Yeah but only on the target boards."

"Well, here will be more than just target board."

Namjoon gripped the gun as Jimin passed by and lead the group. April and Taehyung shared a look before looking in the direction as they all were walking away in the distance.

Rachel breath in the fresh air as her weak body rested on the grassy land of the hilly top. She had no idea which planet they were in but the environment was quiet and pleasant. Just then she heard a someone screaming in joy, causing Rachel to slowly peek to see few young boys and girls driving away on a monster jeep. She smiled and saw how her age girls were out partying while she was trying to stay alive.

She rose to her feet and started walking to the main land which wasn't far. Earlier, the moment ship landed, Rachel had sprinted out in order to catch some fresh oxygen. She never felt weak or in pain as much as she felt for the past few weeks. Her disease was worsening as the days passed by and she knew she didn't have much time. All these while she hadn't cared about staying alive but since she met Jimin, she don't want to die. Funny how she met him just few weeks ago and now she wants to live with him rather than dying due to a disease.

Rachel panted a bit from too much walking, catching her breath, she passed by few stalls where the people gwaked at her, causing her to wrap her hands around her protectively. She avoided eye contact with anyone who she came acrossed and kept moving. Just then she ran into someone, to which she apologized and walked away, but ginger haired man watched her closely as she walked away.


The man smirked and followed her. Rachel on the other hand stopped by a very noise place to watch few men were whining and yelling as it seemed like they were losing the game of gambling. Rachel slightly smiled to see that a girl was kicking their ass in the game. As Rachel was about to leave, she heard the girl speak.

"And that's how you do it in Redcrone!"

As she smashed the beer bottle on the floor, laughing at the misery of the men around her who whined their way out of the stall, walking passed a stunned Rachel. She knew that voice, the voice of her childhood best friend, Violet. Rachel took small steps towards the girl who was sitting on the chair with her back towards Rachel. She slowly put her hand on the other girl's shoulder causing the girl to turn and gasp as she saw Rachel.

"Rachel- how? What?"

As soon as Violet rose to her feet, Rachel pulled her in a embrace, causing Violet to sigh as she wrapped her arms around her. Pulling back from the hug, Rachel cupped her face as tears streamed down her face.

"Violet, you are alive?"

Violet looked around and pulled Rachel with her where there was no one around and pulled her best friend back into a hug.

"Yes, yes I am alive."

"Where have you been for two years Violet?"

"In this dump!"

Violet said as she went towards a tall stool and sat on it, grabbing a bottle of beer.

"Why? You could have come home-"

Rachel was interrupted by a sarcastic laugh by Violet as she held her stomach making Rachel look at her confused.

"Your jokes are getting funnier I must say."

"Joke? I am genuinely asking you..."

"Rach, my home is dead along with my wife, two years ago."

"I heard about it."

Rachel apologetically looked at ground before looking at the dreadful Violet who kept drinking her beer without sparing a glance. She kept her bottle down and looked at the empty shelf in front as she spoke up.

"When we were sent to M-10, I genuinely thought Maximus was planning on a peace treaty and I won't have to fight any more wars and live the rest of my life with my wife but I was wrong.....

He sent us there to die, he sent us for another war. She didn't deserve to die Rachel, she didn't."

Violet said as she banged her hand on the wooden counter trying her best not to let her tears come out. Rachel wiped her tears and went towards the girl and sat next to her.

"She saved my life Rachel.... but for what cost? My life is dark and empty without her!"

"Violet, she saved you because she loved you. She wanted you to live your life, not waste it on alcohol."

Violet chuckled bitterly before looking at Rachel and completely to face her. She saw how weak her friend looked, she held Rachel's hand making her look at the blue haired girl.

"Rach.. what's wrong?"

Rachel smiled a bit as she wipped her tear and looked at her friend.

"I am dying."

Jimin, Namjoon, Alice and Jungkook had reached the main land. They stuck together in order to avoid any kind of contact with anyone. Jimin looked around and every girl he came across but non were his Minimo.

"Jimin, I think we should split up or else this will take time."

"No doc, I can't risk anyone's life here, we search for her together."

The four continued their search for the girl. With each passing seconds Jimin's mind was filling with negative thoughts, what if someone kidnapped her? What if she is danger? NO! Jimin stopped his mind from going any further. Namjoon who was looking around at the sorry state of men and women who were getting forced upon. He couldn't even imagine the pain and suffering they must be going through.

He stopped when he saw few men dragging away a purple haired man against his will. The man was trying his best to fight back but they would hit him in the face. Namjoon couldn't stand that anymore and rushed to the man's aid causing Jimin to whisper-yell his name but after giving a frustrating groan he followed the man causing Jungkook and Alice to follow soon.

"Stop there! What are you doing to him!"

The men including the purple haired man looked at the booming voice of that of Namjoon. The men scanned him up and down before speaking up.

"Who are you? And why do you care?"

"I care because he doesn't seem pleased by the way you all are dragging him!"

"We are selling him for slavery, so now get the fuck out of our faces!"

The men continued dragging the poor man but Namjoon caught the purple haired man's hand causing them to stop. Jimin worriedly looked at the doctor who was looking at the men intensely.

"Leave this man! He doesn't want to come with you."

"Doc! What are you doing? We will get in trouble!"

"Did you not hear me? I said leave the man!"

Namjoon ignored Jimin's plead and pulled the purple haired man to him causing the men to point their guns at Namjoon and Jimin. Alice took out her gun and pointed toward the men, standing between Jimin and them, doing her duty to protect the prince.

"What do we do now?"

Jungkook whispered to Jimin who bit his lip before speaking up.


The four along with the new purple haired man started running past the people.

"I don't think running is the best option!"

Jungkook said as he was running faster than the other four. Jimin was catching up on him.

"Didn't you see? We are out numbered on this planet! Doc! Who told you to be a hero!"

"I had too!"

"Shut up you three! And run!"

Alice shut them up and ran as fast as she could. Jimin looked over his shoulder to see they had lost them in the crowd causing him to slow down. Jimin went towards Namjoon and gripped his collar causing Jungkook to pull him.

"You could have got us killed!"

Namjoon pushed back Jimin's hands.

"Didn't you see? They were selling him to slavery! Its illegal!"

"Doc, this Planet is the center of all these thing! We can't save everyone!"

"You are right, you just want to save your life, isn't that's why you ran away from your home?"


Namjoon bitterly chuckled as he looked at Jimin. The new boy had no idea what was happening that's why he decided to stay silent.

"You know that everyone is in danger and despite that, you choose not to go back to Antheria, just so you can run away from your duties!"


Jungkook said as he looked back and forth between the two men but before he could say anything further, Alice beat him to that.

"Do not speak like that to our prince!"

"Listen guys, I think we should just get back to searching Rachel."

Jimin who was awfully quiet started walking away, Alice was on her way to follow but Jungkook caught her hand.

"Let him be, we'll go the other way..."

Namjoon sighed and started walking away from the three. The purple hair man followed the doctor.

"Why are you following me? You are free to leave."

The man sighed before talking.

"I wanted to say thank you... thank you for saving me back there."

"You're welcome."

Namjoon started walking again making the man follow him again silently causing the grey haired boy to turn again.

"Now what?"

"I am Seokjin."

Namjoon sighed as he looked at the smiling man.


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