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Hour: 04:09
Location: C-21, Arion, Training Center

"Come on! Run faster!"

The whole team was running in the field as the first part of the training. Yoongi who was overseeing all of them shouted a stop causing all of them to halt their steps and stand in a straight front line facing the ginger haired man. His posture was strict and face poker. He looked at the team where some were unfazed by the running while some were breathing heavily.

"I have been seeing your running and by this itself I can figure, who has had training for combat and who doesn't."

Yoongi tapped his wrist watch, letting a small hologram appear. He typed in some reminders and lists for the team.

"Since I can't over see all of you at the same time and it also would be unfair that someone like maybe Solar or Violet gets the training for Namjoon or Jin and vice versa. So we are going to divide the team into three teams.

First is going to be the team of Rookies, that are - Jin and Namjoon."

Jin and Namjoon shared a brief glance before looking back at the general.

"Second will be the team of beginners - that is, Jungkook, Taehyung and April."

The three nodded while Yoongi continued.

"The final team will be of the Intermediates - that is Jimin and Rachel."

To which the duo snapped their heads to look at the ginger haired Solider.

"Just the two of us?"

"Yes. Now, your team coach will be as followed. Team Rookie - Hoseok

Team Beginners - Alice and Violet

Team Intermediate - Solar and Myself."

They all looked at one and another after Yoongi's training schedule.

"Alright. I will also oversee your stamina training, which we are having here. I will also oversee you diets and also overall team training process.

The first thing in the morning we will do is running, which will be of one hour since it's just warming up."

"How is one hour of running just warming up?"

Jin whispered to Jungkook who shushed the older making Jin glare at him before turning his attention back to Yoongi.

"After we are done with the warm up, you all will disperse to your respective teams and start with your trainings.

Training will include - combat training, shooting and jet flying.

It is 04:18 right now. Your training starts from 05:00, so now back to running."

Yoongi blew the whistle causing them to start their run again.

Hour: 05:08
Location: C-21, Arion, Training Center


Jin yelped as he was once again throw on the padded mat by Hoseok.

"Come on stand up and try to throw me over."

Jin stood up and stood in the position of the common posture before starting a match. Jin used all his strength but couldn't move Hoseok and once again found himself on the mat. Namjoon who was watching all this in horror, gulped as soon as Hoseok gestured him to come. Well even if Namjoon wanted to say otherwise, he too ended up like Jin on the mat. The two sat down to watch Hoseok.

"You two are using just strength to tackle me down but you aren't using one important thing to help your strength."

Hoseok spoke in a calm and patient manner. He very well knows he couldn't use the tactics of a harsh solider on a doctor and a actor. He didn't want to scare the two off on the first day of the training.

"You need correct tactic. Without it, your strength won't matter. You need to be clever enough to know how you will be able to tackle your opponent. Of course I don't expect you to learn it asap but you need to be dedicated and true to your practice and then only you will be able to learn it. So let's get it."

Namjoon and Jin were so touched by his speech they started clapping causing the boy to blush a bit but brushed it off, getting them ready for another round.

Meanwhile, Alice and Violet sat down with their three students.

"Okay, so do you three have any training in any form of combat training?"

"I have in MMA and Judo."

Jungkook replied proudly to which Alice shook her head and then turned her gaze to Taehyung and April.


"Simple defense training."


Violet said as she stood up followed by Alice and the two discuss where to start from while the three too were on their feet.

"So, I will call you one by one and you will try and tackle me. Is that understood?"


The three reply in somber tone while Alice stands on the mat asking April to come forward. A bit hesitantly, the girl stands in front of Alice giving her flashes of their first meeting or their first fight. The two stand in the position and start the fight and before April knew it, she was already pinned on the ground causing her to yelp while the two boys gritted their teeth in a awkward smile.

Alice then called Taehyung who first cracked some knuckles and neck bone as he stood in front of Alice. The two got into the position, even though Taehyung tried his best but even he ended up on the mat pinned. The last player was Jungkook. As soon as the two got into the position, Alice face turned a bit red from the close proximity but soon brushed it off her mind and got somber.

Jungkook gave her a good fight but as soon as the time went on he got cocky which caused him in making a silly mistake which gave Alice a chance to pin the boy on the mat causing him to groan before standing up. The three settled down while Violet came forward as she was analyzing their movements.

"April. Your first mistake, the moment you stepped on the mat was your hesitance. You need to be more confident.

Taehyung, you were doing well but you don't know what move you need to take next.

And Jungkook, you were perfect if you wouldn't drowned yourself into overconfidence."

The three heads were hung down in embarrassment and shame to which Violet and Alice shared a look.

"We are not trying to shame you three. You just need to understand that we are going to a war where there is no place of hesitance, second guessing or overconfidence. It will very much backfire on our faces."

Alice stated causing the three to nod and stand up with new determination.

"So, shall we start with the real training?"

Violet ask with a gentle smile causing thr three to nod firmly. Meanwhile Yoongi was very impressed with Rachel and Jimin's training sessions. Though they had a few places to brush up at but overall they were better, not perfect but half way there.

Jimin sat down and drank the whole bottle of water while Rachel laid on the mat catching her breath.

"You two need just few more combat training and after that soon enough we can start with shooting practices."

The duo raised her thumbs up as they had no strength even to speak. Well, they had a very heavy training after months or for Jimin years. The two were dismissed, seeing the time was still early in the morning, the duo decided to grab breakfast on their way back home.

The two entered a diner and order the food that was mentioned in their diet which meant no sugar or tasty food in general. Rachel stretched her arms as she comfortably sat on the couch like seats and rested her head on Jimin's shoulder who placed a small kiss on top of her head. After their breakfast the two reached home and went on to their respective rooms which was like a battle of their own. Jimin insisted on saving water while Rachel just locked him out causing him to huff and go to his own room.

Hour: 11:00
Location: C-21, Arion, Frat House

"Yes right there!"

Jin sighed in relaxation as Jungkook massaged his back which was hurting after the four hours long training. Even though, Hoseok did go soft on them that didn't mean the training wasn't hard. On the other side, Taehyung was massaging Namjoon's legs, who yelped every time Taehyung pressed on the spots where the pain was too much. Yoongi brought massage strips and distributed to all of them. Yoongi was actually very impressed and proud of their dedication but he thought this wasn't the right time to fill their heads with praises.

Later, Taehyung paced around the lake, just enjoying the fresh breeze. He gaze to the opposite side and squinted his eyes when he saw a familiar figure in the distance petting a cat. He covered the distance silently before crouching down to her level behind her back.

"Do you like cats?"

April screamed as she was statled causing the cat to run away too making Taehyung bit his lip in guilt.


April sighed before standing up and facing him.

"It's okay."

"So? Do you like cats?"

April chuckled before nodding her head. Taehyung gestured her to walk along with him.

"What about you? You like cats?"

"Not really, I like dogs.. I even had-"

Taehyung stopped himself from going any further into his past. According to him, even when remembering the good memories of his past the bad once come as a combo offer which he would very much like to not buy. April noticed his sudden silence and nudged his arm causing to get out if his trance and give her a half-hearted smile.

"What are your hobbies?"

"Why are you so interested in me?"

Taehyung blinked a bit before shaking his head.

"No reason.. just.."



"I like painting in my free time."

"Woah! Really? I really appreciate people who can paint or draw. I sometimes too, draw."

"Should we paint something together someday?"

Taehyung's cheeks tinted a bit red before he nodded eagerly making April smile at him. The two sat on the platform, watching the peaceful lake. Taehyung turned his gaze to April who already had her gaze on him but turned away the moment his eyes locked on hers. Taehyung smiled satisfyingly as he turned back his gaze to the lake as they heard birds sing in their melodious voices.

Rachel and Yoongi were sitting in front porch as they spoke about the training. Yoongi asked her too take it easy during her training but she slided it off by saying she was used to it. Soon enough, Jungkook joined their conversation. Jungkook informed that he actually really enjoyed the training, since it had been weeks since he worked out to which Rachel was impressed.

"Ha! I am also looking forward to the jet training!"

To which Rachel's expression turned sour as glimpses of a horrendous past flashed in her mind but a hand on her shoulder brought her out of it. She looked up to see Jimin taking a seat next to her before pulling her in his embrace as he leaned on the wooden pillar of the entrance. She saw Yoongi and Jungkook laughing on something the younger said while Jimin snuggled in her hair.



Jimin and Rachel whispered.

"You know what we haven't done yet?"


Jimin started laughing covering his mouth with his left hand gaining the other duo's attention.

"What happened?"

Jimin simply shook his head at Yoongi's question making the latter turned back to his conversation with Jungkook. Jimin calmed down as he brushed her hair with his fingers.

"You are turning into me. I love it. But that's not what I was talking about but I don't mind the ide-"

"You were saying?"

Rachel stopped him from diving right into his creative mind which cause them to end up in her or his bed.

"So, I was saying. We haven't yet, gone on a proper date as boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Oh! That's true..."

"So, I was thinking... maybe we could go out tonight... dress up for each other."

"So where are you taking me for our date?"

"I was thinking something classic, dinner and then a walk?"

Rachel turned her gaze to meet his eyes and beamed a big smile before nodding.

"You can wear on of those dresses you brought to seduce me."

Rachel chuckled as she snuggled in his chest making Jimin to pull her closer. Jimin frantically knocked on Taehyung's door. The green haired who was asleep woke up with his hair all turned into a nest opened the door to find Jimin who came inside pushing past the boy and sat on his bed nervously.

"What's wrong? Why are you so jumpy?"

"I am going out on a date with Minimo but I don't have any idea what to wear."

Taehyung groaned before fake crying as he glared at Jimin who disturbed his sleep for such a small reason.

"Just wear anything. It isn't like she will leave you if she doesn't like your dressing sense."

Taehyung whined in a pout causing Jimin to snap a glare at him.

"Is your sleep more important than me?"

Taehyung sighed and rubbed his eyes before shaking his head. Now fully awake, he holds Jimin's hand and takes to the blond's room and open up his closet to scan his clothes. He picked out three dress shirts, dark green, plain white and plain black. Taehyung picked the first one and pulled Jimin in front of the mirror and smirked.


"Hey Violet!"

Violet looked up from her book to look at Rachel upstairs calling her through gesture to come up. The girl kept her book down and sprinted as soon as possible.

"Can you help me pick a dress?"

"Oh... so you are seducing Jimin tonight?"

"No. We are going on a date so.. and I am really confused, all these dresses look nice."

Violet scanned the dresses on Rachel's bed. Her eyes landed on the perfect dress. Rachel walked out of the bathroom wearing dress causing Violet gawk at her. The black short long loose sleeves off shoulder dress fitted perfectly around her body.

"Forget about Jimin and marry me."

"Is it good?"

"It's perfect!"

Rachel blushed and went towards the mirror and awed at herself.

"Woah.. can I marry myself?"

"You can!"

The two girls started laughing. Violet sprinted to get her hair and make-up done. On the other side, Jimin was ready. His dark green dress shirt tucked in his black skinny jeans with his top two buttons and cuffs undone and his hair gelled up showing off his perfect forehead. Taehyung clapped at his art work making Jimin turn around and bow to him to which the boy dramatic waved his hand.

"Now go, enjoy your date. What should I do now? I am not sleepy anymore..."

Taehyung mumbled as he was in deep thought. Jimin suggested to play games or something with Jungkook to which Taehyung dismissed him saying he will figure it out and pushed the blond boy out of his own room. Jimin took a deep breath before mumbling.

"Here I go."

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