Safety Zone

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Hour: 02:18
Location - Galaxy, C-17

Jimin and Jungkook were in the seats of handling the next jump. The two were relaxed and talking here and there while they drank coffee. They turned their head as they heard footsteps on the metal ladder and saw Namjoon coming and taking his place on one of the empty seat. The two young boys give a small nod as a greeting and replicating the same.

The three sat in silence for a while. The control beeped, indicating that the next jump point was close and Jungkook announced the message in his style earning chuckles from the other two. Jimin put in the thrusters but Christian had his own mind and override the system once again causing the ship to stumble its way into C-18. The three groaned as they felt the effects of the unstable entry but worst was yet to come.

Jungkook's face drained of all colors as he couldn't control the ship anymore, he looked at oddly calm but rigid Jimin who was trying to get the systems back online.

"Jimin! Controls are down!"

"I know! I'm trying to get the thrusters up again."

But the system had already failed. Namjoon on the other hand looked the map shown on the screen and saw that a planet in a nearby radius.

"Jimin! There is a planet right in this radius. Let's get landing and examine the ship there!"

Jimin mumbled an okay before setting the coordinates to the unhabitant plant C-18-00. As they reached closer to the planet, the speed of the ship increased as they reached closer and closer to the planet's atmosphere. Jimin and Jungkook tried their best to hit the breaks but it was getting harder and harder as more they pressed.

"Jungkook! Warn everyone about the crash landing!"

The boy nodded and the turned the radio on as he was panting.

"Everyone, we are going to crash. Get to a safety zone. This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill."

The planet was in the view and the speed of the ship wasn't slowing down either. Jimin and Jungkook shared a look before looking back at the view in front. The ship entered the atmosphere and in span of a minute or so they had crashed into a dense forest.

"Jimin! Jimin wake up! Jim.."

Jimin stirred as he heard someone's voice calling out to him but can't recognize as his head felt like someone was hammering nails into it. He felt droplets of liquid on his face causing him to slowly open his eyes, adjusting them to the light. He sees Namjoon's worried faces slowly turning into a relieved one as Jimin slowly sits up.

"What happened?"

The captain asked in weak voice, rubbing his forehead a bit causing Namjoon to sigh before patting Jimin's back.

"We took a hit and you passed out. You were out for an hour."

"And the rest?"

"They are all fine, out of the ship, trying to fix it-"

Namjoon was interrupted by the footsteps that entered the medical room. Rachel covered the distance and hugged the boy who winced a bit but exhaled a sigh as he melted in her arms.

"How are you feeling?"

"I am fine Minimo... I am fine."

She pressed her forehead on his as he smiled and sighed in satisfaction meanwhile Namjoon had left giving the two some privacy. Jimin brushed the hair strain and tugged it behind her ear.



"We got a situation outside..."

Seeing her worried face, Jimin gave a small nod letting her speak but she instead held his hand and walked him out of the ship to where the rest were gathered around. Jimin's eyes turned round as soon as he saw the wreck-down of his ship. The whole back portion of the ship was damaged to the level it couldn't be repaired or if tried to repair, it would easily take months since they already lack tools.

Jimin fell on his knees as he saw the havoc in front. The rest felt bad for the captain. Everyone knew what it felt like losing a ship. Rachel crouched down behind him and held his shoulders giving them a small squeeze. Taehyung mimicked the other's action and hugged his best friend.

"What are we going to do now Tae? We are doomed! We-"

"Jimin we'll find a way out-"

"No! We got no hope left!"

Jimin perturbed in Taehyung's arms, the latter looked over Jimin's shoulder as his eyes meet that of Rachel. Her eyes sadden seeing her boyfriend's breakdown. Jimin looked at the others, breaking free from Taehyung's warm embrace. As he was already on his knees he bowed.

"I am sorry... because of me, we all are stranded on this unhabitant planet..."

Jimin sniffed, his gaze fixed on the ground when he saw feet stand in front of him and hands on his arms pulling him up gently. Namjoon gave him a gentle smile.

"We are all in this together Jimin. Don't lose hope."

He slowly brushed the younger's hair making Jimin nod. Namjoon turned around to face all of them and took a deep breath as he gave a brief glance to the ship before looking back at everyone.

"Well what happened is unfortunate but we all can't just wait here and grief about it."

They all collectively nodded their heads. Namjoon turned to now in state of some sense Jimin.

"So captain, we will follow your lead."

Jimin smiled gratefully and straightened his posture and looked around.

"This is an abandoned planet and we are three jump points away from C-21, so we will need to work with what we have."

He glanced at the ship and then the crew.

"Okay so here's what we gonna do. We will divide the crew into three teams. Team Blue, Red and Purple. Team Blue will be Jungkook, April, Yoongi and Taehyung. You all will see if there is anything you can do about starting the ship."

The four somberly nodded. Jimin continued.

"Team Red, Namjoon, Solar, Jin and Rachel. You all will find for anything that is available for us to survive at least for few days."

"And the team Purple, Me, Violet and Alice will look around for anything that will help fix this damage. We all will report back before it turns dark okay?"

"Yes Captain!"

They all dispersed to get necessary equipments for the treasure hunt. Rachel went towards Jimin who was talking to Jungkook, she gave a the young boy a smile who took the hint and excused himself. Rachel hugged Jimin.

"Be careful on your way okay?"

Jimin hummed to her concerns before playfully breaking the hug and gave her a look.

"I should be saying that you! I am your man!"

"Yes my man, you are a very beautiful man."

She said as she gave him a peck on his cheek causing him to giggle. The three teams departed to their destination. Team Blue was already in distress as they saw the sorry state of the ship. Taehyung and Yoongi went inside the damaged portion of the ship, the wires creating electricity and the burned walls. Due to cut off of the electricity, it was difficult to look around as their torches could go only so far.

Yoongi tapped on Taehyung's shoulder and pointed towards the mainframe. The two slowly walk towards the same making sure not to apply pressure on the ship's floor as there were cracks on them which would easily break it. Reaching the mainframe, Yoongi pulled out his rubber gloves and put them on, Taehyung followed the action. Opening the outer cover Yoongi and Taehyung covered their noses and mouths as the mainframe gave out smoke. The two sighed as the mainframe was completely fried.

Team Red was actually quite in good condition, Jin was able to hunt for many fruits and Namjoon helped in identifying which one were edible or not. While Solar and Rachel looked for some water or something. Rachel looked around the dense forest. She bit her lip as a thought crossed her mind.



"Don't you find it odd that such planet is considered unhabitable. I mean look at this, a fresh water river and fruits? How is it possible?"

"You are not wrong, the thought even gives me an ick... something tells me, we need to get off this planet..."

The two turn around when Namjoon and Jin call them to head back. As they all were walking back, Rachel heard some rumbling from far behind.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

Jin asked a bit cautiously as he looked around a bit.

"It's nothing Rach... let's get back before it turns dark."

Rachel nods to Namjoon. They reach towards the ship and see the team Blue worried.

"What's wrong?"

Namjoon ask getting their attention. Jungkook sadly sighs.

"The mainframe is completely fired... we need equipments to fix it."

Rachel place her hands on her hip in despair.

"Has anyone contacted team Purple? It's almost dark..."

Team Purple looked around but couldn't really find anything to help get the ship back online. Jimin suggested gathering woods for campfire and the three collected whatever they could find. Jimin saw a cave nearby, his curious feet took him. He heard faint noise from the inside. The further he went, the sound got clearer, it was a song. Confusion was clearly evident on the Captain's face. Alice who closely followed him tapped on his shoulder causing Jimin to jump and whine as he was statled but ignoring that Alice stood in front of her Prince and took out her gun and aimed at the stranger who had his gun pointed towards them.

"Who are you two?"

The platinum haired man spoke as he bored his eyes into theirs. Jimin asked Alice to put her gun down to which she was reluctant at first but followed. The man too lowered his gun. Jimin cleared his throat before speaking up.

"I am Jimin Park. We were on our journey to C-21 but unfortunately due to some technical issues, we crash landed on this Planet. So we were searching for some tools or anything to fix our ship and continue our journey."

The man rubbed his chin and hummed before holding his hand out.

"I am Hoseok Jung. Space Ranger. I am sorry for aiming a gun at you. Can I see your ship?"

Jimin hesitantly nodded. Violet who was leaning on the cave turned her head as she heard some rumbling from the distance but before she could investigate, Jimin, Alice and the newcomer had come out of the cave.

"Who is this guy? Wait! Space Ranger!"

The moment Hoseok saw Violet he aimed his gun again causing Violet to do the same.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down! We are not in a situation where we can afford a fight!"

Jimin came in between the two. Violet kept her gun down and picked up the bundled up woods and started walking away. Jimin sighed and followed causing the two to follow them. As soon as they reached, Hoseok was bewildered as soon as he saw Maximus' niece, a Galactican and a Gliesrionian working together build the ship but that did stop him to attack Rachel. The girl was taken aback when he saw her attacker. Jimin pushed the man away from his lover and checked on her before walking murderously towards the man.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Trying to protect a murderer's niece!"

"At ease Space Ranger. I know what you feel, I felt the same when I met her but she is nothing like her uncle."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Yoongi defend her. Hoseok gave a dreadful chuckle before standing up before glaring at her and walking away. Rachel followed the man despite the protests from Jimin.

"Hey! Stop!"

"Do you wish to die? If no then run back to your little team!"

"Your planet is in danger!"

Hoseok stopped in his trail and turned around to see the panting girl. Her genuine eyes on his but his mind fought to not fall for into a trap. But there was none.

"What do you mean?"

"Will you believe me?"

"Of course not. Do you actually expect me to believe you?"

"I don't but for this you need to come back to our ship."

"Are you crazy?"

Jimin asked as Rachel took out the device from her bag.

"Jimin we have no other choice. Do you not want to get out of this Planet?"

"I do but what if he double-cross us?"

"Jimin, he is a Space Ranger. They will rather die than let anything happen to their Planet. Trust me on this one."

Jimin sighed in defeat and followed her to the kitchen where Yoongi, Solar, Namjoon and Hoseok were gathered.

"Okay... let's go over this again."

Hoseok was too stunned to speak. He just sat there and scrolled through the plans.

"How did you get these?"

"I stole them. I almost died getting my hands on them."

"Why didn't you contact Boxion?"

"I did! But they did the same thing what you did to me. I barely escaped from those rangers."


Hoseok remarked causing Rachel to roll her eyes.

"But why are yall going to C-21 instead of Antheria?

"Because the Prince of Antheria doesn't want to go there."

Yoongi said earning a glare from Jimin while Hoseok gasped. Jimin pressed his forehead.

"Woah.. this team is... huh... okay... what do you want me to do?"

"We want you to help us to fix this ship and also contact your planet to alert them."

Namjoon stated making the other to nod in agreement. Hoseok looked a bit hesitant at first but nodded. Since it was already night, they all gathered around the campfire, eating the fruits they collected earlier.

"So Ranger, tell us why are you on this Planet?"

Taehyung asked as he took a bite from the fruit.

"Well I am a self mission."

"Self mission?"

Namjoon asked with a peak of interest.

"Have you all ever heard about N-side?"

Jungkook's ear peaked as his eyes went round.

"You know about that too?"

"N-side? Isn't it a myth?"

Jimin asked as he leaned on Rachel resting his head on her shoulder.

"Well it is not apparently."

Alice said to which Jungkook and Hoseok nodded.

"So you are going to find N-side? But why?"

"It's kind of on my bucket list."

"Mine too..."

They all looked at the young boy who looked at the campfire blankly.

"But you were headed to C-21 weren't you?"

Yoongi asked as he squinted his eyes at the younger. His investigating instinct waking up.

"Hey hey, let the boy be."

Jin said as he came in defense of the young boy.

"But what's in C-21 that you are heading there?"

April asked causing Jungkook to glance at Hoseok who understood the que and spoke up first.

"There is a hush rumor that..."

Jungkook complete the older's words earning a gasp from all of them.

"That C-21 found the map to N-side."

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