Salt Air

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Location: C-21, Arion, Training Center


The girl turned around and started walking away with hurried pace. Yoongi mumbles a curse under his breath before going back in. Rachel's eyes turned into half-moon as Yoongi told her that Alice might have heard their conversation. Rachel ran out of the room to find the yellow haired girl. Her steps halt when she sees Alice on the door step of training room where Jimin was asleep. Rachel closed the distance as her heart thumbed with fear.


"How could you!"

Alice spoke in low voice but her voice was strong and fearsome. She turned around to face Rachel before gripping on her hand, dragging her away from the room to somewhere away from the team's notice. Rachel quietly followed the girl as they passed by the a old storage room. What more could she even say? She was ready to listen to everything Alice had to banter. Alice stopped before yanking Rachel's hand and standing in a distance, groaning as she placed her hands on her hips while Rachel stood silently watching the girl carefully.

"Tell him right now!"


Alice snapped her gaze at the girl and covered the distance and gripped her shoulders which hurt Rachel but she didn't protest.

"No? What do you mean by NO?"

Alice raised her voice in frustration before slightly pushing her shoulders as she gazed daggers into her eyes.

"Do you know what will happens when he finds out? Do you fucking have any idea? No! Because you weren't there when his mother died! I was there! I saw him die every single day!"

Rachel stood there with her head hung down as tears stream down her cheeks while Alice kicked the ground before covering the distance between the two and gripping her shoulders and shaking them in anger.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Ha? That you can come into his life and then go away just like that?"

"I am so-"

"Sorries won't let this disappear! You think he will be fine once you die? Do you think he will be able move on? You don't even know him yet and you promise him love? Pathetic."

At that word Rachel snapped her head up and turned Alice around who was standing with her back turned around.

"You think I am fine? You think I am happy? You think I am enjoying this? I might die in the near future but the guilt is killing me everyday!"

Rachel yanked Alice's hand away before wiping her tears away as her red eyes look with glazing gaze at the girl.

"Do you think I don't care about him? Every night I think about different ways to tell him to tell him that I... I am dying but why would you care about what I go through?"

Alice's anger calmed down as she saw a completely broken girl in front of her, not the powerful girl she fought on their first meeting or the cheerful girl that made one liners, no. It was a shattered girl with weight of death hanging on her shoulders.

"I don't want to die Alice... I didn't care about this illness a month ago. I just wanted to bring Maximus down on his knees and die peacefully and finally meet my parents."

Alice's gaze shifted on Rachel's broken ones. Rachel sniffed rubbing her eyes using her longs sleeves of her sweatshirt.

"But then I met Jimin... he ignited a hope for life. I want to live Alice. I want to get old with him, I want to live for him. Give him everything I have... I don't want to leave him.."

Rachel felt pair of strong hands on her shoulders making her turn around to face Yoongi causing her to crash into his embrace making him hold her tightly as she cried her heart out while he patted her back and his eyes met with Alice's.

"Why don't you understand it's difficult for me too... to accept all this..."

Yoongi shushed her as he mumbled it's okay, we understand. Alice wipped her tears and paddled towards Yoongi and Rachel.

"I won't tell Jimin anything but I beg you to tell him before he finds out from somewhere else."

Saying so, Alice pace away back inside the building. Rachel asked Yoongi to give her some time before going back to the training to which he just gave her a day off. Rachel walked inside the room where Jimin was still asleep peacefully. She laid next to him and slid her hands around his waist and rested her head on his chest. Jimin lazily pulled her closer in his sleep. Listening to his symphonic heartbeat brought peace to her thumping heart causing her to sigh and snuggle on his chest.

Hour: 12:30
Location: C-21, Arion, Frat House

Taehyung and April were scrolling side by side near the lake, a new hobby the two were developing together. The two spoke about a common interest they shared that was art.

"Whenever I used be left alone during my time in Black Wing, I used keep myself sane with help of art. I painted my misery away, it was kind of detoxing."

Taehyung nod his head as he view her point of view. He really like the idea of detoxing pain through art which reminded him of his own love of art, photography. He still remembers his first camera he had gotten from his father as his fifteenth birthday gift and how he went around the neighborhood bragging about his new camera but that dream died along with his parents.

April placed her hand on his shoulder getting him out of his abyss of memories and gave her a small smile before continuing walking.

"If you don't mind... could you paint something for me? Not right now maybe but someday."

April nodded giving him a bright smile. The duo entered the house and were greeted with a delicious scent of the food causing them to sprint towards the kitchen and saw Yoongi keeping freshly made food on the dining table while Jin was sitting there not raising a muscle.

"Woah... you guys have prepared a feast!"

"You should have called me, I would have helped."

April suggested as she removed her jacket and placed on the chair and went inside the kitchen to help Yoongi.

"I didn't know either, I came here just few minutes ago. Yoongi made all this by himself."

Jin said as he shrugged his shoulders. It was true, Yoongi cooked everything alone because he wanted to distract his mind plus he wanted treat the team since they were all working so hard. April brought the big pot of soup and placed on the table. Taehyung was already drooling over the food. The rest joined sooner and started eating the food.

Rachel felt her stomach turn as she was half way from finishing her food. She held her mouth and stood up, rushing towards the washroom leaving everyone puzzled. Violet ran behind her. Taehyung pulled Jimin by his sleeve and whispered in his ear.

"Did you impregnated her?"


Jimin caught his chest as his eyes went round causing everyone to divert their attention on them. Jimin blinking thinking that it could have been a probability.

"What? Won't you take accountability for it?"

Taehyung asked a bit disappointed in his friend. Jimin shook his head.

"Of course I will take accountability for that!"

"What are you two talking about?"

Jin asked causing Taehyung to babble his observation to which Namjoon rubbed his head before talking.

"She could also have bad stomach."

To which Taehyung bit his lip sheepishly and gave a sheepishly grin to Jimin as he mumbled a apology. In the midst of this, Alice and Yoongi shared a worried glanced, praying in their mind that the girl was fine. In the washroom, Violet held Rachel's hair as the dark haired girl was vomiting the food out.

After finding some relief, Rachel splashed water on her face while Violet stood near the door practically leaning on it as she look at the girl worriedly.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Okay... not great."

"Of course not, you just vomited blood."

"Yeah but it never happened before, I never felt my stomach hurt while eating."

Violet sighed before walking towards Rachel and holding her hands as she glanced at her pale face.

"Min... you are getting weak as days are passing by. We should go to a doctor-"

Violet was interrupted by a knock on the door, she opened the door to find a worried Jimin standing.


Violet spared her friend a last glance before leaving the two alone. Jimin walked inside the room and closed the door behind.

"Babylove... you alright?"

Rachel lazily nodded as she tried to give him her best smile but failed causing Jimin to pull her into a hug making her sigh in relief.

"You don't have to pretend to be strong in front of me babylove... we must trust each other to show our vulnerable sides that we don't show anyone else."

Jimin caressed her back as she tightened her hold on him.

"I am not well Jimin... I-"

The door opened to Hoseok sprinting inside and rushing towards the toilet, throwing up causing the duo to rush out of the room giving the boy some privacy. The duo walked towards the kitchen where they all were still seated.

"Now Hoseok is pregnant."

Jungkook joked earning chuckles from the rest while Rachel stared at him puzzled causing Jimin to shake his head and taking her away from them. He placed her on his bed, she watched him as he went towards his nightstand and open a small drawer, taking out a small bottle to which Rachel's face turned into disgust. He placed one tablet in her hand to which shook her head in protest.

"I don't like tablets!"

"Take it Minimo, it's good for your health."


She tried running away but Jimin caught and sat her back on the bed and stood in such a way that locked her legs between of his.

"Come on open your mouth and swallow it."

Rachel leaned a back a bit with a smirk tugged on her lips.

"What do you want me to swallow daddy?"

Jimin clicked his tongue to his inner cheek watching her amusingly but didn't play along and placed the pill back in her hand causing her to huff slightly and take the pill, almost gagging but Jimin caressed her back as she rested her head on his torso.

"Tsk tsk... you find swallowing this pill that difficult how will you-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence and you get no sex for a week."

Jimin felt a chill down his spine at her low but dominant voice. And of course he was turned on.

Hour: 21:25
Location: C-21, Arion, Frat House

Alice drank her fifth beer bottle but still not feeling the effects of alcohol. She placed the bottle down and buried her face in her palms as tears threatened to fall. She turned around when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Jungkook sat next to her silently while Alice silently sobbed. Few minutes later, Alice calmed down and lift her gaze to meet Jungkook's, no questions in them, just warmth for her.

"Thank you..."

"For what?"

"Not asking questions..."

Jungkook gave her a gentle smile. He glanced at her side to see few beer bottles.

"Are you drunk?"

"Nope. I don't get drunk easily."

"Ha, why is that?"

Jungkook was successful in distracting her from her unknown pain as Alice had a proud smirk on her face as she looked at him.

"In Fairilia, there is a ceremony, when we graduate from our schools, we have to drink hard drinks, so that we are not vulnerable to petty alcohol during our duties."

Jungkook slightly opened his mouth in understanding before nodding rapidly.

"So, no one can get you drunk and reveal your secrets or film you when you do something you regret when you sober and blackmail you... ha.. lucky."

"What? Who would do that?"

"People who you call friends but they are noting but enemies in disguise!"

Jungkook gritted his teeth when the memories of his college farewell flashed in his mind, how he got drunk and started dancing on a very old earth song, WAP. Since it was the last day of his college, he danced his heart out and drank till his heart was full to the point he didn't know what he was doing. Next day, his close friend showed him a video of him tweaking to that unholy song. Jungkook shook his head as he came out of that embarrassing memory.

On the other side, Alice was laughing holding her stomach while he playfully glared at her but inside he was happy that he could make her laugh, even though he had to sacrifice his own reputation in front of her but it was worth it.

The duo walked towards the back doors of their respective houses. Alice rubbed her forearms since it was getting chilly outside which didn't go unnoticed by the boy and placed his jacket around her shoulders.

"I am fine, take it-"

"Keep it... it's quite cold.. see you tomorrow at training then?"

Alice give a single nod before opening the door and walked in while Jungkook scratched his nape as he watched her go in.

"What is this feeling I have for you? It's too early to call it love..."

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