Talk the talk

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Hour: -:-
Location: Somewhere in the N-side

Jimin smiled at Rachel's sleeping form. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. How could he? He had no hopes of seeing her ever again just twenty-four hours ago. He sighed dreamily. He kissed her cheeks softly, trailing it down to her jawline. The girl moaned softly before gradually opening her eyes to find her boyfriend giving her a charming smile.

"Wake up love..."

"Hmm... five more minutes..."

Rachel said pulling the bedsheet above her head. Jimin shook his head but his smile never left his lips. He softly tugged on the bedsheet, pulling it down to reveal his beautiful girlfriend sleeping once again. Jimin caressed her back before placing a quick kiss on her head and got out of the room. He let the girl sleep a bit more. He could see the bags under eyes which made it clear she was tired and weak. Jimin sighed at that thought and went downstairs.

Jimin entered the kitchen which was filled with laughter and talks. The captain smiled to himself, happy that his team was back to it's chaotic selves. He entered the kitchen only to get pulled by Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Woah! Woah! Where are y'all pulling me too?"

Jimin asked and softly giggled. The two young once made the prince sit on a nearby chair where April and Alice were already present.

"We have something to tell you."

Taehyung began while Jungkook nodded at the same. Jimin's eyes widened at that and looked at the two girls who simply shrugged their shoulders.

"What is it? Is everything fine?"

Jimin asked a bit skeptically. The two young boys exchanged a look with one and another and then looked at the girls before looking back at the older boy.


Taehyung once again began. He looked at April letting his cheeks turn red. Jimin looked at the exchange amusingly. His lips tugged with a smirk. He also noticed the look in Jungkook's eyes as he stole glances at Alice. Jimin chuckled and leaned back crossing his arms and legs. His smirk widened when he saw the two boys' flustered faces.

"What is it? Ha? Did something happened when I wasn't around? Something to do with your dirty sheets?"

Jimin asked with a suggestive smile to which the four souls started coughing hard which made Jimin to burst out in laughter. Taehyung looked at April before quickly moving her gaze away. While on the other side, Jungkook didn't even dare to look at Alice.

"Why is your mind going to this type of places!"

Taehyung yelled which made Jimin to shrug his shoulder and wink at the boy. The blond boy calmed himself and looked at them.

"What is it that you wanna tell? I am serious now."

Jimin said with a calm expression. Taehyung took a seat next to his soulmate and whispered something in his ear letting Jimin's eyes widen in shock. He looked at Jungkook and gasped. Taehyung nodded to Jimin expression which asked if it's true. Jimin leaned in closer to Taehyung.

"Then why are these two here?"

"They came after I and Jungkook were talking... they don't know anything..."

Taehyung whispered back. Jimin sighed determinedly before standing on his feet and gestured the two boys to follow him to which the hurriedly paced behind the captain. Meanwhile, the two girls stared at the three weirdos.

"What do you think they were talking about?"

April asked to which Alice just shook her head. The yellow haired girl did find Jungkook and Taehyung mumbling with each other suspicious when she entered the kitchen but she brushed it off since the duo was weird from the start.

"No way! Jin and Namjoon?"

Jimin asked to which Taehyung nodded while Jungkook brought snacks. The three young boys were gossiping about the two older males in the group.

"Well, not gonna lie... I kinda did see this coming..."

Jimin said before taking a sip from his coffee sassily. Jungkook hummed before tugging a smirk watching the soulmate duos.

"You think they are the only emerging couple in this ship?"

Jungkook asked before moving his hair from forehead sassily and taking a sip from the coffee. Taehyung gasped a bit and looked at Jimin who was equally intrigued.

"Who else?"

Jimin asked leaning a bit with Taehyung doing the same. Jungkook looked around a bit to see if anyone else was present or not. Finding no one, Jungkook leaned in and whispered.

"Yoongi and Solar..."

Jimin and Taehyung gasped while Jungkook smirked with satisfaction. The prince couldn't believe the younger. A Gliesrionian and a Galactican?


Jimin was snapped out of his thoughts by Taehyung's hand on his shoulder. He looked at his green haired boy laughing at something Jungkook said making him smile softly. The once quiet friend of his was opening up to new friendships and Jimin was proud of him. He joined their funny conversations before pacing out of the younger's room.

Jimin walked to his room to check on his sleeping beauty. He opened the door to find it empty causing him to frown a bit. He opened the door to her room but she wasn't there either.

"Where did she go?"

Rachel vomited blood for the second time since she had woken up. She could feel it, her health was worsening. She splashed some water on her face. Her end was just near the corner and she couldn't do anything about it. She wiped her face with the towel, cleared any evidence of her sickness and walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened.


Rachel turned around to find her friend walking towards her. Violet's face covered in worry for her dear friend. Violet brought the girl to her room and made her sit on her bed and sat next to her.

"Rachel, this is going to backfire on you if Jimin comes to know about this from someone else... plus... at least... give him some time to p-prepare h-him-"

Violet couldn't complete her words and broke down into tears. Rachel hugged Violet, trying to calm her best friend down.

"I'll talk to him... today."

Rachel whispered. She knew that there was no escape from this. She had to come clean. She remembers how she felt when Jimin had disappeared. For those moments where she had no idea if he was alive or dead, she went crazy. She didn't want Jimin to go through the same.

The team had gathered around in the meeting room at Hoseok's request. After Yoongi's theory on the N-side he did some more research with the help of Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook. Jimin had his eyes glued to the big screen. Hoseok looked at the anticipation on their faces causing him to smile but soon turned serious.

"So, after doing some research, we concluded some very interesting theories about the N-side."

Hoseok began and looked at Namjoon who got the clue and continued.

"After Yoongi's theory, we can conclude that this N-side does not have a single jump point but plenty and unorganized ones."

Jimin nodded understandingly but didn't say anything, letting the trio continue. Yoongi looked at the map and pointed to a red spot.

"Here, this one, this was an space vessel we found while we were searching for you."

Yoongi informed and pointed at Jimin who continued taking in the information.

"So... there is someone else here?"

Solar asked to which Namjoon nodded hesitantly before scratching his forehead.

"We cannot say but the presence of the vessel does give the hint that there might be a chance that there is life in this side of the universe. But maybe even they don't know how to navigate through these galaxies."

Namjoon concluded.

"But even if that is the case, why are all the galaxies we have been to are dead?"

Taehyung asked getting everyone's attention on him and falling into a deep thought. He had a valid question.

"Maybe they withered with time..."

April added to which Taehyung nodded and smiled at her who returned a shy one. Yoongi cleared his throat getting the attention back on him.

"We have no answer to that question but we need to land somewhere because we are running out of the fuel."

Yoongi said to which Jimin's face fell into worry. He was the captain and they were his responsibility and he had to keep them safe no matter what but what could he even do if there are no habitable planets in this maze. His thoughts came to an halt when the sirens went on which indicated that they were near a jump point.

Jungkook and Hoseok paced to the cockpit while the rest stayed in meeting room, brainstorming to possible solution. After the smooth jump, the pilots waited for the radar to show the map of the galaxy. Jungkook saw that there were just two planets in this particular galaxy which they denoted as N-9.

The survey of the planet one took around an hour. Since Jimin's sudden disappearance, they didn't risk leaving the big ship and did the survey while being in the Dream ship. As always, this planet too was determined unfit. Jungkook sighed heavily getting Hoseok attention.

"What's wrong kid?"

"I mean... why are we wasting time on surveying? All the planets are dead... this is just killing us with hopefulness..."

Jungkook whined a bit to which Hoseok nodded, understanding where the boy was coming from. He patted the young boy's back prompting him to look at the older.

"But since we found that vessel... maybe there might be a planet where there might be life present..."

"But Hobi, what if that person was also lost just like us? What if they came here by pure chance and not actually from here?"

Jungkook's argument made Hoseok fall into a deep thought. The young one had a valid point. Hoseok sighed in despair. The more they try to untangle the mystery the more messed up it got.

Rachel pulled Jimin from his yet another gossiping chat with Taehyung and brought him to the greenhouse. The pair sat under the biggest tree in the ship. Jimin saw Rachel's agitating body causing him to grip her forearms gently.

"What's wrong babylove? Is everything alright?"

Jimin asked worriedly to which Rachel shook her head. She felt tears had already began to stream down her face. Her tears only added more worry on the blond boy. He pulled her into a hug and caressed her back.

"I am here Minimo... you can tell me anything... it's okay..."

Jimin whispered. Rachel looked at him and took a deep breath.

"Jimin... I-"

"Guys! We found a planet! Habitable planet!"

Jungkook's voice blared throughout the ship causing the couple to share a look before running to the cockpit. The whole team gathered around the cockpit and looked at the screen. It was the survey video from the drone. Jimin turned around to face his team with a small smile of happiness.

"Let's go!"

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