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Hour: 12:09
Location: Galaxy C-21, Arion

Hoseok disabled the thrusters as soon as the ship touched the ground while Jungkook stretched his arms and looked at the older giving him a satisfactory bunny smile but just then they hear a loud crash causing all of them to rush out of the ship to find the other ship completed crashed.


Violet screamed as she ran towards the ship followed by all of them. Their steps halted when they saw purple haired boy come out of the ship, coughing and dusting off his now dirty shirt.

"Wow that was a hell of a crash.."

"Tell me about it."

Jimin said as he walked out, helping Rachel and April out of it followed by Namjoon and Taehyung. The six didn't notice the other six as they took a view of the wreck-down ship. Taehyung patted Jimin’s shoulder in sympathy.

"We'll fix it..."

"Yeah... Hey guys!"

Jimin’s tone changed from sad to delight as he saw the other half of the team. Violet and Solar paced towards Rachel and asked her about her wellbeing to which she asked them not to worry.

"Well we are here now captain. What is your plan?"

Yoongi asked not wasting anymore time to which Jimin moved in the center.

"Well first... we get ourselves cleaned up and then meet with The Supreme Command of Arion and tell her about Maximus' plan."

Yoongi nodded to his plan and turned around to come face to face with a Arionian solider aiming a gun to his head causing all of them to share a look before raising their hands.

"Oh crap-"

"Walk in a line!"

All the twelve heads walked in a straight line inside the main Space Patrolling Bereau of Arion. They were captured and brought for unauthorized entry in their space. The solider pushed Violet inside the monitor room to investigate her profile.

"Name - Violet Vilde
Code name - Raven
Home Planet - Redcrone (M-00), Redcronian
Occupation - Ex. General of Redcronian Army.
Fled the planet after a murder mission in M-5."

The Electronic voice echoed throughout the room to Violet's displeasure. The next was Solar.

"Name - Solar Minitue
Code name - Eclipse
Home Planet - Galactica (M-00), Galactican
Occupation - Ex. Galactican Solider
Fled the Planet due to unknown reasons."

Solar rolled her eyes as she was pushed in another small room. Jin was pushed in next.

"Name - Seokjin Kim
Code name - ... Universe Wide Handsome...
Home Planet - Berinrion (T-M), Berinrionian
Occupation - Entertainer
Was kidnapped on the way to C-3."

The two soldiers squinted their eyes as they looked at the handsome actor being mix of the rest. Yoongi groaned when his turn was next.

"Name - Yoongi Min
Code Name - SUGA
Home Planet - Gliesrion (M-00), Gliesrionian
Occupation - Ex. General in Command of Gliesrion Army.
Fled the Planet after giving up the title."

The soldiers behind the screen looked at the man dumbfounded. The next in line was Hoseok.

"Name - Hoseok Jung
Code name - Hope
Home Planet - Boxion (M-1), Boxionian
Occupation - Space Ranger
Was expelled from the Army and is been rouge eversince."

The soliders monitoring were getting more weirded out as the process went on. Next was Namjoon.

"Name - Namjoon Kim
Code name - n/a
Home Planet: Valeria (C-1), Valerian
Occupation: Medical Science Doctor
He has been reported missing for last two weeks."

The soliders shook their head. Next Jungkook.

"Name - Jungkook Jeon
Code name - Golden Star
Home Planet - Costeria (T-2), Costerian
Occupation: Space Exploration."

The soliders looked at the screen finding a clean record before looking at the doe eyes of the boy who grinned a bit before leaving. Next up was Alice.

"Name - Alice Ling
Code name - Wonder
Home Planet - Fairilia (T-M), Fairilian
Occupation - Warrior
Celebrated Warrior of Fairilia."

She looked at them annoyed before leaving. Next was April.

"Name - April Starlight
Code name - Astra
Home Planet - Coloria (M-121), Colorian
Occupation - Ex. Member of Black Wing and currently the Robin Hood. Thief."

April felt salty at how they concluded her as a thief in the end. Next up Taehyung.

"Name - Taehyung Kim
Code Name - Vincent or V
Home Planet - Auxtreen (T-1), Auxteenian
Occupation: Thief."

Taehyung fake smiled before rolling his eyes at his information. Next was Rachel, as she walked towards the screen, heart beated rapidly. She was scared of what might show up on the screen.

"Name - Rachel Standzer
Code name - Minimo
Home Planet - Redcrone (M-00), Human
Occupation: Ex. Space Solider
Maximus' niece."

Rachel exhaled the breath she was holding as soon as the electronic voice stopped her information. Last but definitely not the least. Jimin.

"Name - Jimin Park
Code name - n/a
Home Planet - Antheria (T-M), Antherian
Occupation - n/a
Crown Prince of Antheria."

Jimin smirked at the jaw dropped reaction of the two soliders. Though he didn't like the title but he loved the power it held. He soon joined the remaining members of his team but to his displeasure, not all were present. Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon and Alice were the only once in the room.

The metal door slided letting Yoongi and Hoseok in and join the rest. Jimin cover the distance and walk passed them. He tried opening the door but it didn't even budge. He turned around to meet Yoongi's gaze.

"Where are the rest?"

"We both were the only one in the other room."

"Minimo? Tae?"

"Sorry man... but we don't know."

Hoseok said as he sat next to Namjoon. Jimin kicked the metal door as he groaned in annoyance.

"What did they ask you?"

Jin whispered to Jungkook who got pulled out of his daydream.

"Oh.. they asked me how I go involved with Redcronian."


Jimin asked gaining the younger's attention. Jungkook looked up to Jimin to meet his gaze.

"Weren't you asked anything?"

To which Jimin shook his head as his eyes were watching the duo fazed.

"Wait, Doc? You?"

"Well they didn't ask me anything instead assured me to send me home safely."




"They asked whether you guys are the ones who actually kidnapped me... I said no. Of course."


"They asked if we were here to hand-over Rachel, Violet and Solar..."

"Same question to me too."

Hoseok said as he glanced between Yoongi and Jimin. The metal door opened again letting a solider in.

"The Supreme Command wants to meet with you Mr. Park."

They all stood up to walk along only for the solider to halt them.

"Only him."

Alice cut through the crowd and stood next to Jimin.

"I am his protector. I cannot let you take him without knowing where you are taking him."

The solider glanced at Jimin who had a somber look on his face causing the solider to gesture them to walk along leaving the five boys locked in the room again. Namjoon exhales a deep sigh as he watch the duo leave.

Jimin and Alice walk inside the more elite area of SPB, men and women dressed in formal suits or uniform, different from that of the solider that were escorting them. Soon they reached towards a big lounge and asked the two to wait for some time. Jimin tapped his feet in agitation as his mind was wondering about his team's well-being, specifically that of Rachel. While Alice was standing near the big glass window, in the state of calm, watching the beautiful city of Arion.

"How are you so calm?"

"Because you are not in danger."

"Well, what about the others?"

"They don't matter to me as much as your safety does."

"Really Alice? After all that we all have been through?"

Alice simply shrugged and continued watching out of the window.

"What about Jungkook? I thought you were warming up to him."

Alice stood in silence. It was true that she was warming up to him but it scared her that it would lead to something that she isn't ready for or scared that will come in between her duty. Her thought was interrupted by the solider's call for the two. Jimin and Alice walked inside a simple yet lavishing office and middle of it sat the Supreme Command of Arion. Adara.

Woman in her late sixty's, dusty skin, her orange hair tied up in a tight bun. Her blue suit giving off the aura of dominance. She rose from her chair and paddled towards the duo. She gave Jimin a slight bow before holding her hand out for a handshake which the boy complied.

"It's an honor to meet with you Crown Prince. It is not everyday you meet royalty now."

"Well, the pleasure is mine."

In Jimin’s young days he had to attend class on diplomacy and just like those days, he hates how fake he needed to act but now he had to keep the act going on or else he wouldn't get his team back.

"What brings you here? I am sure it must be important."

"Well... you called me here.."

"Oh... I didn't mean in my office. I meant my planet. What brings you to Arion?"

Jimin poked his inner cheek as he hear her sarcastic undertone. He couldn't pinpoint her intentions.

"And you brought some unexpected friends along with you..."

"Ah.. there it is."

Jimin smirked at his thought and looked at her with sharp eyes and leaned a bit back before speaking up.

"Where are they?"

"Where they belong. In jail."

"You can't hold them in captivation. It's against the laws of Universe."

"We can keep them under-arrest if they are termed as 'War Criminals.'"

"War Criminals? You must be kidding me. They are anything but that."

Adara watched the boy carefully before gesturing her solider to which he goes away for while and return with something that made Jimin’s heart drop. Rachel's communication device. He glanced at the device before lifting his gaze on the older woman.

"We found this device in Ms. Standzer's pocket while monitoring her. We have gone through them and seems like... Redcrone is ready for a war."

"And we are here to stop that from happening."

Jimin exhaled a sharp breath before looking up at her again.

"Look.. I don't really know what you think Rachel is but trust me she is anything but like Maximus. She wants to stop this from happening."

"Then why come here? She could have gone to another stronger planets."

"I brought her and the others here."

"What do you mean?"

"She insisted on going to my Planet for help but-"

He was interrupted by a sarcastic chuckle from the older making Jimin glance at Alice who looked puzzled too.

"I am sorry.. but is this funny to you?"

"No Mr. Park, no it isn't. I just found it ironic that you brought her here and not to your planet because you don't trust her either."

"That's bullsh-"

"Really Mr. Park? Don't you have even a bit of a doubt that maybe this is all Maximus' plan to maybe lurk you and then attack at Antheria."

"No, I don't think so."

"Come on... you said she insisted that she wanted to go to Antheria and yet you say you don't think that is the possibility."

Adara picked the device and opened the plans which Rachel had already showed them.

"Why did you bring her here and not to your planet? Is it because you didn't trust a Redcronian?"

"It's not her that I don't trust! It's my father. I don't trust him. Never did and never will."

Adara exhaled a small sigh before turning the device off and handing it back to the solider but Jimin didn't let the man pass and snatched the device from his hand.

"Mr. Park! What is this behavior!"

"This device belongs to Rachel, you have no right to take it."

Jimin looked down and exhaled a airy chuckle and glanced back at the older woman.

"I thought you guys would be of help to us but guess I was wrong. Free my members and we will leave this Planet."

"How can I trust you and specially the Redcronians with you."

"Well, there is not much you can do. Release them and you have my word, we will leave your stupid Planet."

"Okay, fine but you leave immediately."

"We can't do that, our ship is a wreck."

Alice spoke up gaining their attention. Adara gestured her solider causing him to nod before taking his leave.

"How much time you need to leave this Planet?"

"Around two or three wee-"

"I'll give you five days. If you don’t leave within these five days, we will have no choice but to prosecute Ms. Standzer and her allies."

The office door opened getting everyone's attention. Jimin felt his heart beating again as soon as he saw Rachel in the view along with Solar and Violet. He paced towards her and held her in his arms. He looked over her shoulders but didn't find Taehyung or April. He turned around to face the older woman who was on her feet now.

"What about Taehyung and April?"

"They had already been escorted to your other friends, we respect the laws of Universe, they aren't our offenders. You all can leave now and remember, five days."

Jimin rolled his eyes and pulled Rachel along with him followed by Solar, Violet and Alice.

"How will we fix our ship within five days?"

Alice asked as they all climbed down the perron causing Jimin to halt his steps and look at her with deep thoughts.

"Well... we need to get started as soon as possible or else..."

He glanced sadly towards Rachel, she simply smiled and squeezed his palm slightly.

"We'll figure something out."

Hour: 15:43
Location: Galaxy C-21, Arion

The whole group gathered in the small ship of that of Hoseok. Cramping themselves in the small cockpit. Jimin stood in the center and cleared his throat gaining their attention.

"So... as you can see.. my plan backfired."

They all started mumbling among themselves making Jimin press his lips before speaking up again.

"So! Now let's discuss our little situation here. We have just five days to leave this planet. But... our ship.."

Jimin drifted off making them sigh at the obvious obstacle.

"So what should we do now Cap?"

Namjoon asked trying his best to adjust between Jungkook and Jin. They all were very well build, so even turning around was difficult for them.

"Well, first we need to buy equipments to fix our ship, so we can start working on it."

They all collectively nodded but Jimin glanced down before looking at back at them. He looked at Taehyung who was cramped between April and Violet. It looked like the boy had forgotten how to breathe.



Taehyung came back to his sense and looked at his friend.

"You and I will get the equipments. Rachel and Alice can check on the ship interior damages."

"And us?"

Yoongi asked getting Jimin’s attention.

"Well... we need to discuss that first. I know, I, Rachel, Taehyung and Alice aren't going anywhere else but some of you didn't even sign up for this... so before I give you any instructions, I need to know your priorities."

Jimin scanned the room as they all slowly glanced at one and another causing Jimin to give a silent sigh.

"Namjoon and Jin, there are ships that makes tour to other Galaxies. So you two can go back home."

The two silently stood there. Jimin turned his gaze on Jungkook and then April and Hoseok.

"Jungkook, Hoseok and April, you guys have your own personal missions, so that doesn't give me any rights to stop you from leaving."

They shared a look. Jimin’s gaze met with Yoongi but before he could speak the ginger haired beat him to it.

"I won't be leaving until I end Maximus myself."

Jimin nodded a bit and glanced around Solar and Violet who shook their heads in no indicating they aren't leaving either.


A gentle voice called getting everyone's attention. Jungkook stepped a bit forward and scratched his nape nervously.

"Well... you will need as many hands as possible to fix that ship so..."

He looked around for brief moment before glancing back at the blond boy.

"We aren't leaving."

Space Patrolling Bereau

Adara was taking a view at her city when she was interrupted by her assistant.

"Greetings Supreme Command, we have placed stealth drones as you ordered."

"Good. Keep a close eyes on them. They could be valuable assets for us."

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