Chapter 10: "I used to have a business with the person is now seized"

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Following my dad's trustiest friend down the building and in the main area, we arrive at the gates to the street, even at this time of the day just a few cars were on the road.

The sun must have been playing hide-and-seek because the clouds were darker than earlier, as I notice that water started to pour from the sky. The time was getting slower I wasn't using my powers, my heart was getting slower in its beat, that until a voice took me out of the daze.

— Come with me kiddo, you will stay at my house while your fathers do not get rescued. In the next few days, you go read the letter with your friends. —  Segreti said.

I did what he said, leaving this place finally after mom died it seemed to be a dangerous place, plus I do not think mom passed away from sickness. The theory was that someone poisoned her, but the police did not hear us.

So he started investigating by himself, to make it a solid case bringing these people to justice for whatever reason they had to kill my mother.

He thought it was poison because he had drunk wine and nobody had entered the building that night, knew it was the same people because both damaged the door knock.

The rain was falling beautifully in the car's window, a storm is coming, but for now, the Sun camera out to say hi, scientific terms are quite boring right now.

I am sitting in the back seat with our bags but is a ton of space to get comfortable, the bags were mostly on the ground anyway.

I just my position sting the 'right way' facing the passengers, then laying my head back, closing my eyes and letting the soft pop take me into a deep and hopefully long sleep.


I awaken when the car comes to a stop, we are lastly at the address, the structure we were supposed to move in a few days. The building is where K with Gisele and their parents live, a new place, one that hopefully could be the material space for what I call home.

— Plans changed, my home is not safe, there is a client there under Interpol protection, even if they are part of the Mafia.- Says Segreti.

With that, we make our way into the lodging with bags by us, having a good night of sleep, I could not guess the next day, I was hoping to read the letter.


In the letter, dad sounded different from the ones he writes for me from a habit he has, and nothing was indicating a puzzle, he loves them!

Everyone else had made their way to bed, Victor and I did not, we stayed by the fire, minutes passed since the last person said goodbye when something caught my eye. The paper did not burn, OK let me reformulate that, did not burn as a paper does. Something more appeared to be written on the paper, of course, my curiosity was the one to lead my actions at that moment.

Burning my hand a bit in the process but doing in a heartbeat, I took the letter out of the fire, it was warm but still readable. The ink of the letter we read was blue, but something written on the verse with black was the new thing.

Dear Karl,

Please, Gods, protect my little boy, because if you are reading this, son...

This means I am dead...




I could not believe my eyes, what was that?

I breathe slowly. A message. It could not be it, my father is not dead. If this is a trick I will be relieved but mad at him, why every letter has to contain a bad joke? They are funnier told in person.

I felt my heart rage jump a beat, accelerating more and more until Victor touched my shoulder with his hand, giving a look when I turned, asking for me to keep reading it out loud.


I am kidding, you are just in danger. That scared you, didn't it?

I am giving you an order and I need you to follow it if not, it can be fatal for a part of the population in the future, train and protect, that's for all of you.

Take care,

The danger is coming,

Your father,

Oliver Sun

My heart rate was normal again, but he did not have to scare me, I throw the letter in the fire again. Seeing it burns for real now, leaving soon after, with my bestie beside me, it was time to sleep we had a long day tomorrow.

3rd person: 

After an hour trip to a house outside the city, it was keeping the other doctor, Sun, as half-hostage, half-guest. He had his room but could not leave the house. It wasn't even sunrise vehicle parks in front of it and a man, from the social shoes, you can tell, they are shiny and black.

But a thing he asked and was done for him is putting his letters into some places as in the crime scene, the ones that did that believe you can't even notice someone was there. Because it was used teleportation, Reality's teleportation machine that works ready well, he would thank you.

But there is a thing, the letter has a piece of crucial information, from inside this whole crime operation, one of the other letters.


Arriving at the lab throw the glass you can see a man pinned to the wall, the guest that was a bad person he was going to analyte different kind of ethers and that would go for hours without a hint of a possible end of pain section.

The man from earlier, much earlier as the sun rose in the window, came to the glass visible from inside, the pain from the surprise of one of his kind, a doc would help him... It was something we did not want to talk about.

But Sun wasn't the only one in pain, the other doc has been using all his brainpower to fight from his other side, which was created by mother nature but programmed by Reality the man itself to his proposes.

The only thing that could be considered good in the room was the soft music playing, it would help them all o forget the discomfort.


Seeing the man in the middle of the room, unconscious from fighting against the sleeping gas the men behind give a big smile, ear to ear, it did not the one that gives you positive vibes, this scares so much, even if it looked like a paparazzi smile.

I used to have a business with the person is now seized, when he broke our partnership because he did not believe in my idea. I was angry, now I pity him, so much knowledge, but he did not want it, that was always offered in my relationships. The man thought.

Looking to his side was his puppet stayed the doc looked like the man who stole the handbag again, incredible how mind-control works, there was an innocent doctor with Dark but grey hair, highlighting his bluish with a hint of the real doctor colour fighting for dominance yes, ho treated child but after this last brain process the Reality himself would do it.

And dead, that body would become his soldier, not like Winter or some Mutant from DC. No, that would be so much better, he thought he was the best, and who would go against him?

His ego is as big as Russia, so... No one except for some smart kids, they are the heroes of the city, so no attacking directly.

To be continued...

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