Chapter 13: When the clock is ticking

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3rd person POV

Looking to his side was his puppet, stayed the doc looked like the man who stole the handbag again, incredible how mind-control work. He was an innocent doctor with dark but grey hair, highlighting his bluish with a hint of the real physician colour fighting for dominance. Yes, he treated the child but after this last brain process, the Reality himself would do it.

And dead that body would become his soldier, not like Winter or some Mutant from DC, no. That would be so much better, he thought he was the best, and who would go against him?

He was no match for anyone well knew except maybe could be beaten by the mafia, they were stronger but has some respect to him, plus big mafias aren't on the news any more. No, they are in secret and turning their business legal according to the laws of the headquarters' location. Wasting time with someone creating more chaos in the chaotic cities they use as a moneymaker? Keep that up, but do not mess with us, they would answer.

Could be power, or even pleasure, of seeing the others fall apart, into a million pieces, both figurative and literally, the last one the ones who you fight with because of disagreement, a common characteristic for this specific administrator to show nowadays.

His ego is as big as Russia, so... No one, except for some smart kids, is the hero of the city, so no attacking directly if you ever want to do that, just spare your time and take care of yourself.

This man will crush you or use you in any legal way he can, NDAs about his actions and objectives, plus other acting skills to fool the people outside his plan.


In a moment of his last hope the guy inside that body, the puppet in making knew its end was coming, sooner than they must, all because of the low person controlling him, who played it all for the help, not dirtying his hands but in the end, all ambitious people deal with dust.

Why would be this man, from what he guesses from the voice, do not do that same? Even if he had his side, he would hurt people, even the good guys from the fairy tales do.

The boss' mind is working fast, harder and better because of a strong substance similar to NZT from Limitless, it lasted more with the same side and positive effects for the user, noticing every single thing about the environment you are in is very import sometimes.

And that drug what was the man was going to give to the soon-to-be-finished creature in human form, the soul of the body was going to be gone, and it would be so much of a big step on the plan.

The plan to control not the word because  Globalization and the influencers already controlled, he wasn't a brand ether, but he was going to change the world the way he wants to.


After the so-called, 'battle' on SEA LABS

You see, maybe the events that followed in the lab were planned, meant to pass, and that confirm themselves with the sight of the same room once Oliver was being tortured and tested until his near death.

Destiny some would say, but what if he can write our stories, it believed that we all would die, but how many times we can determine, being happy and achieving goes or have a normal life, your destiny is an open door, in the middle of a corridor of opportunities, you have one job, live and work your hardest for you goes with choosing them.

In an operation chair, sat immobile a body, it was easily recognizable now, the puppet-like man, the one used and created for changing the world, even Reality agreed, it was changing the world for a selfish man who critics the world on all its periods.

The humanoid started to move, first, the tip of their nose, legs, abdomen, face and not at least hands and modified brain, like it wasn't enough the complexity of these neurones connections and all the things involving this part of the human body, the boss modified it without being 100% sure about how it works, the great risk for his dreams.

In the time being, it seemed to be a success as the subject eyes are open and not with of hint of fear in their location as it was before it all started. It was a blank page, and he had to be taught all things again, the good thing was a monitored environment they had to do so, a high-tech searching workroom.

Just an improved moppet of many more the foreman wanted to transform because they had the ability needed to pass as Reality, and keep their identity a secret the maximum time possible.

So with one would have a way of speaking, a moral, and family, with different physical aspects however at the same time, they would be one with only one objective to make the world change their way and for them, especially their so-called leader, Reality as all used as an alias.

They all wear the same uniform, some kind of black suit with a hoodie that differed than for a little detail, biometric writing of a number, their subject number their new name, maybe for a while most likely permanently, it is imperceivable if you are not looking for their difference other than the physical characteristic.

What does not matter because all their body is covered, you can identify the tone and suspect the gender, just affirm if they show their face or hands like occurred in Ibirapuera the night the city experienced one of the bigger dangers between a small area?

Nobody knew or told about a little thing, all the memories you had been erased as in theory, they were teleported to the next living to be killed by the chief it was a circle until will the someday, somehow, someone saved one of them before their genetics was over, that was how they were chosen, a little piece of their DNA made it easy for the process of mind-controlling, persuading and washing, plus the creation of a new identity or the non-existence of it.

Oh, but that day was close because two people shared the same memory, a c0p and the doc this policeman was almost finding out the plan, until he entered it some months ago, slowly getting dipper, leaving some clues than some tips for whoever wanted to find him.

Now he was at the end of the master plan, stopped leaving any kind of evidence, cleaning crime scenes or forging them for someone special for getting rid of them, he was a dirty cop but in one scene he did not clean but put evidence on, the flat of the Sun family.

K- Sunday

Today is the day of boarding, we are going on a cruise! I went on one once, at Christmas, where we bumped with our male cousins.

Waking up and anxious made me not think about how long we would take to enter the ship and all the other steps we had to go throw.

We ended up entering Magnifica at 2 pm after an emergency training we went to dinner, the theatre, and a club were, specifically the one destined for teens, it was a room.


I was up and about, already going into the pool full of seawater, plus an ofurô with was in 37 degrees Celsius. We had lunch, then a nap and after that got dressed up, all teens had treasure hunting then with my family we went to the commandant's croquet, the theatre then dinner.


Waking up and eating breakfast after playing in the sun, I went with my sister to the teen area just a bit after going to lunch and get ready to head out.

The escort guided us and informed us through Montevideo and Uruguay. We visited an alfazor factory and seeing how the things worked in its production line was amazing.

And when we came back did our night routine, dinner, theatre and then sleep.

Buenos Aires — First day

Grand tour, on this tour we saw every tourist point in the city of Buenos Aires, we had 4 stops, and we had a bit of free time for shopping.

Buenos Aires-Day 2

This day we decided that we would go by taxi to Cólon on a tour, that is all we did, in the evening we enjoyed the free time we had.

Punta del Este

We did a grand tour, it was fun and sightseeing was amazing while there, of course, we did not see the real city, but it was amazing the same way.

Navigation day

That day we had a tour in the ship, with is huge inside than it looks with many cool this because we were seeing a behind the scenes, starting with the theatre, then the laundry, storage room, the kitchen where all the delicious food is made and how they made sushi.

Checking out of Magnifica and school

We simplify woke up, had breakfast and get off this magnificent ship to keep up with the holidays until school started again.

The first day came and in my classroom, English and Spanish classes there was no one I have a friendly connection with.

Good days pass so fast, and that's the bad side of them that stands out for me.

The meeting day — March 2018

We were all sat around a table at 9 pm when all I wanted to be sleep or eat but no- we had to wear our super suits for the press even if we talked to them a while again.

We are teens, we need some sleep, well, some minutes more won't hurt on our sleeping schedule, plus taking photos sometimes depending on who was fun and good before we start the meeting with cookies and each other's favourite juice for our eating rage of 20,000 to be followed.

The meeting wasn't as memorable, but talking about our training seemed to be good enough for the world.

Plus, my head was thinking about the teachers and their rights because someone is threatening to take that away. In the end, because of the fuel expansiveness, I had to stop going to the LABS as we are using it until we instal a cleaner source of energy.

To be continued...

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