Chapter 15: The truth is...

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A/N: In this, I tried to show a different side of some characters. The picture was taken by me on April 14.

Let's add some things here...

 -------- It is written, now it is your choice to believe it or not. ------

3rd person 

The mystery, kinda, well-lacking case of Dr Sun and the reason he asked Segreti to investigate. It was his suspicion,  the one that there was more habitable territory than the community humanity and globalized one shared or even had the date of.

Hacking, digging and breaking laws was something the detective was doing, it was non-stop, only stopping for 5 minutes breaks.

His pal was in danger, a major threat as both of them thought people were going to enter there when Oliver made the decision of analysing the meteorite and give some kinds of a chance to touch it because it had given signs of being non-lethal or radioactive.

Karl would sometimes join him, but the detective mind was somewhere he could not go to or follow after the first 7 months of digging information and trying to live his life without his father around.

But it wasn't essayed, his father wasn't dead so not he would not treat the situation like that, he was alive but keep farthest from him and the rest of their family, he was set up and in a prison somewhere.

But there is a catch, the land was not listed anywhere as a place or an International territory., the only rational conclusion they got was that the place was a country, a hidden country with no register now by the internet. 

It was past 3 in the morning, the prosecutor was already up, he had had 5 hours of sleep, and he would have found his friend by the end of the year. It was a promise.

Forget all that he hadn't slept in some time.

Coding, sending emails to organizations, writing about things and even finding the location of other missing people, groups or objects like a stolen mask from South Africa that was disposed on a private collection of a billionaire, and they wanted it back or the headquarters of a human traffic organization, giving them the last piece of the puzzle to take action and rescue all them, but he had not found what he intended.

Suddenly a very shacked and black-haired boy came into the room, it was none other than the young Sun, it wasn't the first occasion he had woken that time, it was better if Segreti did not ask. And continue digging into the internet looking for information. 

But this time instead of sitting by his uncle side to think or even going to the gym in such a deadly hour, that wasn't even allowed to, he opened his mouth. 

- Why these dreams I have won't stop, dad should be the one to comfort me! But guess what! He is not here. —  his eyes started to shine- You are the one with the responsibility to take care of me, not anyone else Segreti! My dad said it was for me to stay with you, keep us safe and protected.

—But guess what! I did that too, Karl! My job was all I had until your dad was abducted. I do not know how to deal with kids or teens. I am trying my best. 

—Well, that does matter, do that? We got nothing! All we have are ways to blocked streets, deeper in the labyrinth, and the more we dig, the more I believe it is made of leis.

— Yes, you are right, but I can't help you. I need you to continue studying by videos and safe, right here.

— Why? I used to go out on Saturdays on a walk... And you did not sign any papers about my guardianship while dad is accused. 

— Because you are adopted, Karl. That's why the papers are here for you to sign, I was going to tell you in the morning.

Tears still ran in the boys face, slowly, then he sat at a table with a laptop opened, side by side with his so-called elder to help him. Slowly, picking the tiny paper pack with the things he needed to read and sign about the guardianship while his dad has on trial and away from him.

The boy's optic was a bit red, the man's eyes had black circles in them but still focused on their thing.

He may not be his son biologically, but Oliver was the one who raised him, along with a woman he called mom, no other name came into his mind other than that to call her.

They sat there, hours without any sound other than typing and taking notes of what they of, what is very little for the time they have been investigating.

The sun was already up in the sky, making it was through the black glassed windows and into the office room, touching lightly the skin of the ones who were on the place. 

That moment the two of them crossed their arms and found each other eyes, they knew what the other was feeling,  a variation of their feelings. There was no reason for a bad vibe between them, they were family after all.

- I am sorry, uncle.

- That is okay. I am this close - he makes the inch thing with his hand ()- to finding his location across the globe, so wait that we will have him back. I am sorry too.

Feelings finally could get out, the ones they hid from each other for the family to protect from sentimental danger, the ones they were freeing only this time for each other, a bolding being uncle and nephew, a strong connection.

— I have been having these nightmares, uncle S... They aren't going away... They are so real!

—When your mom- you know died, do you had any nightmare at that time?

As a fantasy fan he is, the answer was a simple 'Always'.

 He would find his adoption dad, he is his father figure after all, and hopefully, both of them can find about the boys passed. Plus, why he wasn't told he was adopted, how, when and why were some questions with the answer need.

The rescue may end being all dramatic as a Hollywood, but it would happen, these people wanting or not, and then they would pay injustice for whatever they have done with Dr Oliver Sun. They will be accused of breaking and entry, kidnapping and intercepting a scene of crime for stealing and modifying items present on the scene point.

It was already set, they just needed a main piece to enter with their plan of action, and that required some more work on computer time. A lot of it.

10 am...

Eleven a.m was the time shown on the clock, it wasn't much until the internet would be cleaned and filtrated. If the place was not found, there was one library that had a small section of books not scanned into the Internet, and they would go there if necessary.

12p.m. sharp on the clock...

— Uncle, I got a lead, a big one.

To be continued...

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