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/hunt alone
You hunt alone

/hunt with...
You hunt and bring back prey, for every cat that joins a hunting patrol you get a partner bonus

/patrol with...
Patrol to strengthen the border, there may only be 3 cats per patrol.

/train __ skill with...
Ups the skill that you chose by 0.5

/forage alone
/forage with...
A foraging patrol, they bring back brambles

/gather alone
/gather with...
A gathering patrol, they bring back herbs. Only join one if you have atleast 0.5 healing skill

/eat last
You will be the last to eat, if there is enough prey left that is

/bond with...
Bonding will up your relationship points by 1. There are 6 relationship levels:
Strangers (1)
acquaintance (2)
Friends (3)
Good friends (4)
Best friends (5)
Mates (6)

/gossip about...
The opposite of bonding, it will make your relationship go down with the cat you're gossiping about and, unlike bonding, you can do this alone. There are 6 levels of gossiping:
Uneasy (-1)
Tense (-2)
Dislike (-3)
Hate (-4)
Loathe (-5)
Enemies (-6)
Please be aware i only made this a feature for story building, if i find anyone is using this in a bias manner the user will be punished and this feature will be removed

Heals the chosen cat, do it enough times and the cat will be healed to full health

/ask to be mates with...
If the person you asked agrees you'll be mates. Must atleast be level 4 or 5 of bonding

/breed with...
Will get you a litter of kits if the other person agrees. Unlike most command games you don't have to be mates to have a litter, aslong as you have level 5 of bonding

/search for surrogate
/ask ... to be surrogate
You're a same sex couple that wants kits? Well, you can't just pluck any old kit off of the territory, as that kit doesn't share your bloodline!

/give [kits] up too...
Matrons exclusive. Got a litter that you don't want? Or are some of the kits just becoming too much? Give them to someone else!

/play with...
Only Matrons and Bairns can play. You wil get 0.5+ bond with everyone you play with. Plus Bairns get to start with 1 skill point in each skill if they have played 5 times.

/Rank up to a [rank] Tyros
Used to rank up from a Bairns into a Tyros. You will be told the ranks available for you a moon before you rank up. you will be assigned a mentor after you rank up

/rank up to [full name]
Used to rank up from a Tyros into your full rank

/get to high ground
/get to high ground with...
Used during a flooding. You can either take prey, brambles, herbs or another cat with you, do keep in mind that one cat can only rescue one thing (except Bairns, you can take two Bairns or one Bairn and something that isn't a cat)

/flee with...
Only useable in case of a fire. Sadly fires are more unpredictable than floods, so you can only save a cat (or two Bairns), no prey or herbs or anything else

Only useable if there is something dangerous in camp. You will damage it, but beware, as it will also damage you back if noone is distracting it

Only useable if the camp is under attack. Creating a distraction gives another cat time to attack, but be careful, as whoever you're fighting will go for you instead of your groupmate

Only usable if you're being attacked or if a upwalker wanders into camp. If you are not hidden at the end of the day there is a big chance you'll be found

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