New Stuff + Some Info

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Another level of relationship has been added, lv. 7 (family) this is reserved for parents, kits and siblings

Augurs have the ability to see and comunicate with spirits, they are born with this ability.

For 2 cats without the ability there is a 1 in 8 chance of a kit born from them hiving this ability.

For 1 cat with and 1 cat without the ability there is a 1 in 4 chance of having a kit with the ability

For 2 cats with the ability there is a 1 in 2 chance of having a spirit-seeing kit

Now, i wanna make it possible to have a 1 in 1 chance of having a augur kit for all couples. If you want this chance put in the command

/have kits at Silver-leaves

This will put the kits at a HIGH risk however, depending on the season they have a chance to die in camp:

Lets say a matron gives birth in leafbare in camp without a den, her kits have a 20% chance of dying

If a matron gives birth during leafbare outside of camp her kittens will have a 60% chance of dying.

If a cat is born with the ability to see spirits they will be PMed, at which point they can choose to hide the fact that they have this ability or they can reveal it and be forced to become a augur.

For those hiding it, be very careful, because the current augurs can test kittens with the command

/test (kit's name)

This does cost 1 energy on the augur's part. There is a hidden stat augur kits get called knowledge, the higher the stat, the less chance you'll get caught, the only time the knowledge stat increases is if a check is performed on them and the augur fails

Not enough people
If cats have kittens, but there aren't enough people to give those kittens too, those kits will die. This happened in moon 7, where Nyx had six kits, but there were only two people on the waiting list, and i wanted to make it possible for another couple to have kits so i only let one person in and made the other kit a NPC.

This will continue to happen if there aren't enough people on the waiting list.

(although i am debating with myself if i should let ya'll have four characters until the ranks swell up a bit more)

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