Entry 15 - Highlighting

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This is my last and weirdest city! Highlighting is definitely... One of a kind, so let's get learning. Yay.

So, if you go back a bunch o' entries, I believe you'll find yourself a map of Doodladia. And on that map you will find an island upon which you will find the bright city of Highlighting. Using my maths and science skills, I discovered you had to get a boat over to the island.

I had a choice between a middle class ferry, which has slightly uncomfortable seats, semi decent decent food and one of those cinema rooms that always shows a movie that was released about five months ago, or a fifty year old trawler, which gives me a once in a lifetime chance to see how they fished in old times, experience the thrill of a good catch, feel the sea breeze ruffle my hair as I stand at the prow of the ship and drink hot chocolate and eat cookies while listening to the far fetched tales of the salty old sea captain.

Naturally I chose the ferry.

The trawler (which was called Paper Hat) sounded like too much work. And coldness. I hate the cold.

Also the Skipper only had about six teeth in total, not counting the false one that was made of wood. I think he was called Andrew, or possibly Alex. Or maybe Adam. I thought I heard him mention Jeramy when I asked him for the fifth time, so we'll keep that option open as well. The point that I'm trying to get at is that I couldn't understand him, and on a boat communication is a pretty key element to success. And not getting eaten by the Jaws shark.

On board the ferry I found one of those little tourist board things and I picked up six leaflets instead of one by accident. Also it had a really swirly font, and as I'm not to great at actually reading doodlese, it took me fifteen minutes to struggle through the whole thing. But I found some pretty awesome places to visit, so it was worth the time. Just to let you know I did go the cinema room, and they were playing a terrible remake of the book Paper Towns. I cried the entire time, because it was so heart wrenchingly awful.

We arrived at Land's End Harbour (a whole thirty eight minutes and forty four seconds before Paper Hat, may I add. Yes, I did sit and wait for it to arrive just to prove my point that it's better to go by ferry) and I set off to a B&B I had booked in Brush. I learnt my lesson about not organising a place to stay, even if there are garden gnomes.

When I arrived I was greeted by a massive dog called George Christopher Puddington II. Like, really massive. He also had a really soul piercing expression, like he was judging your inner being. I edged round him and got my key to my room.

Once I had dumped my stuff, I set out on my grand Highlighting adventure. My first stop was The Wondifourus Emporium of Fantasical Things. And it was pretty darn wondifourus.

In the first room there was a model zebra with a tortoise shell, pulling a wagon full of mysterious boxes. The information sign said the zebra-tortoise was actually called a Caniticaw, and the boxes were supposedly full of frog's wishes, dragon dreams and pebbles. I didn't question it.

The next room was waist deep in feathers. No information or anything, just... Feathers.

The third room was pitch black except for the ceiling, which had all the zodiac constellations. Stickmen have different zodiacs, for example there's the winged tiger, the bronze serpent and the Cupid. I forget the actual names, but I'm pretty sure I'm the fire breathing elephant. That's by far the coolest one.

The fourth (and final(I didn't have much time. I'll tell you why in a bit)) room had at least sixteen of those penny machines. You know the ones where there's a little slot and you put in money and a little wooden skeleton does a dance or something? That's what I'm talking about. And I will tell you now I tried every single one of those machines, especially the one with the emu playing the banjo.

After a fifteen minute wander around the gift shop (I didn't buy anything. I had run out of cha ching) I went to the Inkjoy Café (Inkjoy is Doodladia's Starbucks) to meet up with my old pal Alfie Wrapinhammer. He genetically engineered the Conswabbler, the most underrated breed of chicken of all time.

Alfie has a red hat that he never takes off and a pair of headphones he always has around his neck, but never actually puts them on. He is very intelligent indeed, but is socially crippled. I first met him because he accidentally picked up my big leather book (the one you're reading RIGHT NOW) thinking it was his own. His is filled with physics stuff and equations. And doodles of roosters.

Getting off topic here, I was meeting Alfie to:
A. Catch up. I haven't seen him in one and a half donkey years
B. Get a backstage pass into Highlighting Labs Inc.
C. Hear about his catastrophic love life.

A dark double whipped extra milk no nuts lots of cream cinnamon cherry raspberry chocolate fudge toffee latte and a biscuit later, we headed off to the labs. And homies, dem labs are da bomb yo. Imagine your stereotypical science laboratory mixed with an ice cream parlour and your granny's kitchen, and boom, you have yourself the toilets of Highlighting Labs. Don't even get me started on the actual work space. It's awesome.

You have the techiest tech of all time, and I got to touch all of it. Even the stuff heavily guarded by the black and yellow danger tape. I got to tinker with that, and no one lifted a finger. Until I accidentally deleted something and Alfie very quickly moved on to the next invention.

Because I am currently living off Student money, I only had enough dough (don't call money dough. I won't do it again. I'm sorry.) for one measly night, so I had to go home the next day.

I may have stolen a Conswabbler.

Alfie will never know.

Shoutout to xXCOMXx for giving moi that little bit more motivation to actually write this. Thanks, dude.
Also thanks to all you reading cause we have an awful lot of views!! You're all the best.

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