Entry 4 - Evolution

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Entry 4 is about to happen!! ( I did two exclamation points to show how excited I am for this entry. Exclamation points are to be valued, people.) Anyway, this time Ima going to write about Stickmen and how they developed in their weird and wonderful ways.


The Jellyfish
when people began to doodle, the Stickmen were pretty crude. The jellyfish was the most exact stick thing people could draw, so Doodlidia wasn't there and Cyberpen certainly wasn't, it was just one big sea filled with jellyfish. I found this out in a library (in Doodlese it's called a Smarthole) in the dusty section. You know in libraries there's always one shelf of books that's always dusty? That's where I found the titles "Ooo me ussed ta wasp" meaning "Who we used to be" and the book "Gettinsmarter thru the longtime" which meant "Evolution through the ages". they're pretty useful.

The Fish
This was really early caveman times and they had just started drawing on walls. There was this one dude who got a fish and drew a really amazing picture of it, and then drew a really deformed and wobbly Stickman next to it. He rubbed out the stick man and then showed the rest of his tribe how to draw this awesome fish. They became known as The Fishmen Tribe and other hairy people came from far and wide to learn how to draw this majestic aquatic beast. Hence the fish as stage two.

The Lizard
Ok, so this is where the Stickmen and the other stick animals become separate. A few fish crawled out of the massive sea onto a huge land form that had appeared, which is now Doodlidia. A bunch of fish remained in the sea along with the jellyfish that weren't quite...intelligent enough to evolve. Anyways, some lizards stayed lizards, some went off to become dogs or platoipi or something, but currently we are more interested in the monkey. You know, cos that's what Stickmen evolved from and things.

The Monkey
This is probably the best stage. This was when cavemen were a tad smarter and more artistic, and were capable of drawing monkeys in goat's blood or blueberry juice. They drew monkeys everywhere, there's a whole cavern dedicated to monkeyness. It's the most advanced stage before stickbeings actually had to think, therefore it is the best. I have spoken.

Advanced Gorillas
This was when Stickmen started to build primitive huts. humans did too, building huts, I mean. They wandered around breaking things that didn't belong to them, or stealing shiny bits. That is how advanced gorillas work/worked. I count Jason (a really annoying stick guy who lives in the house opposite. he's huge, hairy and makes obnoxious noises very loudly out his window. I can't believe he's twenty-something, he acts like a four year old with a huge ego.) as an advanced gorilla.

Cavemen had figured out how to draw themselves without looking terrifying. They had marked out territories and had made weapons and junk. They slowly, over time, became less monkeyish and primitive as the people who drew them did the same. I could technically draw all the stages from caveman to business man, but that would take forever. So I won't.

Business man
This basically represents the intelligence (excluding Jason) of Stick peeps today. Seriously, they discovered a whole new country/dimension (Cyberpen) and then figured out who to convert their bodies into pixels. That's awesome, if y'all askin' me.

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