Entry 9 - Jobs

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Greetings y'all! This entry's about stick people jobs! Please appreciate this because I had to interview a lot of randomers and not all of them were friendly.

Ok, so in Doodlidia (and Cyberpen, I'm assuming. I haven't been there or been bothered to research it.) there are all the regular old human jobs, like a vet, or an accountant, a psychiatrist, you know, the usual. But I've discovered (I went outside and had a look around) some new stuff!

A Digital Conversion Agent
These dudes look at your ID, passport, drivers license, license to kill, and other possible documents of importance to make sure your liable to cross from the Digital Plane to the Paper Plane.

Like a fishmonger but with pigs.

Pit of Despair Employee
A person you hire (you never hire these guys. THEY CHOOSE YOU.) to organise and supply a perfect Pit of Despair that you can spend eternity in. A large amount of criminals are coincidentally chosen for the Pit. Also if you're selected you have to go, because if you refuse you'll experience total vaporisation. It's nasty.

Dragon Trainer
So you know how I said earlier that there were dragons deep in the forests of Doodlidia? Well, a bunch were captured and trained and peeps can go learn how ride them. It's crazy expensive though.

Baby Tickler
Yeah. It's a profession now.

Old Lady Catchers
The name isn't as bad as it seems. You know how dog catchers catch dogs and put them in the pound? In Brush there was this phase where loads of Grannies ran away for some reason. So the Old Lady Pound was set up, so families could go find their lost Grandmas. I went there once, it's really nice. Also it smells like old lady perfume.

Unicorn Patrol
Unicorns tend to keep to the forest, but when they leave they go and destroy the farms nearby. Unicorns can eat whole crop fields in under five minutes, and it's pretty awesome to watch. They're also an endangered species because poachers want their fur for magic clothing items, their hair to make wands and their horns for their magical properties. Apparently unicorn teeth are lucky, so there's that as well.

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