A dance and a confrontation

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(A/N Okay... what the actual fuck! How am i able to get 700 reads in a fucking day... You guys are too nice. And nearly 100 followers fuck man. Enough sappy shit let's continue our journey to #KillSun)

Me: M-mom?

Summer: Hey sweetie

She was real. I could fell her hand on my chin, i'm not going crazy right?

Me: How are you alive?

Summer: I'm not. I am dead but i'm able to watch over you

Me: That's... I... she's gone. Blake left me

Summer: I'm going to tell you something an old blind black woman told me: Speak up. I can't hear you with that pity dick in your mouth

Me: Hehehe. Can only i see you?

Summer: Yeah, i can interact only with you as well

I shakily got up as some colour was returning to my skin. I walked out the crater as Summer floated along side me.

Me: So... How are you here?

Summer: Honestly i don't know, Magic?

Me: I'm sorry...

Summer: For?

Me: Y'know leaving and you being deader than country music

She giggled at my joke and i wrapped my arm around myself trying to stay warm. My shirt had been destroyed during my out burst.

She floated behind me and hugged me as a white cloak than went down to my shins appeared, it had a hood and the rose badge that hers and Ruby's had.

Me: How?

Summer: Magic!

Me: Is that your answer for everything?

Summer: Magic

Me: *Sigh* you never changed

Summer: Hey look, well i guess you can't since you can't see the top of your head, your roots have turned black!

Me: Wait really?

Summer: Yeah, i don't know how but it seems your turning less Salemy

Me: So that wasn't a dream

Summer: No it was, but being dead and all makes it so that you can practically go anywhere

Me: I feel like being dead it over powered

We got out the Emerald forest as i continued my trek to Beacon, i say Emerald forest but there isn't much of a forest left, it's more the Emerald Crater or divot.

Me: I can really landscape when i'm angry.

Summer: Perhaps you should do landscaping instead of being a Hunter

Me: *Sigh* how am i going to explain this to Ozpin?

Summer: Tell him the truth

Me: I can only imagine how thats gonna go. Hey Ozpin, sorry about the forest i just got really angry at seeing my girlfriend making out with another guy so i basically exploded like the Zar Bomba!

Summer: What's the Zar Bomba?

Me: I don't know, i think i'm reading to much

Ozpin: Mr Branwen!

Me: Here we go

Summer: Don't worry you'll be fine

I walked up to him as he peaked behind me before observing my cloak.

Ozpin: What happened here?

Me: Well... i saw my girlfriend cheating on me, then i ran into the Emerald forest and Grimm surrounded me and i just kinda burst...

Ozpin: Burst?

Me: I dunno i just unleashed everything i had and things just kinda went pop if it touched my aura

Summer: I wanna talk to him!

She dived into my body as it flashed a different colour and both my eyes turned silver

Me/Summer: So this is what a boys body is like?

Ozpin: Mr Branwen?

Me/Summer: Nope! Summer Rose, professional huntress!

Ozpin: That joke is in bad taste

Me/Summer: I'm serious! It's like what happens when you go into a new body!

Ozpin: How? This is quite peculiar

Me: Get out my body!

Me/Summer: Nooo! It's nice to talk to someone else for once

Me: Go take over some elses!

Ozpin: Just let her talk for a bit please

Me/Summer: Ha!

Me: Hmph, i'll give you two minutes

They walked along approaching Beacon talking about random things as i basically sat in the backseat of my body, it's really weird!

Me/Summer: It's really weird having one arm! My left arm feels itchy but i can scratch it because it doesn't exist!

Me: Times up!

I got back into control as i saw Summer pouting but she started scratching her left arm then taunted me by doing things with both arms.

Ozpin: So you are in control of your powers right?

Me: Unless i'm under extreme emotional duress then yeah pretty much.

Ozpin: I see. Well i shouldn't keep you, the dance is tomorrow and you need a suit.

Me: I think i'll just train instead

Ozpin: I'm sorry but i can't have you shutting yourself in, if your not at the dance then you shall receive one month's worth of detentions

Me: What! *Sigh* fine i'll see you there...

Ozpin: Excellent

He walked away and i turned into a Rook and flew up to my window, going through it i turned back to normal and Summer started poking me

Summer: How do i turn you back to a bird?

Me: Magic!


I was getting dressed into my suit as Summer was bouncing around the room in excitement and i was struggling with my buttons.

Me: Remember no suddenly taking over my body

Summer: Aww! But i want to hug my daughters again!

She started waving her arms around pouting as i put a pin through my left sleeve so that it doesn't flop around everywhere.

I walked out my room and passed a couple of excited students and over heard them talking about what happened to the Emerald forest.

I got up to the doors to the dance and saw Yang being the valet.

Me: Hey Yang

I gave her a wave as she looked over to me and smiled, she was wearing a white dress that looked good on her. She came up to me and gave me a hug and i did the same.

She let of it and went to sign me in as i walked along with her as i had nothing better to do.

Yang: I'm glad to see your no longer pale and your hair, it's going back to normal!

Me: Yeah it's great. I'm glad to see that i'm looking normal again

Yang: How's err Migi?

Me: Actually he hasn't woken up

Yang: How longs it been since you saw him?

Me: Nearly a week, i'm sure it's nothing

Yang: Yeah i hope, anyway do you have a date?

Me: No. Even if i did i can't exactly dance, one arm remember

Yang: What about Blake?

Me: She's... She's with Sun now

Yang: Oh... i'm sorry

Me: Don't be let's just... enjoy ourselves

I left to go inside as the booming mysic flooded my ears and i went over to the punch to get a drink.

After about my sixth cup i realized that no one spiked it which slightly disappointed me. I think i've got to much of Uncle Qrow in me for some reason. I barely ever spoke to the guy.

Blake: Oh Y/N

I looked over to see Blake in a purple dress, she did look beautiful and happy to see me but she also looked slightly disappointed.

Me: Blake

Blake: Why are you here?

Me: Because i'll get a months worth of detentions if i don't.

Blake: Do you want to dance?

Me: Why don't you ask your boyfriend?

Blake: What do you think i'm doing?

I crushed my cup in my hand and threw it away. I undid the buttons on my blazer and leant against the wall.

Me: Funny, i thought you were with Sun

Blake: What? No, i'm with you!

Me: Don't bullshit me Blake!... i saw you two making out on that Bullhead.


Me: Why? Why do you do it?

Blake: I... You were unconcious for four days! They said it was a small chance you'd wake up and i got weak... i'm sorry

Me: Save it for someone who cares

Cinder: Y/N. Come an dance with me~

I look over to see Cinder in a long Black dress, it was stunning. As if she could feel me looking at her she smirked and came up to me.

Blake: Who are you?

Cinder: I'm Cinder, His date~

She wrapped her arms around my neck from behind me and pulled me away towards the dance floor. She placed her arms on my shoulders and i placed my arm on her hip.

Me: Thanks for that.

Cinder: No problem. You're a handsome young man~ You should have a dance. Would you do me the honours.

Me: Of course.

We danced to a slow song and even though i only had one arm we were able to do it quite well. She rested her head on my chest.

Me: How do you know Neo?

Cinder: Shh, Don't talk about other girls. Just enjoy this~

I think i know why i feel attached to her. Like i did with Amber, she has the other half of the fall maidens powers, she has to.

Me: What do you know about the maidens.

Cinder: There are four of them each corresponding with the seasons. They hold unreal power

Me: Much like you.

Cinder: I wish...

Me: What if i could get you power like that?

I need to do this! To bait her. To draw her out. Earn her trust. She put a young girl in a near death state only alive because she's strapped to machines and i'll be damned if she won't be brought to justice.

Cinder: Now your just saying nonsense

Me: Really? I thought you'd like the other half of the fall maidens powers.

She pressed her hand against my neck as it felt extremely hot. We continued to pretend to dance but she looked nervous that i knew.

Cinder: How?

Me: Warriors have popped up over the ages protecting the maidens. It's my duty to protect you, so the logical conclusion is to give you the rest of the powers. I don't feel any bond towards Amber. But i do with you

Cinder: I can kill you and just do it myself!

Me: You saw what happened to the Emerald forest right?

Cinder: Yeah, why?

Me: I'll do it to Beacon, try to kill me and i'll kill everyone, including you

Cinder: Your bluffing!

Me: Am i?

My eyes glowed as she looked slightly scared

Cinder: Yout ment to protect the maidens!

Me: And i can protect the next person your powers go to, now try me... Make. My. Day

Cinder: Okay! I'll tell you the plans later.

She let go of my throat and walked away leaving the dance as i rubbed my sore throat and Summer appeared at my side.

Summer: What are you planning

Me: Something risky.

(Lemme know what you think)

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