A Desperate Ploy

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(A/N i'll give the voting a couple more days but the magneto story is winning, i'll do the first and second place stories)

Me: Are you feeling okay, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: Y-Yes, i'm okay...

Summer: Must feel weird for her

I look over to the other pod an my gaze softens at the sight of a now dead Amber. It's a shame she had to die, but that doesn't matter now, what matters is protecting Pyrrha.

I saw she now had a tattoo on her back, most likely due to gaining half the fall maidens power.

Ozpin: Both I and Mr Branwen will train you to use your powers in due time-

The sound of glass shattering echoed throughout the room, i turned in the location of the sound only to feel a sharp pain in my right shoulder.

Pyrrha: GAH!

I turned my attention to Pyrrha who had and arrow in her right shoulder. She gripped in and started to pull it out as i felt a stronger pain in my shoulder.

I'm connected to them! If they're hurt i feel hurt. She pulled out and i rushed over, i tore off some of my sleeve and pressed it on Pyrrha's shoulder.

She hissed in pain as i did the same aa tgen looked at me confused. I felt blood dripping down my arm and saw i had the same wound as her as well, this complicates things.

Cinder: I haven't missed before

Me: There's a first time for everything

I saw a fuming Cinder standing there with a bow in her hand and fire coming out her eyes. I assume she's angry at Pyrrha for gaining the other half of the fall maidens powers.

Ozpin: Both of you need to leave, i'll handle her

Cinder: I shall gain the other half of the powers i am destined to have!

Me: No to both of you

They looked at me as i stood up, i'm not fully healed yet and i don't have that prototype suit from Atlas but i'll do my job and protect Pyrrha.

Me: You need to leave with Pyrrha and you aren't destined to have anything

Cinder: Yes i am! My mistress said it so!

Me: Who, Salem?

Ozpin: How do you know of her?!

Me: She's technically my mom. But that doesn't matter, you need to leave!

Pyrrha: But-

Me: NOW!

They reluctantly agreed and started running. Cinder fired an arrow at them to which i blasted out the sky and brought out my cane.

Cinder: What can you do against the fall maiden?

Me: Honestly? I don't know. But i do know that you're not the fall maiden, Pyrrha is.

This made her even angrier as flames burst from her being and she blasted a wave of fire at me. I dodged it and fired some blasts at her which she avoided.

She charged at me swinging her blades, which had unfolded from her bow. I countered her attack with my own and we clashed weapons briefly.

She swung again to which to dodged and then thrust my cane forward like a rapier and she blocked with her blades.

I placed an lightning dust crystal in my cane as the shaft of my cane was coated in said dust. She swung her blades in tandem which i blocked.

Pushing her off she was dazed slightly and i took the oppertunity to rapidly attack her midsection. This sent her backwards as i felt the pain from the attack on myself but no wounds were present.

Cinder: You insolent whelp! I'm almost sad that i didn't keep Neo alive to watch you die

Images flooded my mind of Cinder killing Neo in any ways possible as a faint blue aura surrounded me as my eyes started to glow.

No she's lying right? She didn't kill Neo. She didn't. She didn't. She didn't. She didn't. She did it... she killed her.

Me: I'll.... I'll...

Summer: Y/N CALM DOWN!

My aura burst to life as i felt the worst i have ever felt, worse than when i was living under Tai, when i found out Summer died, when Blake cheated on me. The red and blue mixed and fused into a large sliver aura that had started to melt the floor under me.


I dashed forward so fast that it seemed like i teleported and punched her across the face with a hard left, then i kneed her in the stomach.

She coughed up blood before i reeled back my cane above my head as a large silver aura surrounded it and i slammed it on her head sending her crashing through the floor.

The force had shattered my cane but i didn't care, i jumped down the hole and landed next to her. She was buried in the ground with blood leaking from her head and one of her eyes were forced closed.

I picked her up by her hair as she winced in pain. She tried stabbing me but i dodged the attack and kicked her in the ankle as i felt the bone break.

I grabbed her by the back of her head and slammed her back into the ground before kicking Cinder across the room and into a wall that cracked from the impact.

Cinder: My mistress won't allow... You to live. She kill you, just like how i killed Neo-

I created a rainbow ball of energy and threw it at her leg. It turned to rainbow dust as she screamed in pain.

She tried to crawl away but i walked up to her and grabbed her by the throat and brought her to eye level. She clawed at my hands but i didn't budge, head butting her nose it broke as he head flung back a bit.

Me: Why? Why kill Neo?

Cinder: Mute freak had it-

I tightened my grip on her throat as she let out some choked grunts and tears ran down her open eye.

Me: You'll tell me everything, or i'll kill you. Then when i finally die, i'll find you in hell and torture you for an eternity!

Cinder: My Mistress will kill everyone, including you!

My palm started radiating in a rainbow coloured light before i threw her at the wall again and it shattered. I walked throught it to reveal Pyrrha and Ozpin looking at Cinder's barely living body.

I gathered the ball of rainbow energy as it expanded to the size of a Beowolf. It started getting smaller before i crushed it in my palm and threw it at Cinder.

It passed by her seemingly doing nothing before a large hole was blown out her back and her eye and mouth had a rainbow light burst out of it before she turned to dust.

The other half of the fall maidens powers flew into Pyrrha as she fell to her knees as some fire radiated from her. It calmed down as she got up and took some deep breaths.

Ozpin: Y/N you did... it

By the time Pyrrha had started to get up i had turned into a rook and flew away. I can't keep my powers within me any longer and i don't want to harm anyone.

Memories flooded my mind of the brief but amazing time i spent with Neo. I realised that i had fallen in love with her but everyone i care for either leaves me or dies.

I landed in some remote forest amd turned into a human as i stumbled to the ground. I took some breaths trying to contain my powers but it did nothing as black and purple sparks flew of my body striking anything.

My aura grew and grew. Above the tree line a giant sliver light could be seen that started to grow in both height and size encompassing the forest.

It exploded like a blaze of glory as a mental image of Neo seemingly burnt away in my head.

The forest had been evaporated and all that was left was me. I looked like i was dying, my hair had reverted to it's orginal black colour and my eyes to there original red before i passed out.

(Lemme know what you think also this is the end of volume three, i know it was short but whatever. If you do want volume four it won't be anything like the original since Cinder's dead, Pyrrha's the fall maiden, Beacon stands, and team Rwby hasn't seperated so... yeah. Tell me if you want volume 4)

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