An Eerie Reminder

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I slowly made my way down the hall of Cinder's home. I was clutching my wound and leaning against the wall, even though i was in no state to do so i continued.

Reaching the front room i found Cinder was on the floor, passed out. Groaning i lifted her onto her sofa as my body scream out for me to stop.

She was breathing shakily and her face was red, i placed my hand on her forehead and found that it was boiling. She was running one hell of a fever so i got up still holding my side and sauntered into the kitchen.

I rooted around in the drawers until i found a towel, finding a bowl i filled it with water before eventually making my way back to her.

I kneeled down and leaned forward as i jolt of pain eang out through my body. I groaned before letting out a couple coughs into my hand.

Moving her hair out her face, i gently unwrapped the bandages so they wouldn't get soaked. It was a sight to be certain, wrinkled and burnt brown, i dipped the tea towel into the bowl and put it on her forehead.

Her right eye blinked a few times before she looked over to me. Realizing if had removed her bandages she tried to cover her face but i held her wrist.

Neither of us had much energy so she placed her hand by her side and looked away ashamed

Cinder: Ugly isn't it?

Me: I'd be lying if i said i wasn't shocked, but only because i caused it.

I smiled gently at her before removing the towel only to dip it into the water and pressing it against her forehead again.

Cinder: I'm ment to be taking care of you since your injured

Me: I know but your sick, a bit of pain isn't going to stop me from helping you

We stayed there, not saying anything. The only sounds were of her laboured breathing and the sound of the towel dripping with water when i put it back in.

Cinder: You have a family right?

Me: Yeah i do, love 'em to bits...

Cinder: Do you mind telling me about them?

Me: Well there's my wife Neo

She let out a small gasp before her shocked expression changed to a smirk,

Me: Then there are my daughters, Chocola and Summer

Cinder: Twins?

Me: Yeah... Summer's quite out going and Chocola's kinda shy but they get along well. I swear i can't resist them

Cinder: They sound like good kids

Me: They really are, i can't imagine my life without them now. Their both five years old and are already the most important people in my life, with Neo of course...

I looked to Cinder to see that she had fallen asleep, a small smile came onto my face knowing that this once sadist person could be compassionate enough to take care of her enemy.

Taking the towel off her head, i sat her up as her breathing lightened. Propping her arms over my shoulder i grabbed her legs before quickly getting up.

My side ached as i walked down the halls with Cinder on my back, each step sending a jolt of pain through my body. Using the wall for support i eventually made it to Cinder's bedroom.

I managed to open the door and took careful steps forward, trying not to trip over. Getting close to her bed, i set her down and layed Cinder on her back.

Going back into the living room i refilled the bowl and brought a fresh tea towel with me into Cinder's room.

She was still asleep when i got back but the red on her face hadn't lessened by any degree. I wet the towel and placed it on her forehead, she groaned and woke up again.

Cinder: Oh... i fell asleep

Me: You should probably go back to sleep

Cinder: No I *Yawn*

Me: If it's any help i'll still be here when you wake up

Cinder: Can you tell me what you were doing in Mistral?

Me: In the morning

She nodded and closed her eyes almost instantly falling asleep, she must've been running herself ragged taking care of me while sick.

Re-wetting the towel i gently pressed it against her forehead. I began to hum a tune that the twins like to hear before they go to sleep.

Cinder grew a faint smile in her sleep and began taking deeper breaths compared to her quick shallow ones from earlier.

I began to feel myself nodding off as i reapplied the towel to Cinder's forehead. I leaned back in my chair as my eyes grew heavy before closing


I felt a kick being sent to my stomach making me hit a wall. Looking up i saw father, he wore a scowl and behind him were Yang and Ruby who wore truimphant smirks.

Tai: Try to leave did you?!

Me: N-No sir

Tai: Don't bullshit me!

I grabbed me by the hair and punched me across the facd multiple times, i shut my eyes as he threw me to the floor and stomped on my back.


Tai: QUIT SCREAMING! This is discipline!

Summer peaked her head through the door and her eyes landed on me, i reached my arm out towards her and her cheery expression changed to one of distain

Summer: You're a disappointment

The bluntness of her words pierced through me like never before, they left the room and slammed the door before i curled up into a ball on the ground.

Tears streamed down my eyes as i raised my right hand, waiting for Migi to come out and save me.

But he didn't, no did. Until something tapped on my window, a raven. It opened and the bird turnsd into Raven.

She glared at me and took off her mask before grabbing the hilt of her sword

Raven: It's your fault

Raven drew her sword and began approaching me, she swung it as i shot up and breathed heavily.

I clutched my side in pain and looked around to see i was in Cinder's room. The sun barely poked above the clouds and Cinder was breathing normally but had some red on her face.

Was that just a nightmare? It seemed too real... and why did Raven leave the other day.

Cinder: (Asleep) Stop...

Looking down to Cinder she stirred slightly before rolling onto her side, her hand reached out and grabbed mine as her expression softened.

I twinge of guilt ran through my chest, i could by the reason she's having a bad dream. All because i was blinded by rage i severed a limb amd scarred her.

I held her hand tightly but not so tight that It would wake her up. My eyes began to sting and soms tears dripped onto our conjoint hands.

Me: I'm sorry Cinder... it really is my fault...

Cinder: (Asleep) No... not your fault...

I chuckled and wiped away the tears on my face, guess she was truthful when dje said she'd take care of me

(Lemme know what you think)

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