Fighting for control

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(A/N nearly 20,000 reads... that's all i have to say)

I approached the entrance of Beacon as i ttied stopping myself. My couldn't do anything, i saw some people look at me cautiously but they didn't come near

I saw where my body was headed, it was Ozpin's office! Salem plans to make me kill him, everyone will be hesitant because it's me! Their friend...

My body started running through the halls of Beacon. I saw Professor Port ahead of me telling me to stop, of course i couldn't and he fired at me using his musket/axe.

The blast tore through my left arm as it fell off. I don't... i don't have a soul anymore, i can't use it to block attacks!

Port looked shocked before he shook his head and raised his weapom to fire again. He shot at me as the blast went through my stomach and left a gaping hole.

I charged forward and jammed my fingers into his neck and he began to look pale. I felt the hole in my stomach regrow and so did my arm.

I threw him away as he hit the wall making a loud bang. This drew peoples attention as students came to see what happened. They gasped at the sight of Port and the ones who had weapons equipped them.

One charged at me as i jumped above him and blasted him into the ground. I landed on him and he groaned in pain, dashing past the students they got blown back by a shockwave.

An alarm sounded as i heard heard loud thuds everywhere.

Speaker: Someone has invaded beacon

I'm glad they know i'm here but my body ran even faster to Ozpin's office. I approched it amd kicked down the doors and saw Ozpin sitting at his desk with Goodwitch and Pyrrha by his sides.

Goodwitch used her semblance and created a bubble around me preventing me from moving. I used my semblance and balsted her as she got knocked back and i was released.

Charging at Ozpin he blocked the attack with his cane and Pyrrha used her powers as the fall maiden to blast waves of fire at me.

I dodged the attack and started firing blasts at he which she blocked and dodged. She used her semblance and launched her spear into my chest.

I was thrown back and pinned into a wall. She bent the blade so that i couldn't get myself out. The pain was unreal but it allowed me to move by myself.

Ozpin: Now, who are you and who sent you?

Me: H...Help...

I managed to force that out as my body tried to get out from the wall.

Pyrrha: Y/N?!

I pushed out from the wall as it left a giant chest wound. I grabbed Pyrrha by the throat and dug my fingers into her next and began draining her blood.

My wound began to heal as she choked. She managed to push me off and coughed violently, i flipped around and kicked her across the room.

Ozpin appeared infront of me and jabbed me multiple times with his cane, it sent me through the wall and my body charged up a rainbow ball of energy.

I landed and crushed it in my hand. They recognized what i was doing at the last second dodged it as the wall behind disappeared.

Goodwitch collected the debree and fired at at me , it sliced through my skin before a large circle appeared above me. It rained down chunks of ice which nailed me to the ground.

My body tried getting out but couldn't without widening my wounds and tearing off limbs.

Me: ... I... c-can't... control... m-my-myself...

Ozpin: Glynda, keep him held down. Pyrrha you need to go get her

She nodded an ran off to get whoever Ozpin was takling about while my body tried to get out

Ozpin: Who did this to you?

Me: S... S... S-Salem

My body started to hurt immensely but not from ice shards but seemingly nothing. He grimaced before i tried to blast them, Ozpin grabbed Pyrrha's weapon, which was still in the room, amd chopped my hands off, not letting me use my semblance.

The pain allowed me to talk more for some reason, so i tried to tell them what happened.

Me: S-S-She b-broke my... m-mind. She p-put her d-d-d.n.a... in m-me when R-R-Raven w-was... pre-pregnant

I heard to sets of footsteps behind me before they came infront of me. I saw Pyrrha who was panting slightly with Neo! She was wearing a Beacon uniform as well and was silently panting

Pyrrha: Why did you want me to bring Neo, professor?

Ozpin: I've encountered something like this before, hopefully she can snap him out of it

Neo held up a sign that said " Who is he and what happened to him?"

Ozpin: He's under the control of Salem so we have to hold him down. He is Y/N

She silently gasped and covered her mouth with hand. She walked over to me and crouched down, she shakily placed her hand on my cheek and smiled.

The hands were warm in contrast to my cold skin and i forced a smile out. She looked at me up and down and some tears started building up in her eyes.

Me: H-H-Hey... Ice Cream

She started choking up as the ice holding down my right arm shattered. It shot towards her neck, some tendrils came out and attached to her neck draining her blood.

They tried to stop me but Neo didn't let them. My hand grew back as she pulled out the tendrils and held my hand against her cheek.

My body tried to make me drain her blood but i was able to resist it and reached up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Me: I... n-n-never told y-you this... b-but. ...I love... you

My eyes started feeling heavy for some reason and she nodded before leaning close to my ear.

Neo: I love you too

I got this comment a couple days ago and i love it shout out to @FanFiction-God
(Lemme know what you think)

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