I Remember

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(A/N Everytime i go to write a write a new chapter i see that the reads go up exponentially, like for example yesterday i had 16.5k now i have 17.5k... Y'all excited for Rwby volume 6?)

I hadn't been able to sleep last night, instead i layed there as Emerald held me. I remembered everything... All the torture i went through

The powers i had, learning that the girl i longed for was dead and had been for a long time. I've been gone from them for nine months and i don't know if i can return.

Do they really miss me though? It was nearly nine months before they found me... How's Emerald going to react when i tell her it was me?

I was the one to kill Cinder and that nearly broke her knowing she was dead, so what's going to happen if she comes face to face with the person who killed her?

I felt her move around a bit before she yawned. She froze up whem she found what position she was in but didn't move from it

Emerald: W-Why are we l-like this?

Me: You had an episode, i found an Inn and you clung to me in your sleep

Emerald: I-I see...

Me: Are you gonna let go?

Emerald:... i'm fine like this

She buried her face in my hair as i let out a sigh and let her stay like this for a little while longer.

To be honest it felt nice, to be held by someone. I nestled into as she held me tightly.

Me: I remember who i was Emerald

Emerald: That's great!

Me: I'm sorry Emerald...

Emerald: Why?

She let go of me and i moved to sit at the end of the bed. I had my face in my hand and was deciding whether or not to tell her the truth

Me: I... I knew Cinder, back when went to Beacon. She wanted me to help her plans to destroy it

She let out a gasp as each word became harder to let out

Me: Tell me... What happened to Neo?

I know she's dead but maybe... maybe Cinder lied to me, and she's still around. Then i could find the girl i love and we can be together again! But...

Emerald: She was hesitant on the plan so... i think Cinder killed her

Me: What do you mean you think?

Emerald: She can teleport and there wasn't a body

Me: I see

There's a chance! A chance that she might still be alive, then again it's likely that Cinder incinerated her...

Me: Who was Cinder to you?

Emerald: She was my boss, i looked up to her as someone i could aspire to be like. To be powerful and have others fear you, not having to steal to get by...

Me: If you found her killer... what would you do?

Emerald: I'd get revenge!

Me: You shouldn't

I turned to her to see an angered expression on her face slowly change to a confused one.

I had tears rolling down my cheeks, well one streak of tears and one of blood, as i tried wiping them away but it wouldn't stop.

Me: Revenge are for those who have nothing left to lose

Emerald: But i don't-

The door smashed open and reveled a tall, buff man with tanned skin and an enraged look on his face.

I got up and was ready to grab Emerald and run but he charged at me and tackled me through a window as we were thrown into the street below.

I had some glass shards in my back but they were small so i consider that to be lucky. I got up and readied myself for a fight.

Man: She said i should bring you back alive, but she never said i couldn't break you!

He charged again but i was ready this time. He reeled his fist back and i did the same. Our fists clashed and we were about as strong as eachother.

He pulled back his other one and threw it towards me, i had no way to block this. But he was thrown back when a fist hit his face and he skidded along the ground

I looked the my saviour and saw the best nurse in the world, Jonathan! He dusted his fist off before getting in a fighting pose

Me: Jonathan?! What are you doing here?

Jonathan: Y/N? You look different. Well i was going to go on vacation but i saw this guy attack you and decided it wad best i stepped in

Me: I hope your don't take it to far, you have a wife...

The man pulled out some lightning dust crystals and stabbed them into his arms before he yelled and electricity crackled around his arms.

I clenched my fist and felt it change into muscular form it took when i protected Oscar from the Beowolf.

I looked over to Jonathan and also saw lightning crackle around his arms but he had no dust crystals in his arms

The man charged forward as we did the same. He threw a punch which Jonathan caught and pulled down, i jumped up and punched him across the face but it didn't register.

He threw us both off amd i had some theories about what happened. His semblance could be damage absorption, negation or he can't feel pain.

I threw my arm forward as it stretched out into a tentril with a blade at the end. It cut his chest as the blood soaked his shirt. I looked down to my arm which was reforming into it's muscular form confused.

Me: You got a plan?

Jonathan: Win!

Me: I guess that works...

He ran forward as i did the same. I was behind Jonathan and lept over him before drop kicking the man, his head flung back and i felt my arm change.

I brought it up to see it was a massive blade for some reason. Jonathan had gotten to him and they had clashed. The man was being shocked by Jonathan's lightning but i he wasn't responding to it.

So he can't feel pain huh? We either have to kill him or knock him out as he won't be giving up and time soon. He managed to over Jonathan and throw him in my direction.

I ran forward and Jonathan cupped his hands into a foot hold and launched me towards the enemy. My arm had impaled him and i had seemingly pierced his lungs.

He stumbled and fell to the ground, i helped him stay up as he looked at me confused as to why.

Me: Salem sent you, didn't she?

He nodded and coughed up some blood.

Me: Why team with her?

Man: He sent my sister to her death... she said i could get revenge

Me: I'm sorry

I pulled out my blade arm and let him fall to the floor dead. My arm changed back to normal and i saw Emerald run up to me.

Me: Thanks for the help, Jonathan

Jonathan: Anytime

He waved goodbye and left as we did the same. I saw a boat that was head to the menagerie and decided it would be best to hunker down with the Belladonna's for abit.

I grabbed Emerald's hand and pulled her towards the boat.

Emerald: Where are we going?

Me: Somewhere sunny

(Lemme know what you think also should Neo be dead or alive?)

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