My Friend Migi

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*Cough cough* I sat there coughing violently after what my father did to me. My family Neglect me most the time and when they do pay attention to me it makes me wish i never wanted any in the first place.


I sat in my corner crying to myself, silently pleading for help that i know will never come.

Yang: Oi, Y/N Look at this

I turned to see my twin sister Yang, she has long Blonde hair and vibrant violet eyes while compared to me i have a blood red eye with a black seclera and one silver eye with a white seclera, white hair and black finger nails.

I found out my hair was like this due to something called Marie Antoinette Syndrome, It was due to the immense stress their actions put me through.

My nails are black because of the torture i suffered through, they smashed my fingers with hammers and pierced through my nails with a sewing machine causing blood the flow out and dry up, my left eye has an eightball fracture which caused the black seclera.

On her wrists are yellow bracelets, she goes to signal where they make there own weapons so i assume thats what she made.

Confirming my suspicions she pounded her fists together as the bracelets unfolded into gauntlets with shotgun rounds visible through slits in the design.

Yang: I call them Ember Celica, pretty cool right?

Me: Y-yeah, they are

If i try speaking out of line they'll just punish me again, although for the past week my right hand has been feeling quite numb, perhaps it has nerve damage.

Yang: You wish you had weapons like mine don't you

Me: A-actually n-no, i wouldn't want to copy you, i'm not skilled like you s-so i would just l-look even more s-stupid.

My attemps at flattery worked as her face light up and she smiled at me, she isn't very smart but she can punch really hard, so i would be best not to anger her

Yang: Oh yeah, you're right, you aren't skilled

As much as i hate belittling myself i find it to be the best route to have the least amount of punishment sent my way.

Me: I'll get started on d-dinner

I do everything here, from housework to gardening and even their homework, I'm the reason Yang got accepted to Signal and i'm the reason not only her but Ruby isn't failing school.

Yang: Actually no, Uncle Qrow's around so you know what that means

When Qrow does come around i stay in my room, he thinks I'm extremely Anti-Social due to the lies fed to him by my father.

Yang walks out my room and shuts my door leaving me to wallow in self pity. My room consists of a Futon, a short desk to do their work on and a set of drawers to store my 3 sets of clothes.

I stare at my right hand and move it to a fist, barely feeling it with how numb its become.

Slowly its starts to morph as a split goes between my ring and middle finger, said finger become more smooth and skinny as amber coloured eyeballs morph on the top of them.

My pink and index finger stretch and small hands form on the top of them and my thumb remains the same.

A mouth appears on the back of my hand as i nearly scream but cover my mouth with my left hand as my hand writhes around as i can't control it

?: Words... No.... Good... talk.... soon

My hand mutters out a few words before it returns to normal as i regain control and feeling in my right hand.

I wave my hand around and flick it, flinching in pain.

Me: What... happened?

For minutes i stare at my hand with nothing happening, i hear merryment going on downstairs, wishing they treated me normal so i could join them.

I listen closely hearing light footsteps approaching my door. *Knock Knock* i hear as i go up to the door and open it slightly to see who it is.

I see my 'mother' Summer Rose, she took to calling me her son and insisted i called her mom after my real mom left.


Summer: C'mon Y/N open the door wider do i can hug my son

She either doesn't care what Father, Yang and Ruby does or is completely oblivious to it as most the time she acts like a complete airhead.

I open the door wide as she rushes at me hugging my skinny frame tightly, i hug back enjoying her warmth as she is the only one who treats me like a person.

Summer: Your so skinny Y/N, you should eat more

I would like to have proper meals but Father doesn't allow me to have anything other than a slice of bread every two days and a cup of water once a day.

Me: W-well i'd rather be s-skinny than over we-weight

She lets go of the hug as do i, immediantly i miss her warmth on my cold skin, she places a hand on her chin in a thinking pose.

Summer: i know what i was forgeting, i be right back!

She leaves my room skipping down the halls as i go to sit on my bed wrapping my arms around myself to keep warm.

Quickly she comes back as hugs me again but she places something around my neck, a white and black checkered scarf, its hand sewn and i feel Summers warm through it and it also smells like she does, strawberry chocolate chip cookies.

Though not having a sweet tooth i love this smell as it reminds me of her warmth.

Summer: Well what do you think?

I can see her shuffling nervously and twirling her index finger together.

Me:I... I love it m-mom

She swiftly hugs me, i don't know why she always does this but i won't complain as it's the best thing in my life, i hug her back as she reaches up and runs her finger through my snow coloured hair.

Summer: Good night son, love you!

Me: L-l-love you too

She gets off my bed and closes my door heading out.

Looking back down to my right hand i can no longer see the scars from my broken bones although my finger nails are still the same.

Normally cold, i can now feel warmth spreading through me due to my new scarf, i nuzzle into it as it's smell brings me piece.

I feel the numbness in my hand once again as i look to see a mouth forming on the palm of my hand as my index and middle fingers form eyes at the tip which stare at me.

Me:Err h-hi


It responded! It seems to be observing me when i look away from it i can feel it's eyes looking at me up and down.

Me:W-what's your n-name?

?: I don't have one... call me Migi

Me: S-so Migi, what err... w-what are you?

Migi: From what I've read i can be described as your semblance

What? My semblance! But i don't even have an aura, I've never heard of a semblance like this! Then again i've only seen Yangs.

Migi: Am i making you nervous?

Me: W-what makes you s-say that?

Migi: your heart rate has gone up and you stutter when speaking to me

Me: Well it's n-not a common o-occurrence to have your hand t-talk and transform

Seriously! This thing is scary, not as bad as what Father does but it's scary nonetheless

Me: So M-migi

Migi: Yes?

Me: what do y-you want?

Migi: Hmm, i want you to eat and hydrate

I can't do that! I slowly try to back away from it but i realize it is my hand doing that would be futile

Migi: If your worried about your father catching you i can take it when everyones asleep

Me: Why h-help me?

Migi: we share a body and it's in best interest that we keep it healthy otherwise we will both die

I nod reluctantly and sit up straight on my bed and look around it and try to move my hand but to no avail.

Migi: If i give you control of your hand will you do as i told you?

Me: Well i-i'd need your help

Migi: Indeed, if at your current state you were a 10 i would classify your father at a 43.

Me: I'm that w-weak huh

Migi: only to due your stature, starvation and dehydration, with me however we are easily a 75

Me: Okay, i-i'll do what y-you asked

I have no choice but to agree. This is like a trump card if the player flipped the table, pulled out a gun and shot the other player.

Migi: you should also leave this place

Me: What leave!

Quickly i slap my hand over my mouth as i hear heavy footstep pounding down the hall as Migi turns back to normal.

Taiyang: Oi brat shut up!

Me: S-sorry

I uncover my mouth and lower my head in shame

Taiyang: Looks like i should teach you how to keep your mouth shut!

I see him reel back his fist as i wait for the hit to come but i feel my arm go numb as i look up to see Migi stretch and hit Father in the face knocking him to the ground.

Migi: Let's go

I nod and get up grabbing my clothes and a duffel bag, we head down stairs as Migi quickly goes to the kitchen and grabs enough food and drinks to last us 3 weeks if rationed correctly.

I go to the coat rack and grab a brown jacket and quickly put it on, i grab the duffel bag and sling it over my shoulder, i hear light foot steps as i turn to see Summer

Summer: Son, whats going on?

Me: I... i'm going on a trip m-mom, i'll try n-not to be gone to l-long

I see tears well up in her eyes as she runs over and hugs me as Migi gives me control over my hand and i hug her tightly, i feel my shoulder get wet but ignore it and continue hugging her

Summer: Just... be safe okay, i love you son

Me: I love you too m-mom

She kisses me on the cheek as i rub her back until we let go. I go to the door and turn back around giving her one last wave as she does the same wiping some tears from her eyes.

I walk out and close the door and trek towards the docks

Me: Where do we go?

Migi: I would say we go to the Menagerie

Me: Alright lead the way.

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