My Sweet Reunion

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(A/N okay before i start.
Random person: Get on with it!.
Super761:Before. I. Start! I want to thank you all for over 100 followers.
Random person: Really? 100 isn't that much!.
Super761:Excuse me for a second.
Random person: What are you doing with that spoon? Stay away! NO! MY NUTS!)

Summer: Come on Y/N get up!

I turns out shortly after the whole Cinder debacle someone spiked the punch bowl and i got absolutely smashed. Turns out i have a high tolorence to alcohol, just not that tolerant to a giant bowl spiked with an entire bottle of Vodka.

I ended up stumbling back to my dorm and lost the top half of my clothes on the way here. I did end up with an awesome pair of aviators which are helping with the blinding sun.

Me: I'm up. Just give me a minute...

Summer: Honestly you're just like your uncle!

Me: After i downed the punch bowl i don't remember what happened

Summer: Well you stumbled around abit, created a light show with your semblance and a girl in a beret took your shirt and blazer off and you took her sunglasses, then you ran away as she chased you

I looked around seeing no one else in the room. Thank god i didn't do it in my drunken stupor. I'm not with Blake anymore but i've got no idea where i'm standing with Neo.

Speak of i picked up my scroll and saw i had a message from her, she wants to meet at the ice cream shop at 5 pm. Finally i get a chance to see her again, i just don't know how i'll react if she doesn't want to be together. I'll probably have another Emerald forest incident.

Summer: Who's that?

Me: My girlfriend

Summer: I thought Blake broke up with you

Me: My other girlfriend

Summer: You had a harem!?

Me: Oww... no it was more polygamous, we all dated eachother, now if you'll excuse me i neex to throw up.

Timeskip cause i ain't writing that nasty shit

I stumbled out the bathroom and went to get a glass of water, after drinking about ten glasses i decided to get ready for class.

I got dressed and made my way out my door, i kept my balance by staying close to the wall but it was obvious i was pretty hung over.

Yang: Y/N!

I looked over to see Yang running my way as i drived to ignore a throbbing headache building up

Me: Hey, how's it going?

Yang: I should be asking you that. You were crazy last night!

Me: More like drunk

Yang: How?

Me: Someone spiked the punch with a bottle of vodka and i drank all of it

Yang: Geez, you okay?

Me: Yeah i err, i got it out my system. I'm just slightly absolutely hung over.

Yang: You're just like uncle Qrow

Me: And i embrace that

I tripped over my own feet and Yang caught me while i was falling. She dragged me to class and i sung on the way over.

We arrived at Ms Goodwitch's class and i tried to look sober and straight faced as possible.

We were watching a fight between Pyrrha and all of team CRDL and as expected they got their ass kicked.

Goodwitch: Any volunteers?

A gray haired boy stuck his hand up.

?: I want to fight him!

He pointed to and i gave him the best death glare i could muster without bursting into laughter. I think i'm still shit faced.

I went to the changing room and loosely put my combat clothes on and grabbed my cane. Ozpin had provided me with a new arm only to be used for comabt and an outfit which was a yellow undershirt, denim jacket with a the white cape from summer, grey trousers and orange boots. (A/N basically the time patroller suit from Xenoverse)

Walking into the arena i saw him smirking and glancing at me. I couldn't see any weapons on him so he should fight hand-to-hand.

Sucks for him since Ozpin trained me in CQC before he taught me how to use a cane in battle. Although i doubt it's gonna do much good against armour as all i can do is jab and smack people.

Goodwitch: Fight!

He came charging at me and swung a kick i dodged, he continued with an onslaught of kicks that i either dodged or blocked. Fuck i shouldn't have drunk so much.

I kicked the air and a gunshot fired to me, i put away me cane and fired an energy blast at it.

Me: This is gonna be risky

I concentrated my semblance and formed an energy barrier around me. I focused it as it got smaller and i put it were my arms are. Manituplating it i formed an green see through armour stretching from my shoulders to my finger tips.

Alright here's how it's gonna go. Distract target. In his confusion he'll try a blind jab, employ block then counter with cross to left cheek. Discombobulate. Block wild left. Weaken right jaw. Three strikes to the ribs cracking them and one upper cut to the jaw cracking it. Traumatise solar plexus. Dislocate jaw entirely. Heel kick to diaphragm. In summery, ears ringing, jaw fractured, three ribs cracked, four broken, diaphragm hemoraging, physical recovery 6 weeks, full psychological recovery: 6 months. Capacity to defeat me neutralized

I threw an energy blast at him that he tried to block, it turned to dust as he swung his fist. I raised my arm blocking it with my fore arm. I hit back across his left cheek as he stumbled.

I pulled my hands back and smacked him both sides on his jaw, he swung to the left wildly and i blocked it and struck him on the left of his face. He staggered dropping his arms as i swiftly punched him in the ribs.

I pulled back my fist and hits his jaw with a hard uppercut, i elbowed him in the center on his body then gave him a hard left across his face dislocating his jaw. I kicked as hard as i could into his Diaphragm as he went flying back and collapsed onto the floor.

The area went silent as i wiped the sweat from my forehead and Ms Goodwitch announce me the winner by K.O.

Ruby: Where did that come from?...

Yang: Hell yeah he kicked butt!

I went to leave the stage but I heard someone call out that they want to fight me, i looked over and saw it was Sun.

Goodwitch: I would advise you to find another opponent-

Me: No, it's fine. Let's go

The Gray haired guy got dragged out somewhere, i don't care. I saw Sun enter the arena wearing a cocky smirk, i spotted Blake in the crowd looked depressed.

Sun: You ready?

Me: You sure you wanna go through with this? You saw what happened to that other guy

Goodwitch: Fight!

He came charging at me as just looking at his overwhelmed me with such negative emotions that my powers burst to life. He got flung back by the shockwave alone.

My aura build up in my energy armour and now filled it with a mix of blue and red energy flowing through it.

Summer: Y/N this is amazing! Even I can feel the heat!

Sun: what is that?! What are you doing?!

Me: I'm Just getting used to it

Sun: To what!?

Summer: Oooh i know what to call it so people don't realize magic is real...

She whispered in my ear as i took a small step forward.

Me: To Ultra Instinct...

I dashed forward as he attemped to swing at me, my body performed a backflip over the attack and i pushed forward kicking and striking him up into the air.

I followed and unleashed a flurry of blows from behind him, then i did it to the front of him, then his sides. Soon enough the was attack so fast that i was creating after images.

I spinned in the air and landed a knee in his solar plexus as he went crashing to the ground. I held my hands at both side and build up an energy blast, i move them to my left side as it sparked with blue and yellow energy. I thrust my arms forward unleashing a blue beam with yellow lightning coiled around it that hurdled towards him.

I dove through it charging ahead as my eyes left a trail of silver and red. I reeled back a fist and when i got close released it across his jaw. I grabbed him from behind and held him as a shield against the quickly approaching blast.


The attack engulfed us creating a brightly coloured explosion ungulfing the arena and knocking over every student and shattering the window.


After leaving Sun basically charred monkey meat the rest of the lessons were called off and i wasn't apprehended as i did warn him and he was advised to fight someone else.

I made my way to the ice cream shop not wearing the arm anymore but still the outfit. I spotted Neo outside the store looking nervous, i calmly approached her as she turned around and locked eyes with me.

She quickly ran forward and gave me a the biggest hug she could as i did the same. I felt some dampness on my shirt and i ignored it continuing the sweet embrace.

Neo: I missed you!

God! I've only heard her voice a couple times but it's amazing, I love it.

Me: I missed you too

She left go and put her hands on my cheeks and smiled widely at me.

Me+Neo: I love you...

(Lemme know what you think.
Random guy: Why did you smash my Macadamia nuts?!
Super761: Why do you think?
Random guy: You guys gotta help me! He took a monkey wrench to my Nuts, Cut my dick off and shoved up it my ass!
Super761: See you guys later!
Random Guy: No keep those peanut butter cookies away from me! I'm allergic to Peanuts!)

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