The Inner Conflict

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(A/N *clear throat* 22.2k reads, never did i think i would go above 100 reads with this story so thank you all)

I dashed towards him and thrust my cane at him, he sidestepped the attack and did a spin kick which i backflipped over, he shot out his black arm as it stretched out and enlarged.

He attemped to grab me with it but i shot a blast below me sending me above his reach. The arm reverted to normal as he charged up a rainbow ball of energy, i did the same as we crushed them at threw the dust.

The dust clashed and exploded sending us crashing into buildings. We got stuck into the walls and climbed out, i pushed myself off the wall as he did the same and we locked our weapons together.

He let go with one hand as i began to overpower him, his black arm enlarged and he slammed it down on me sending me crashing into the ground.

He landed besides me and grabbed my leg throwing me out the crater i left, i rolled along the ground before stopping and getting up onto one knee.

Other Y/N: I know what your thinking, "why aren't my silver eyes powers letting me dodge?", well your abilities let you dodge any attack without thinking, while mine let me attack perfectly without thinking-

Me: Stop it...

Other Y/N: Stop what?

Me: Stop your babbling!

I blasted myself towards him as he got ready to dodge, i reached him and placed a hand on his shoulder which confused him long enough to allow me to place us in a barrier.

I charged up an energy blast and fired it within the barrier, it broke as we got flung out with some smoke wafting off if us. I got up shakily as he did the same with more ease.

I focused my aura and poured it into my cane, it was surrounded with a silver aura but i kept moulding it, it streched and curved into a giant blade made from my silver aura.

He looked suprised before laughing and doing the same, I held it in both hands and readied myself. When i do this i lose my ability to dodge on instinct so he should lose his ability to attack on instinct

He charged towards me as i got ready to counter, he disppeared infront of me but i heard the air being moved behind me and held my weapon behind me to block.

I felt a force push against my weapon and quickly spun around, i pushed him off and swung my blade at him. It cut his face slightly as he jumped back and held it in pain.

Driven by rage he barreled at me as raised his blade above his head and threw it down, i blocked the attack and let go of ot with my right hand.

I thrust my hand towards him as it changed it a blade and stabbed into his stomach. He froze and coughed up some blood before letting go of his weapon and falling to his knees.

I changed my arm back to normal and released my aura from my cane. I walked up to him and crouched down, placing a hand on his shoulder he chuckled.

Other Y/N: Hehehe... you won this time... but one day... i'll come back for control... you won't be safe from me... or Salem

Me: I'm sorry it had to be like this

Other Y/N: You know... in some cultures... when someone beats someone else... they earn a reward... so here

He grabbed onto my left arm with his as it glowed red. It died down and i looked down at it before back up at him.

Other Y/N: When i said i took a liking... to that ice cream girl... i ment it... so keep her safe... i'd hate to see her die... before i come back into control

The buildings around us began crumbling down, i panicked slightly but he chuckled again

Other Y/N: Looks like you need to wake up... wake up... wake up...

?: Wake up...

My eyes shot open and i saw that i wasn't in the pod anymore, i was in a room that waa decorated brightly. I looked around and saw Neo who was shocked.

She had wide eyes but that was changed to a happy expression as some tears threatened to come put from the corners of her eyes.

Neo: Y/N?

Me: Hey Ice cream

She lunged at me and held me in a tight hug as i returned it, god i missed this. I heard her crying into my chest but i just reached up and rubbed her head.

I saw i had my left arm back but it was black, guess thats what he ment by a reward. I noticed that the rest of me was back to my normal S/C.

I placed my hand on her chin and raised her head so we were looking at eachother. We leaned in and shared a sweet kiss, it got more heated before we pulled away due to the need for oxygen.

Me: You have no idea how much i've wanted to do that

Neo: You're such a jerk...

Her head fell as she pressed her forehead against my chest.

Neo: You just disappear for 9 months, and when you turn up you can't even control your own body

Me: I know, i know

Neo: Then you kiss me and... and

I hug her tightly as she did the same

Neo: Why did i fall in love with you?

Me: That i don't know. But i do know that i love you and i missed you

Neo: I love you too

(Lemme know what you think)

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