The quiet before

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(A/N last i checked i had 29.9k reads, so close to 30k... i don't deserve it!)

Things had been relatively quiet when it came to danger. Sure there had been the occasional Grimm attacks but Salem hadn't reared her head.

I had been able to raise my kids properly along with Neo for a good 5 years. Chocola had grown to be an a shy girl while Summer was very out going.

Even though 5 years had passed it seemed like Neo hadn't aged a day, her skin was still as smooth as they day i saw it and she was still has perky as ever.

I on the other hand well... i felt as if i was aging too quickly, even though i should be 23 it seemed as if i was in my mid 30's. I went to Ozpin to get it check out.

I arrived infront of his office before opening the door and walking inside.

Ozpin: Mr Branwen? You haven't aged all that well

Me: That's what i'm here about, i have no idea why but i'm aging faster than normal

Ozpin: Perhaps it's due to Salem's cells implanted in your body

I glanced down to my left arm which was wrapped in bandages, it was a "gift" by the other me but it could be the reason.

Me: I assume if we can remove them i should begin to age normally

Ozpin: There's a chance

Me: I'm willing to take it

He nodded and pulled out his scroll. He rung Ironwood and had a quick conversation about a surgery.

He agreed to it and hung up. He told me that the surgery would be in a week, he had suggested i spend the time beofre it with my family and i heeded his advice.


Arriving home i saw that Neo had brought the kids him from pre-school. How she manages to do most things without talking to people i still a mystery to me.

Neo: How was your visit to Beacon?

Me: It was alright... i need to talk to you for a moment

She looked confused before nodding and following me to the bedroom. I closed the door behind us and looked at her seriously.

I moved over to the bed and sat down, patting the space next to me Neo joined me and looked at me worried.

Me: It turns out that i'm aging much faster

Neo:..  How much faster?

Me: I'm physically in my mid 30's

She looked down sadly, thinking that i would die faster than she would leaving her, Chocola and Summer alone.

Me: B-But it's fine, i'm having a surgery in a weeks to hopefully correct it

Neo: Thank Oum!

She leaned closer to me and hugged me in excitement, i hugged back before she pulled away and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and we fought for dominance.

We heard a knock on the bedroom door and quickly pulled away.

Neo: Y-Yes?

Summer: Your scrolls ringing Mama!

She looked at me disappointed that we had to stop and i just let out a sigh, we got up and walked out our bedroom as Neo walked into the living room.

I looked down to Summer who was smiling innocently. I crouched down and rubbed her head making her giggle.

Summer: What were you and Mama talking about?

Me: Oh y'know, adult things

Summer: Like?

Me: I'll tell you when you're older

She puffed her cheeks out cutely and i just chuckled and picked her up placing her on my shoulders.

I walked into the living room to see Chocola colouring and Neo finishing her conversation. She looked back at me before turning her attention to her conversation.

She texted her response back and i heard someone say "Alright, just tell me when". She hung up and looked at us

Neo: Chocola, Summer, You're going around Aunty Yang's for awhile okay?

Summer: Yay!

I saw that Chocola looked nervous for some reason

Me: What's wrong Chocola, don't you like going to Aunty Yang's?

Chocola: I do but... she's gonna style my hair again


We waved at Yang and our kids as they left, driving away on her bike which had two sidecars attached to it.

I was nervous letting Yang drive them places with how insanely she drives but i trust that she'll be more sensible with them ridng along with her.

I closed the door and looked back to Neo who had a mischievous smirk plastered to her face.

Me: So what should we do now that we're alone?

Neo: I've got an idea in mind~

(Lemme know what you think also sorry for the short chapter, i just wanted to churn something out before i become busy past the the 30th)

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