The Vytal festival begins!

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(A/N this story is back from it's three day hiatus. I come back and it has nearly 10,000 reads Wtf?!)

Me: This is so unfair!

Yang: It's not that bad

Me: I am stuck in this bloodly hospital bed and even if i was better, which i am mind you, they won't let me compete!

After the Grimm invaded Vale and we pushed them off i had been admitted to a hospital due to the damage i had taken. Plus with Migi and I only being a two man team we couldn't legally compete.

Speaking of Migi i haven't seen him since that day. I'm wrapped up in bandages with my foot in a cast and they won't let me go anywhere unless it's with a nurse.

The nurse taking care of me is this really buff dude called Jonathan, he has blue hair and is really nice. He wanted to be a huntsman but couldn't stand killing so he started working at a hospital. If he wasn't here to make things fun i would have gone crazy.

Yang: Tell you what, i'll win for you!

Me: I expected you to win anyway. What i want is to get out this hospital!

Jonathan: Now now, there's no need to be this rowdy

Jonathan entered the room with a gentle smile on his face as Yang started drewling with star's in her eyes

Me: He's engaged

Jonathan: That i am

Summer: Her loss

Yang froze before crossing her arms and pouting.

Yang: Whatever... you're not that handsome anyway...

Me: That's mean Yang. Anyway Jonathan how could i not be this rowdy when i'm stuck in this hospital!

Jonathan: You could do something constructive

Me: They won't let me have anything to heavy or sharp

Yang: How about T.V?

Me: Yeah i guess


Today is the first round of the Vytal festival and i'm watching it being aired on live T.V . The only better than this is actually competing! But i'll have to settle for this.

The first round of team RWBY was impressive. Sloppy but impressive, i think a bit to much of Ozpin has rubbed off on me as i just want to correct what they're doing wrong.

They were taking a break from the fights when i switched to the news channel.

Lisa: Lisa Lavender here. It was not to long ago that tragedy struck when Grimm invaded Vale through the underground tunnels connecting to mount glenn. Hunstman and Atlas Robot were able to ward them off although apparently alot of people recognise one person as the true hero of that day. No it wasn't General Ironwood but a Hunstman-in-training from Beacon called Y/N Branwen.

Me? All i did that was noticable was kill that Nuckelavee. Why am i the "true hero"?

Summer: You did kinda blow up... twice

Citizen: He risked his life to save us like tge rest sure but it's the sheer amount of grimm he killed and people he saved

Citizen: He grabbed a Nuckelavee and exploded it with destroying anything when others could do anything

Girl: He saved me from a burning building. He said "None of this makes sense but it doesn't have to" and that he would go back out to save people because it's his job. He's really inspiring!

That was the little girl from the building. I'm glad to see she made it out safely.

Lisa: While everyone is congratulating this young man it does arrise doubts if the Atlas army and other hunters are competent enough to protect us. Back to you-

I threw the remote into the T.V in a fit of rage after what she just said. I don't want to be ostracized because i was able to do more than them! It was only because of my powers that i could do that!

Me: No no no! This is all gone wrong!

I heard hurried footsteps and saw Jonathan come in panting slightly. He saw the T.V and calmed down a bit as he shook his head

Jonathan: What was it? And your gonna have to pay for that T.V

Me: The bloody news! Calling everyone else incompetent, just 'cause i can do more with my semblance! It's just gonna cause fear fear amongst the people which brings Grimm!

Jonathan: Than perhaps if they saw you they'd calm down

Me: Are you... letting me out?

Jonathan: Well i can't let you leave yet buuut if you escaped then well that's a different story

Me:... You're my favourite Nurse Jonathan

Jonathan: Tell me something i don't know


I asked around if anyone had seen team RWBY and they all pointed me to a noodle shop in the fair grounds. To be honest i'm not completely healed, i have to use a crutch to walk but other than that i'm fine.

I entered the noodle shop and saw them all flopped down on the counter with a big declined on a machine. I think ice queens credit card has been cancelled by daddy dearest.

Me: Hey Yang, good job on that fight!

They turned around to me as their or well Yang's eyes widened, probably because i was out of the hospital.

Yang: What are you doing?!

Me: Well i wanted to watch your fight in person but couldn't so i thought i'd make it up to you by getting you lunch

I got up to the counter and gave the man money for her lunch as he nodded and slid the bowl back over to her and she started chowing down.

I went over to her and sat next to her as i heard the rest of team RWBY stomachs rumble. I'll just leave them to be hungry for now.

Me: So have you decided who's going up for the double's round?

Yang: Yeah, me and Weiss

Me: You better not break that promise

Yang: Don't worry i won't. Besides shouldn't you be worried about people swarming you if you're in public?

Me: Actually now that i look normal and not like when it happened people don't recognise me

?: Excuse me are you Y/N Branwen?

Summer: You were saying?

I look to my right to see a boy around the age of ten who looked nervous and excited

Me: I am, who are you?

?: My names Shaun

Me: Well what can i do for you?

Shaun: I wanted to know how you were able to save all those people without being scared

Me: To be honest i was scared. But that's what made me take up being a huntsman. I was scared alot when i was younger so i decided that i would save people even if i was scared so that they won't have to be.

Summer: Nicely said...

Shaun: You're so cool! Is she your girlfriend?

He pointed to Yang as she choked on her noodles and summer started laughing and i had a deadpan expression.

Me: No. No she isn't

Shaun: Oh, Okay bye!

He waved as he ran off and i gave a curt wave. Yang managed to calm down before i heard their stomachs rumble again and they turned red in embarrassment.

Summer: Aren't you gonna buy them lunch?

I just gave her the 'really?' look and she held her hands up backing away.

Weiss: A-As Heiress to the Schnee dust company, i demand you buy us lunch!

Me: One, i don't work for you so you hold no dominion over me and two, why not just buy it yourself

Weiss: I-i...

Yang: Her card was declined

Me: Ahh i see. Well i better get back to the hospital, got my bills to pay for when i'm discharged and all so i'm gonna have to take a rain check on your lunch. Byeeee~

(Lemme know what you think)

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