Campsite Trouble

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    It was a peaceful day for the group of hunters in the forest. They had just bagged a lot of game and were know enjoying the beautiful sights of nature and a cold one. The biggest of them laughs and takes in the wonderful scenery "You smell that boys. That's the smell of freedom of Nature" One of the other hunters laughs and pats him on the back "Yeah that and the smell of your Natural gas. Dang Kevin what did you eat?" Kevin and the other hunters laugh till they hear till they heard a blood curdling howl. Kevin gets out his rifle And looks around "Did y'all hear that" his fellow hunters nod and get out their rifles too. Kevin's younger brother William looks at him scared out of his mind "Do you think it is a bear?" Kevin turns to William and frowns but showing concern for his brother "When was the last time you heard a Bear howl? Even so little Brother, I think we need to be careful who knows what..." Before Kevin could finish what he was saying. A big creature attacks him and threw him into a tree like he was some sort of doll.

  The Creature was a giant and at least 8 feet tall, covered in fur, and looked like an ape. William and the other hunters start shooting at the creature but more and more hunters get hurt or killed. William tries to run to the trucks but the Ape man jumps up the trees and lands right in front of William. The poor man was shaking as he was about to shoot but didn't have anymore bullets. The creature gets closer and closer. Just as it was about to attack, a Blue Blur races into the creatures way and hits the creature square in the gut. The punch sends it flying and it hits a tree breaking the tree in half. William opens his eyes and looks at his savior

He looked to be 6' 12" and pretty fit, He was wearing something that looked like a old western comic book mixed with a modern anime. It was blue with black streaks going down the arms of the armor and across the chest and armored boots. The helmet had almost this Lucha mask look to it and eyes glow green like shining emeralds. William had no idea what it was but it stared at him and spoked sounding like a robot "Hey Pal, You better go wake up your friends and get out of here. I don't think the big guy is gonna be happy when he gets up" The Robot Guy looks over to the see the Ape Monster getting up and it lets out an angry roar as it pounds on its chest. William gulps as he rushes to his brother and the other hunters that are left then looks over at the robot guy "Who are you?" The robot looks back at him and puts a thumb up "The Names Blue Bullet but  you better start running" William nods and ran off with his brother while Blue Bullet looks at the creature. He laughs and with a mocking hillybilly accent said "Well I'll be!! I done found Big Foot!!!". The Creature snarls angry and rushes out him. He tries to punch him but Blue moves out of the way with a chuckle "What? It's not my fault you are big, hairy, and living the woods. Kinda asking for it if ask me" The Creature keeps swinging at him but Blue is one step ahead of the monster. He starts sending flurry of punches like a jacked up anime strong man. The Monster lands a punch finally and Bullet's helmet has a crack. Blue Bullet frowns as he looks at him "Okay Sasquatch, you owe me a new helmet" He gives him a swift kick to the head and sends him flying then bullet gets over to the spot the creature is supposed to end up and Bullet punches to the other side and continues to it till Blue ends up jumping him and gives a diving kick sending BigFoot to the ground and making a small crater. Blue pants and looks at the creature knocked out

   He chuckled softly and leans against a tree "Heh not so tough now huh? Wonder if I can get a reward for proving Big Foot exist? Heh that'll wipe those smirks off those egotistical scientists". He sighs as he looks out at the lake and at the hunters who died "Wow Luckily I was here investigating the disappearances of people in these woods and I think I found my culprit" He then hears a sound of static and goes to the Bigfoot. He then noticed something implanted on the back of it's neck "What in the..." He rips it out and analyzes it. It looked to be something that must have made it go crazy "Hmm guess the big guy wasn't being himself" He noticed the big foot wake up and surprisingly it spoke "Ugghh my head" Bullet was surprised "Oh shit the ape man can talk!!!" The Foot looks at him and was mad "OF COURSE I CAN TALK!!! I'M NOT AN IDIOT!!!" Blue frowns "Well you sure seemed to be nuts" The Big Foot looks down shamefully after seeing the deaths he caused "I-I am so sorry...I haven't been myself lately. My name is Raikin.My people have been taking over by an human named Marvin. Please you must help us"

  Blue Bullet thinks about it for a second "Hmmm...Well Okay then I can't let someone have a big foot army. Lead the way" Raikin nods and takes him to Marvin's lair. It was at Raikin's hidden village with Tree houses and caves. Bullet was amazed that people still had not been able to find this.

  But then a bunch of Raikin's People surrond him and Blue Bullet. It was then that the sound of Sarcastic clapping could be heard and laughing. It was then that a small bald man in a lab coat walks over "Well Well it seems that I've finally been discovered" Blue Bullet looks at the small man and smirked "So you are Marvin? Geez the whole mad scientist cliche is written all over your tiny ass" Marvin frowns and stomps his foot like a child "How Dare you!? I am normal height!!! Normal Normal Normal!!!" Blue laughs a little "Wow and throws a tantrum too. Making it hard to believe you took control of these Giants" this made Marvin even more mad "THAT'S ONLY CAUSE PEOPLE LIKE YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME AND MY Genius!!!" He then shows his controller "With this controller and the implants I put in those apes, I now control an army of gaint ape warriors and I will rule all" Blue sighs and looks at Raikin "Wow another one of those "I wanna take over the world" Types. Two cliches for the small price of one" he then stretches and gets ready for a fight while Raikin frowns at Marvin with determined eyes "You will not get away with taking my people. As Chief of the Khan Clan I will vanquish you" Marvin laughs insanely as he orders the BigFoots to attack. Raikin and Blue then fight along side each other. Speed and Strength working together. Blue looks at Raikin and yells "Hey try to get the implants out of their necks" Raikin nods as he has one in a sleeper "I'm sorry brother" He then rips it out and lays him down. Blue races around and smashed the implants while dodging punches and big Stone clubs. He was a little tired so it was getting harder to dodge them. He gets hit by a club and just as he was about to hit again, Raikin takes the hit but was able to take the implant off the Big Foot Warrior. Blue smiles at him "Thanks Ape" He chuckled softly as Raikin smirked "No Problem Little Man" They both laugh as they stand side by side as Brothers in arms. Raikin then threw Blue at Marvin and Blue kicks the controller off his hands. Marvin freaks as he tries to get it back "No No No!!! Give it back!!!" Blue smirked "Hey Raikin!? Monkey in the middle" He tosses it to Raikin and he crushes it with his hand "I don't know what that means but thanks" Soon all the Wilders were free from Marvin's control

  They all look at Marvin and surround him. He looks at them all nervous "H-Hey let's not be.." they all roar and Marvin ran screaming as they chase him. Raikin laughs as he watches his people hunt Marvin down. He looks back at Blue Bullet and smiles "You fought well human. I haven't even gotten your name" Blue Bullet takes off his helmet showing his short black hair, white skin, and green eyes "Blue Bullet, but you can call me Jay Scott" Raikin shakes his hand and smiles "Thank you Jay Scott. You are indeed a friend to my people. If you need our strength, call and we will come" Jay smiles and nods. He then zooms away and but first took a picture with the one person he truly would call his friend.

He smiles at the photo and thinks to himself 'Not a Bad Day at all'

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