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I know it has been awhile since I last wrote a story so I thought in my sick head, hey let's write a story about another poor souls doom and gloom. So I wracked my brain to find out who would be next on the chopping block in this story and well ....

I remembered a certain little character who I think most would bat an eye to despite the fact that I put that character in a lot of places on my profile. And that character, the one who's been there since the beginning of my profile being created, the one I have put in artworks on and a bit off of this profile, my little mute skeleton character who I consider my profiles mascot.

Yes that is her name, and I have had her story in the back of my mind for so long. Oh how fun it will be to finally let the skeletons out of the closet on this one. (BA DUM SH). Anyways this probably will be one of the longer chapters so strap in for this gruesome tale.

The story begins years ago when Eve was just a little girl. It was the winter and the snow outside was just so nice and fresh. It looked like a real winter wonderland. It was very cold outside but that never bothered little Eve. She always loved the snow and cold that comes with each and every winter.

Since school had been canceled that day due to both the temperature and the excessive amounts of snow. Eve decided that she would go out and play in the snow like most other kids her age. She hurriedly scurried around her house to gather the clothing items she would need to keep warm. "Eve," her mother said in her calm mesmerizing voice "You better not go to far from the house and make sure to layer up so that you don't catch a cold." Her mother always seemed to have this amazing motherly charm to her.

"Okay Mummy!" Eve replied cheerfully as she put on her bright red snow boots and stepped outside into the freezing cold. The air swirled around her and made her feel a slight chill go up her spine as she got a running start and face planted into a nearby snow bank. After making a small two tiered snowman her mother and father both stepped outside to play with her. They ended up spending a few hours having fun and doing all sorts of snow day activities like sledding, ice skating, and making snow angels.

After they all were inside they cranked the heat up a tad bit since everyone was freezing and baked some cookies. It was a wonderful 12 hours 32 minutes and 11 seconds they shared.

Now I know what you're thinking
1. How is this story going to turn dark and gloomy
2. That's kinda creepy how I listen the exact time they spent together from the moment eve went to play 11:23:05 am to be exact till whatever's gonna happen next
And 3. Wait what's gonna happen next seeing as how I brought it up in 2!

Well there's an appropriate response for each of these, but let's continue on with our story shall we.

Eve went to bed at 9:00pm and since we all know that there are still a bit of time in between her sleeping and the events to come let's just fast forward this like you're watching the ads on a movie you wanna watch. Now it is 11:23pm and eve woke from her peaceful slumber to some odd smell she couldn't recognize. It was nasty and hung in the air, but after 3 seconds of realization she knew what it was.

The smell of something burning

Overnight while the peaceful family was sleeping, their heater ended up setting fire to a curtain nearby and then those curtains spread the fire across the entire house. Her mom and dad shortly after eve woke up woke up to the fire and immediately her dad went to go save their daughter from the flames while her mother called the fire department.

Eve however didn't know what to do in this situation so she decided to try and find somewhere the smoke wasn't, her closet. Even in the closet the smoke lingered and the air hung heavily. It was suffocating but eve laid on the bottom of her closet trying to avoid the Smokey air. There was creaking and cracking all over the place until suddenly Eve felt a weird feeling as the bottom of her closet fell from underneath her taking her with it.

Her last moments were almost completely a blur. She heard sirens and screaming. She felt this huge weight pinning her to the kitchen floor and a burning sensation words cannot describe. But she remembered one thing, her dad. He was screaming trying to lift the weight off of her but he couldn't. He kept telling her to hold on but Eve knew it was no use. So with her dying breath, she told him these exact words. "Daddy please go save yourself I can't hold on anymore." She gave him one final smile. Blood trickled down the side of her face and from her eyes and mouth as her dad friend and was dragged out by a fireman. She closed her eyes before feeling the last thing she would ever feel.

Another weight fell and squashed her.

Then everything was dark.

Everything was murky and hard to put together.

She opened her eyes.

All that remained of her small body was her skeleton and even then it was in shards, so that's how her soul materialized except not in bits and pieces. She was a skeleton. She looked around trying to piece together what had happened as she stood amongst the ruins of a building that seemed familiar to her.

She was never able to find her memories after the incident and I'm afraid she never will. It's tragic isn't it? The lost if such a sweet young girl. After so many stories of people dying in horrible ways it's gets hard to feel the same amount of remorse for them. But then again I am just some crazy madman who write stories about cruel deaths.

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