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Logan was a failure in the eyes of most people. He was twenty five and he had no girlfriend, no money, a beaten down Chevy, and no family. He had nothing. He did have things before, but he lost them long ago, similar to when a child looses their favorite toy. It just doesn't feel right without it.

He woke up that morning and had time on his hands, time to think about his life thus far. I can already imagine that you the reader are thinking that poor Logan will commit suicide. The answer will be found out soon enough.
After wasting away twenty minutes in his head he started to get ready for work.

He worked at the local seven eleven, which truly is a miserable job indeed. Anyways, he spent hours there customers came in and out every now and then but not very often. The only good thing about his dead end job with minimum wage was that he could sneak himself a slushee or two whenever he wanted. But he didn't want to be a cashier for the rest of his life.

You see, Logan had just got out of college which left him in huge debt. He studied for years to become a graphic artist. After college he had it all, a good job, a nice girlfriend and an apartment in Philadelphia, that is until things went south quickly.

One night Logan came home to find that his girlfriend was sleeping with his bosses son Hunter. Furiously Logan dumped her and threw all her junk to the curb. Remember though that it was his bosses son who his girlfriend cheated on him with. When his boss heard of the affair he immediately fired Logan in order to keep his reputation in check.

His shift had just ended and he was walking home. The dim street lights guiding him to his new apartment in the slums of Philadelphia where people there could be cruel people. He was almost home. He pressed the button on the crosswalk and waited for it to say go.

Then it came...

He didn't have much time to react, one minute the street was empty. Then the next few seconds later a reckless driver sped around the corner swerving left and right. "What the" Logan thought to himself just before the impact. It hit him hard in the stomach and then he was slammed in between the car and a street lamp.

He kept fading in and out of consciousness. The driver, an old drunk man looked at him called 911 then fled the scene. flashes of what was happening came in and out of view. Sirens, someone yelling, bright lights. He felt a horrible pain shoot right through him. It hurt so bad. His guts hurt so bad. He coughed up blood and cried on the sidewalk alone. The blood quickly filled his lungs and other organs. Then from shock he passed out

Everything was fuzzy. He saw lights and heard a man screaming for some reason. He saw people fade in and out of view. He felt strangely tired.

then everything went dark.

When he woke up he realized what just happened.

He had died.

He died because some person was too careless as to not drink and drive. He looked over at his unfortunate corpse only too see one thing. Even when he died there was no one who cared about him. It drove him mad. They buried him a few days later and when they did no one,not even his parents, came to mourn for him.

Who knows where he is now, all I know is he's probably trying to find someone ,anyone, who cares about him. How unfortunate for Logan to meet his fate at such a young age, and now his story is just another ghost story told by a madman.

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