Chapter 2 - First Day of U.A.

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I woke up bright and early after feeling the sun hit my face through my window. I stretched a bit as I let out a yawn and groaned soon after knowing well what I have to do today. I got out of bed and started to prepare myself for my first day of U.A. and, today was the day that I am going to the hero school that I've wanted to go to since I was young.

After using the bathroom to freshen up, I went back to my room, to put on the standard U.A. school uniform, but it was slightly uncomfortable. I pulled on my shirts collar a bit to allow myself to breath better, I never really wore any formal clothes, usually I juts wear trousers or jackets, anything that I felt comfortable in, but I'm going to have to get used to this. I then walked out of my room to find my mom, bout out of nowhere I was greeted by a quick flash of light, I rubbed my eyes a bit and saw my mom holding her phone.

Ryuko : "That's a keeper, I'm gonna send this to Rumi."

Y/n : "Mom!"

Ryuko : "Well any way do you have all your stuff?"

Y/n : "Don't worry I do."

I then begin to walk to the door and open it.

Ryuko : "Have a nice day!"

Y/n : "I will."

Ryuko : "Tell Kaminari I said 'Hi'!"

Y/n : "Mom!"

I then close the door behind me. I then started walking to the train station, as I was walking, I began to think about how close my mom and Rumi were, I think my mom has a thing for her, I don't blame my mom, I think it would be good for them to get together, my mom has already moved on, and I have also seen them dropping hints to each other as well, but only time would tell. But if they do end up together, the headlines would explode like crazy.


I took a train ride to get to U.A. and I made good time as well. I then arrived at U.A. and walked inside, I started to wonder what kind of people would be in the class, I was hoping Denka would be in Class 1a, I then started walking faster because I didn't want to be late on my first day, but I hoped that there would be people who I could tolerate and not get annoyed by them. I then started to slow down a bit, looking at the many classroom, trying to find Class 1a.

Y/n : "1A... 1A... 1A... oh there it is!"

I then walked inside, and saw there were quite a few people there, my eyes wandered behind the desk and saw a man in a yellow sleeping bag, we looked at each other, he put a finger to his mouth and I got the message, I closed the door behind me and looked around, I saw the blue haired kid with the glasses, I then saw the angry spikey haired kid was there, and he was getting scolded my the blue haired kid, he then looked at me and we locked eyes with each other, he gave me a glare and I then gave him a cold intimidating look that made him flinch a little. I then walked to my seat and sat down, I took out my phone and started looking at videos. Then someone came up to me and I looked at them, he had sharp teeth and red spikey hair.

??? : "Hey aren't you the dragon guy that destroyed the zero pointer?"

Y/n : "Yeah that's me, you are...?"

Kirishima : "Oh I'm Ejiro Kirishima." *holds up his hand*

Y/n : "I'm Y/n Tatsuma." *shakes Kirishima's hand*

Kirishima and I start talking with each other for a few minutes, until he left to go talk with a few others, after that I felt someone put their head on top of mine and put their arms around my neck, I then see long yellow hair in the corner on my eye, I smiled and knew exactly who it was, Denka. I then look up at her and see her smiling. I then chuckle at her and put my phone away.

Denka : "Hey Y/n~"

Y/n : "Hey Denka. How have you been?"

Denka : "I'm good you?"

Y/n : "Yeah not bad, my mom says 'Hi' and I was actually hoping you would be in class 1a."

Denka : *blushing* "Aw, thanks Y/n."

Y/n : "You do know that our teacher is here right?"

Denka : "Yeah I know, I saw him when I came in."

??? : "If your gonna be hunting for buddies... do it somewhere else."

Everyone then turns round to see a man in a yellow sleeping bag. The bag slowly began to unzip itself to reveal a very tired man.

Aizawa : "Well at least two of you has good observational skills. As for the rest of you it took you 8 seconds for you to finally be quiet. That won't do. Rational students know that that time is precious. Anyway, my name is Shota Aizawa, and I will be your homeroom teacher for the next three years, you are at UA. Now put these uniforms these on and meet me outside."

He then pulls out gym uniforms from the sleeping bag and showed them to the class and we went into our respective changing rooms. I was of of the first to come out of the changing room in the PE uniform and it consisted of the UA colors, red blue and white. Then the rest of my class followed. Denka stood next to me smiling as always, I will never gut tired of that smile.

Aizawa : "Right now that you're all here we can begin the Quirk Assessment Test."

Uraraka : "But what about the Entrance Ceremony and the orientation?"

Aizawa : "If you all want to become heroes the you don't need to waste your time on such leisurely events. One of UA's selling points is their unrestricted school traditions which allows teachers to run their classrooms how they see fit."

Y/n : 'I gonna have to be careful when do these tests due to how powerful my quirk is.'

Aizawa : "Now moving on, young kids have been taking physical fitness in Junior High where you weren't allowed to use your quirks. The country still uses average taken results from students not using their quirks, but now I want to see what you can do with your quirks and see if you all have what it takes to be a hero. Y/n you manged to get the most points in the entrance exam. How far could you throw a softball in Middle School?"

Y/n : "82 meters."

I heard a few laughs from behind me, and I turned round and saw the people laughing were the angry spikey haired kid, a small purple haired, a tail dude, and some kind of kid with a belt, I snarled at them which made them look at me is surprise and fear, I then turn back to face Aizawa, I swear I could see a ghost of a smile on his face. Aizawa then tossed the ball to me and pointed towards the circle.

Aizawa : "Now try using your quirk on the ball."

I then walked over to the circle and I gripped the ball. I the cracked my neck, I then reeled my arm back before throwing it up into the air, I then blast a massive beam of lightning at to  make it go even further with intense speed and with enough force to make it hard to see. A lot of gasps could be heard for the others, I turn round to see Denka with a smile on her face, I smile back at her. After about a minute, Aizawa showed the results, and apparently I threw the ball...

Everyone : "1012 meters!!"

Denka : "Whoa! 1012 meters that so cool Y/n!"

Pinky : "I want a to go that looks like fun!"

Tape guy : "This is what I'm talking about ! Using our quirks as much as we want!"

Y/n : *sigh* "Hate to break it to you, but it's not all fun and games. OK sure, there's no problem with having a bit of fun doing this, but remember that this is just a stepping stone for us to become heroes."

Aizawa : "I couldn't have said it better myself. At least someone understands and take things seriously. Now then, there are a few other physical test you'll all do. Whoever does the worst will be expelled immediately."

Everyone : "WAIT WHAT!"

I then walk back to the others, and stand next to Denka who had a worried look on her.

Y/n : "Well, this got interesting."

Denka : "Aren't you worried?"

Y/n : "If we try our best, we won't need to worry."

Denka : "Oh I get it."

50 Meter Dash

Robot : "First up Y/n Tatsuma and Mashirao Ojiro"

Me and Ojiro both walk to the start of the 50 meter dash. I grew wings out of my back and everyone stared at me with wide mouths, even Aizawa looked at me with raised eyebrow.

Robot : "START!"

The Ojiro used his tail to push himself forward, he was fast but to his surprise I passed him in a second. I got 3 seconds and Ojiro got 6 seconds. He looked at me and walked back to the others, I then see Denka run up to me, with her eyes wide.

Denka : "Since when could you grow your wings like that."

Y/n : *smiles* "Since I got my quirk."

Denka : "Well-! Yeah ok you got me there."

Grip Strength Test

Y/n : "Luckily I worked out a bit so, I think I'll be good at this."

When I did the grip test I got 300 kg.

Y/n : "I did well."

Denka : "WHOA! 540 kg! What are you a gorilla!"

Y/n : "Damn that's a lot I don't even I could get that score."

Skip all the tests :

After the other tests, were all done it was time for the ball throw test, Uraraka was first and was standing in the center of the circle, she then throws it and the ball continues to go further and further up until there was a bright shine in the sky. Aizawa then shows his phone it and it had the infinity symbol on it, and my eyebrows raised because I was surely surprised by what is showed. Throughout all the tests, I noticed that the green haired boy didn't use his quirk. I heard that he also destroyed a Zero Pointer as well, but at a cost of breaking his own arm, most likely he didn't want to break himself in one test. I knew I had to help him. Now it was green haired boy's  turn for the ball throw. Before he went up, I grabbed his shoulder.

Y/n : *whisper* "I heard that in the entrance exam you hurt yourself with your own quirk. My advice is to use your quirk in one part of your body, like your finger tip to project the ball as far as it can go."

The boy nodded and thanked me for the advice. He then walked to the circle.

Iida : "If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home."

Bakuguo : "Huh of course he is he just a quirk-less loser !"

Iida : "Huh, he has a quirk, didn't you hear what he did at the entrance exam?"

Y/n : "I heard about that, didn't he punch and destroy a zero pointer?"

I watched Midoriya closely as he got ready to throw the ball, I saw his arm glow with red lines appearing on his arm. Midoriya then throws the ball but nothing happens as it went a short distance, everyone was very confused, even I was very confused.

Midoriya : "H-Hey what gives I was just trying to use it just now." 

Aizawa : "I erased your quirk. The Judges for this exam weren't rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school."

Alright that's enough. I then dashed at the two and used my claws to slice through the bandage binding the green haired kid and he fell to the floor. Aizawa looked at me with his quirk still active and his hair still floating.

Denka : "Y/n! What are you doing?!"

I looked at him with a cold stare, Aizawa raised his eyebrow.

Aizawa : "Sticking up for someone weak?"

Y/n : "That's what heroes do, right? To protect those who can't protect themselves. Give him a proper chance. He'll prove to you he has potential."

We stared at each other and the class watched as me a student and the teacher faced off against each other. Eventually Aizawa closed his eyes and the remains of his bandages wrapped themselves around his neck and his hair fell down.

Aizawa : "Fine. Go ahead Midoriya."

Aizawa POV

This kid, Y/n. He's a strange one. He doesn't act like a child and he's willing to give anyone and everyone a proper chance. He could very well be one of the greatest heroes of all time, I should get to know him better. He and I would get along just fine.


The green haired boy then threw the ball and got over 700 meters, I smiled. I then saw his finger became purple in color and was broken, but at least he's still standing.

Mineta : "He threw it over 700 meters!"

Denka : "You do realize that Y/n threw it WAY further."

I saw Bakugo looking at the green haired boy and saw mini explosions ignite in his hand, I then see him run at the boy.


I grew wings and flew at Bakugo, and grab him by his neck and slammed him into the ground, he then started to get up.

Bakugo : "I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!"

I then grab him by the neck and then felt my scales cover some of my body, my tail come out and my teeth sharpen and a scary aura surround me. I then pick him up and slam him into the ground over and over again, I was then about to punch him in the face until someone stopped me, I turned to see Denka, with a pleading look on her face. I let go of Bakugo and he fell to the floor, he was dazed and nearly unconscious, he groaned in pain, I took a few deep breaths and retracted my scales, tail, wings and sharp teeth. I then see everyone staring at me.

Y/n : "Take a picture it'll last longer and you." *looks at Bakugo* "Try to attack someone and I will break you in half."

Aizawa then showed us the result and it showed that I got 5th, the holoscreen closed.

Aizawa : "Annnd I was lying. No one's going home."

Everyone was confused, even me. I heard last year, he expelled a whole class of freshman students simply because he deemed them unworthy.

Aizawa : "That was simply a rational deception for you to give it your all."

Y/n : "You're lying."

Everyone looked at me.

Y/n : "I did my research on U.A. and it's teachers. Last year, you expelled an entire class of freshman students because you thought they weren't good enough to be heroes. Am I wrong?"

Everyone gasped and looked at Aizawa. He smiled.

Aizawa : "I think you and I are gonna get along just fine. But yeah that's true.

Everyone let out a panicked noise.

Aizawa : "But like I said. No one's going home."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Aizawa gave the grren haired boy a medical letter and walked off telling us to grab a syllabus. We all walked away, and Denka caught up to me.

Denka : "Y'know you didn't need to beat up Bakugo like that."

Y/n : "Yes, I did, he got jealous over being beaten by a few meters and besides, his attitude won't even let him become a hero, and I have a grudge against him for pushing you to the ground. I won't let him do that again."

Denka : "Aw Y/n." *lightbulb over head* "Do you have a soft spot for me~" *smirks*

Y/n : *blushing hard* "Uh, well- I- Uh. I need to go change."

I then run into the changing room, while electricity crackled around my head.

Denka  : *Laughing hard*

To be continued

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