As Luck Would Have It

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A few nights ago, before Rainkit was born, a small kit with stripes was awaiting bed time. This was Wingkit, a small yellow-eyed kit with blue stripes along her back. She was playing with a few other kits and some apprentices, as the sun was about to turn in and hide behind the scenery. The sky was orange, the clouds were peachy. "Wingkit, it's time for bed!"  A male cat called towards the kit. "Five more minutes! Please!" "Wingkit, it's already been five minutes." The large male cat was Rhineshine, a tall, proud, and sweet warrior. He was a gray tabby, and his blue eyes shined like crystals. "Awwww okay." Wingkit huffed. Rhineshine picked up his daughter by the scruff, and carried her over to the nursery. Though, Wingkit soon realized that going to bed was the right choice. As she cuddled beside her mother, Riverside, a small fluffy spotted she-cat, she felt grass beneath her paws. 

And then, she was within a meadow of flowers. A large amount of Bluebells especially. A small black figure dotted with stars wandered towards her, elegantly putting her paws forward. Wingkit was a bit freaked out, but she stayed right where she was. The kit felt a warm breeze blow through her fur, and she suddenly felt much more at home here. The black figure just kept moving closer, and Wingkit came closer to it. The figure was in the shape of a cat, and it had glowy star-studded eyes. "Welcome, Wingkit." It's mouth moved with a silky voice. "Who are you, and how do you know my name?" Wingkit asked. Though she wasn't trying to be rude, she did want answers. "Getting to the point. A sign of a strong cat." The cat-thing smiled. "My name is Windway, and in StarClan, everyone knows everyone." "Wait, StarClan? Am I dead?" "No. Just in the dream field. If you were dead, you'd be glowing like me. Your pelt is still how it would look in the middle world." Windway sat in front of her, and started to lick his paw. "But, why am I here?" Wingkit asked him. "A prophecy you're supposed to receive. But I feel as if you're too young to know now. Though, since StarClan gave me orders, I have to relay the message." Windway started to stand, and the area around them grew darker. "There will be two. One is a kind light who cares for others more than herself, and the other will be an strong darkness who will kill anything in his way. One is older than the other, though youth may prove to prevail. Blood will spill through the ocean's bay, and only one side can win. Whether it is dark or light is unknown." Windway whispered. All around him and Wingkit was an endless black void. "Now sleep. And may peace find you, young kit." 

The vision of Windway started to dull and blur, only leaving a small remnant of memory before Wingkit awoke with a start. Her mother, Riverside, looked at her with a concerned face. "Is something wrong, Wingkit? Did you have a bad dream?" Riverside asked her, as she started to lick her kit's head fur. "Y-Yeah. Just a bad dream is all.." Wingkit leaned against her mother's chest fur, and she fell into a blurry uneasy sleep.

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