Why are prophecies so confusing?

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Note: You will most likely enjoy this book knowing the Percy Jackson series or just greek mythology, but if confused on any part just look it up. But i'm pretty sure demititans aren't a thing so you won't find that on google.

Being a demigod is the worst. Well technically i'm a demititan but let's not get too technical, but let's start from the beginning. I'm Alex, my Titanly father is the one and only Kronos, yes you heard right the Titan leader. Well when he was free for a short period he decided, hell it's been a while let me get it on with these human, then came along little Alex forever doomed do to his father. Well I can't be that mad at my dad, he did everything he could to keep me hidden from the Fates and the Gods. Some of you may be asking, Alex, what are these Fates you speak of, well they are the entities who control the fate of every life, hence the name The Fates. Well thanks to my father and his Titanly magic and blood even though they have found out about me they can't just cut my thread and say bye-bye Son of Kronos. But now enough info, if you need more just use google like normal people don't rely on me to tell you everything. But let's start from when I first found out about my Titanly heritage.

"Alex! Alex, are you paying attention?" Mr. Lucius asked

"Not really." I said

Mr. Lucius let out an exasperated sigh, "Can you at least pretend to be listening?"

"Sure thing." I said sarcastically 

I looked at the clock, two more periods until lunch. I began to doodle in my notebook as Mr. Lucius droned on an on about Alexander the Great. I soon grew bored of doodling and began tapping my pencil, since I had ADHD I could never focus on anything for too long. I soon began to drift to sleep, which I usually do in history class. 

I woke up in pitch blackness, the air around me was frigid as I shivered on a cold rock ground.

"Hey, where am I?" I called out, only my echo replying 

"When the time comes that prey kills predator, a marked child shall usher forth an age of sin and war. When the moment comes that legend becomes history, an assassination shall mark an end to the gods. It shall be on the day that the wind freezes water, a duel shall end an age of pain." A voice said in the darkness

Suddenly a dim light, like one from a torch, cast and a golden sarcophagus lay on the inky rocks. A sickle lay on the top and engravings were embedded on the sarcophagus, I reached out to grab the sickle. As I touched the sickle, a burning pain shot up through my arm. The pain intensified making me scream in pain, I gripped my arm harder which only made the pain worse.

The sound of a bell startled me as I woke up,

"Have a good nap, Baker?" Some kids teased

I pulled up the sleeve on my leather jacket, a scar the shape of a sickle was on my arm. The scar stung and I fixed my sleeve and grabbed my bag from my chair and headed to my next class, math. I was totally freaked out and confused about what happened, whatever that voice said sounded like a fortune or a prophecy. But I couldn't help but think, am I the marked child?

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