Part 4

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//EDIT: that first line i read after proof reading this, i read it so so wrong. i was like, "ThAtS nOt WhAt ThIs Is!!!!//

                 Rantaro awoke as he felt shuichi moving restlessly beside him. He opened his eyes, "hey shuichi?" There wasn't an answer, so he called out again, "shuichi?" The detective stayed unresponsive beside him, still restless. He gently woke him. "Shuichi, wake up."   The raven-etes's eyes shot open, a cold sweat covering his body like  blanket. he was panicked with the memories of the 73rd Killing game and the gruesome deaths that came with it. Tears trickled out of his eyes, flowing down his red cheeks. 

         Rantaro held him close, "Are you OK Shuichi? What happened?" he asks, worried. Shuichi shakes his head, "J-Just flashbacks..." he says shakily, his voice threatening to break into sobs. Rantaro frowned, he wished he could say how that felt, but he was the first one to get killed. "I'm sorry, is there anything i can do to help?"  Shuichi shook his head, "Not that i know of..." he sighed.  Rantaro continued to hold him close to his body, trying to soothe the smaller male. Shuichi leaned against him, wrapping his arms around Rantaro and closing his eyes, small tears still trickling out of his eyes.     "It's ok shuichi, its ok." Rantaro coos, rocking back and fourth slightly.  Shuichi looked up at him, his face flushed red, his eyes red and puffy, "Thank you Amami." The green haired male smiles, "It's no problem." he cups shuichis face with his hands, "Get some rest now love, ok?" Shuichi blushes, "O-OK." Rantaro pulls him to his chest and closes his eyes with a playful smile. Shuichi felt and heard the slightly accelerated heart beat of Rantaro,  he blushes again. "Goodnight Love." Rantaro calls, holding him close. "A-Amami... Why are you calling me love?" Rantaro looks down and Shuichi could hear his heart rate increase, "uh, you see......." he stops, a blush painting his cheeks like a rose exploding, "I...... i'll tell you in the morning. Or you could work your detective magic and figure out how i feel towards you. "

           Shuichi blushes, "I-I think I'm incorrect though." Rantaro tilts his head, "What do you mean love."           He begins to stutter, "W-W-Well, with th-the word choice, i-i think you l-l-like me..."  Rantaro smiles, ruffling his hair, "I do. Now go to sleep Shuichi."    The other boy nods, his face the color of luscious red rose petals, "g-goodnight Amami." 

//i try and try to make long chapters but i can. ARGH! I'm sorry, but anyho, i hope you liked this chapter anyways! love love! 

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