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(Conversation between Klaus and Caroline)........

K: Stop love.....just stop running away from me.... Cause we both know u can't. And even if u try I won't let you.

C: To hell with you and your twisted ways Klaus. I don't care anymore. I was just trying to help u. For god sake when are you going to stop acting like a jerk?

K: No love.... U were testing my patience and I do not like it when someone plays mind games with one.

C: Then why are you here? Y are trying to be my knight in shining armour when in reality what you have actually done is just making my life miserable and pathetic? Why?

K: No u r getting this all wrong. I am just trying to protect you from .......

C: from whom Klaus? Tell me and just end this for heaven's sake.

K: No. I wouldn't.... because deep down you already know.

C: oh really? Then why are you so afraid to confess it to me?

K: Because I am not very proud of my past actions and don't want to relive those memories.

C: That's so pathetic of you. You know what I have already forgiven you millions of time but now I have nothing to give to you. So please let me go before I die a bit everyday seeing you like this.

K: no...... you just can't leave me for this stupid reason. Okay, give me one valid reason and I promise I will let you go.

C: You tried to kill me.

K: Come on love. You know I was not myself and my mind was whole messed up with all these feelings n emotions.

C: Okay fine .... That's once but u nearly killed me the second time.

K: I revived you too.

C: That's not even an excuse because that situation won't have occurred if you haven't almost killed me at the first place.

K: Caroline.... Please.

C: No. Not this time. If you want me to be with you then prove it.

K: What? What do you mean by this?

C: Let me go Klaus. Just let me go. If you really ever loved me then don't stop me.

K: (confused n hurt) Caroline....

C: You can't ..... Right? So I was right all this time never really loved me right?

K: (getting angry n hurt)  I just can't let you go because I don't know how to live without you caroline. I am just selfish when it comes to you.

C: then don't be selfish Klaus. Let me go. I beg you. Please ........ please let me go cause if I stayed here even for a single more second then I won't be able to leave you ....... Ever again.

K: What ?(surprised) What do you mean caroline?

C: No.... don't. I can't say it. I just wanna leave and go away from all this...... from you. (crying)

K: Are you falling for me love? (shocked)

C: Why are making this more difficult for me? Just let me go dammit.

K: You cannot have feelings for me caroline. I killed everyone you admired. You were supposed to hate me.....for forever.  ( crying and angry)

C: What? (Shocked)  What do you mean I cannot have feelings for you? You wanted to hear the reason that why I wanted to leave right? Okay. I wanted to leave coz I LO....

K: (utterly angry and mad) Don't ...... don't you dare say it.

C: (teary eyes and hurted) why? Why don't you want anything good in your life Klaus?

K: (miserable and helpless) Cause I deserve this pain and hatred. I deserve nothing good. Not love and care especially...... do you understand?

C: NO.... I DON'T.

K: You wanted to leave right? Guess what ...... you may leave now!

C: No..... now I will not. Since you know now what I was trying to hide so guess what .... Now I will stay.


C:(smirking) Why don't you try love?

K: (shocked and impressed) As you say love.

And in a flash of second, he zoomed behind her back n snapped her neck .

So how'z the start my reader n writer buddies?
I know..... U might be mad at me for not updating my stories for long....but guess what .... Now i m back n this continues for a while.
So do leave your valuable remarks and comments no matter its positive or negative.

So i invite all my friends to join me in this ride of bursting emotions and adventure!

Wid love~

Charmedone22 arviabhigya Sally_Blraliya598 @aliya598  24guddiAnonymousMe91lali4321 saromythi Shana_geoshini

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