I Started The Plage

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-Before the events of White Fang-

-After Goodwitch's Class-

Shad: -talking to Ren about ninja skills-

Bolt: -listening to music with Jaune-

Yin: -practicing swings with my hammer with Nora-

Sage: -spars with Pyrrha- You're good at sword and shield, I like that.

Pyrrha: -blocking Sage's hits- Shouldn't you be fighting, not complementing.

Sage: Oh yeah..NAH! -dodges one of her swings-

 Pyrrha: Your -swings my sword at him- good at -blocks his attack- dodging!

Sage: Thanks -blocks her attack with my sword- I do appreciate it that -backflips her sweep kick- your training me...even though it's Yang who's -dodges her swing- supposed to train me.

Pyrrha: Don't sweat it-AHH!

Pyrrha falls to the ground after being swept kicked and Sage aims Plasma Charger at Pyrrha.

Sage: I find you an easy trainer/opponent...maybe YOU need lessons.

Pyrrha: From who, Yang?

Sage: ...-thinks- Not a bad idea actually, even though she doesn't use a sword.

Pyrrha: I was being sarcastic.

Sage: Were you?


Sage and Pyrrha: Speak of the devil.

-Training Arena-

Yang: No weapons, Sage you know the rules.

Sage: -sighs and puts Plasma Charger on the ground-

Ruby: -petting Wam- This is gonna be AWESOME!

Weiss: We'll see about that..I have a feeling Sage might not make it.

Yin and Jaune walk between them looking at them, wearing referee jerseys.

Yin: Under no circumstances are you allowed to allegedly kill the opponent.

Jaune: And no trash-talking, we only accept good sportsmanship.

Yang and Sage: -gagging-

Yin: children...ahem and absolutely, BE SAFE. 

Everyone looks at Sage with a "You better" face.

Sage: -inhales and exhales- let's get this crap over with. -turns to Yang-

Yang: -cracks knuckles- Wanna go in rough or soft?

Sage: -electricity cracks around me- Hit me with your best shot, blondie.

Sage dashes to Yang, punching her, but Yang blocks most of Sage's hits.

Yang: Interesting, this is more action than the last time we fought.

Sage: Oh I just getting warmed up, HA! -kicks Yang sending her back a little-

Shad: Hm.

Yang: Boy, is it me or are you somehow stronger?

Sage: Let's test that theory out-

Yang: -runs to Sage and grabs him, slamming his head onto the ground-

Bolt and Jaune: -jaw drops-

Yin: I take back everything I said.

Pyrrha: How unfortunate.

Sage slowly gets up, looking at Yang and spits on the floor.

Sage: Alright then..-dusts self off- wanna play dirty..YOU GOT IT!!!

Yang: -smirks- Bring it.

Sage: -zip zap zops behind Yang- hey. -kicks her on the back-

Yang: Gah! -falls onto the ground-


Ruby: WOO!

Wam: -mimics Ruby- WOO!

Yang: -gets up- That was....interesting...

Sage: Well I mean this isn't the first time I've done this- wait a minute.

Yang: -punches Sage while he's blocking- You can't block forever, Woods!

Sage: Yes, I can-WHOA!!

Yang breaks Sage's block and uppercuts him.

Shad: come on, sage.

Ren: And I thought he was the strongest on your team..

Yin: ....


RWBY,JPR and SYSB: Whoa that's a bit too far.

Nora: Sorry.

Sage: -hand twitches-

Yang: So, wanna call it a da-

Sage punches Yang into the wall as everyone looks shocked.

??: Sage is busy at the moment, but I'll be taking control over him...Yang Xiao Long.

Jaune: -looks at Bolt- Who's that?

Bolt: No clue.

Blake: Me neither.

Ruby: -looks closer-

Yang walks up to the silhouette, a bit pissed.

Yang: What the hell's your....problem.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DTpgwlQZntI&list=PL2PPcUvuRbDdCVGdINJ28D3nc43qtu-DM&index=2(plays this for the theme for this new character)

Plage: The name's Plage, cutie and I believe we have to finish a fight.

Yang: Of course we have a fi- 

Yang blushes at what Plage said.

Yang: Did you just call me a cutie?

Plage: Yes...now where were we..ah yes! 

Plage and Yang collide their fists to make a gust of wind blow on the teams watching.

Plage: OVERDRIVE HURRICANE KICK!! -speed kicks Yang repeatedly, zapping her-

Yang: Ow...that really hurt with the whole zapping part.

Plage: I don't care- -gets punched in the face-


Plage grabs Yang's arm and moves it away from his face as he gets closer to Yang's face, looking at her.

Yang: .....

Plage: you made a big mistake, cute stuff. -punches Yang hard- IN YOUR FACE!

Yin: We have to stop them, this might get intens-

Pyrrha: No...I wanna see this.

Jaune and Bolt: Us too.

Ruby, Nora and Blake: We're here too.

Shad and Ren: We're watching.

Yin: ...fine..

Yang and Plage keep clashing for five minutes and separate, preparing their final attack.

Yang: -gets in stance- Get ready...you may be stronger than Sage, but you aren't stronger than me.

Plage: -right arms glows bright purple- shut up and let's end this.

Yang: -dashes to Plage- HERE I COME!!! -prepares fist-

Plage: -dashes to Yang- TAKE THIS-

Both of them punch themselves in the face, launching them both into the walls.


Ruby: Eek, calm down, Wam..

Plage: -walks to Yang and grabs her out of the wall- So I guess we both lost..

Yang: Yeah...um Plage...

Plage: Yes, cutie.

Yang: -blushes- STOP THAT!!

Plage: Ok, ok...what is it?

Yang: Just so you know...Sage and I aren't friends...we're just rivals-

Plage: So I'm not your friend and or rival?

Yang: What, NO...I want you to be my friend...besides Sage you are actually quite a challenge on me...and I like that...a little.

Plage: Sure I'll be your friend..-opens my arms- Yang it in, Yang!

Everyone but Plage and Yang groaned of the pun.

Jaune: Are you serious...why the pun...why.

Weiss: I tried so hard to avoid that.

Bolt: -sighs-

Yang: -lightly blushes and hugs him- don't make this weird....friend.

Plage: You got it, cute stuff- I mean, friend...

-Midnight, on the roof of Beacon-

Sage: -looks at the crescent moon and my semblance- ...why do things have to be so difficult.

??: Hey.

Sage: AH! -falls off the roof-

??: OH NO...Is he...dea-AHH!

Sage: AHHHH! -warps and lands on the roof- that smarts...oh my back..

??: Um are you okay?

Sage: I'm ok, thank you for....ask....ing..

Nora: Oh hey....S-Sage...what are you doing up here....in 12 in the morning?

Sage: -gets up- This isn't my daily routine at 12...but every day I look at the moon....

Nora: Why.

Sage: -shows her my semblance on my left hand- My mom kinda has the same semblance as me..only her's is just Lunar...while mine is Space and Electricity.

Nora: -beside Sage- Doesn't really explain why your looking at the moon.

Sage: ...IHADAGIRLFRIENDBEFORE! -covers face-

Nora: What?

Sage: -sighs- I had a girlfriend before I came to Beacon.

Nora: -pats Sage's back hard- CONGRATS ON THAT...what happened to her?

Sage: she dumped my ass for some cool jock....I was an idiot to think that I could find love....the first time we met was on a crescent moon like this...in the night.....

Nora: ...I'm sorry about that, Sage...

Sage: No, no...it's fine....it's kinda hard to get used to this place but eventually I'll fit in.

Nora: -grabs Sage's arm and rests my head on his shoulder- Your not alone.

Sage: -lightly blushes- Yeah...I guess your right...wanna have midnight pancakes.

Nora: -jolts up- DO I!? -runs to my dorm-

Sage: WAIT UP!! -runs after her-

-To Be Continued-

//Story News//

Hyper: This just in..I have introduced yet another new character/form for TSOAH (The Story Of A Huntsman)

Plage: -walks in Hyper's "office" waving and blowing kisses- Pre sent.

Hyper: Plage is a form of Sage. Place is only used when the battle gets somewhat tough or when Sage decides to use him..however Sage has zero control over Plage, since Plage is actually a person inside of Sage (I'll get into that later) Plage's current friends are: Yang, Ruby, Blake, Jaune, Ren, Bolt, Shad, a little bit of Cardin. Plage's enemy: Weiss. Plage's Crush: Ehhhh a bit of Yang at this point.

Yang: Wait what?

Plage: Hush now, the adults are talking, cute stuff.

Hyper: The one thing Plage fears...is enclosed spaces...or if I have to say it "Plage is a Claustrophobic"

Plage: I can't help it.

Hyper: Anyways that's about it, also not related to this to story, my birth day is on February 2, Groundhog Day..so I was wondering "What birthday special should I do for myself?" Well I don't yet but I'll figure it out..until then this is Hyper-

Plage: Plage.

Yang: And Yang.

Hyper: Signing off.

-To Be Continued-

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