Road To Becoming A Huntsman

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-Saturday Morning at Beacon Academy-




Sage gets kicked out of the arena, hitting multiple doors and he hits a tree outside of the academy.

Sage: -groans in pain- is training over?


Yang: -carries Sage to a bench and bandages him angrily-

Sage: -pants- Thanks...Yang...

Yang: Shut up.

Sage: Shutting up.

Yang finishes bandaging Sage as RWB and YSB come outside to see them.

Ruby: -yawns- Yang really did a number on you huh, Sage?

Sage: No-

Yang: -smacks the back of his head- Wrong.


Weiss: Yang, I don't think abusing Sage is really healthy for him.

Yang: Yes it is. -gets close to Sage's ear- Right. Sage.

Sage: -nods rapidly and hisses holding my head- Ah...I need a break.

Ruby: Don't we all.

Bolt: Funny you should mention that, we never get any breaks whenever stuff like White Fang and other stuff is involved.

Yin: Hm..idea.


Yin: Why don't we just invite our friends and hang out?

Ruby, Bolt and Sage: Not bad, not bad.

Yang, Weiss and Blake: Let's invite JNPR and CFVY!

Shad: So are we hanging out at our dorm?

Yin: Sadly, yes..


Blake: they sure do love yelling.

Shad: you can say that again.

RWBY and SYSB walk in the streets of Vale as Sage's nose twitches and Weiss notices.

Weiss: Sage, your nose is twitching.

Sage: Huh, oh yeah..thanks to Mask for transforming into a wolf faunus, I kinda have a keen sense of smell...-sniffs- and I smell Maple and Professor Goodwitch.

Weiss: The little girl you saved?

Sage: Ding.

Sage 2: Ding.

Sage 3: Ding.

RWBY and YSB jumped from the other Sage's speaking as they saw them.

Sage 2 and Sage 3: Hey.

Sage: Yeah. -desummons them and sees Maple and Glynda-

Maple: -sees Sage and runs to him, hugging him- MISTER!!

Sage: Hey, Maple! -hugs her and smiles at Glynda- Thanks, Professor.

Glynda: My pleasure.

Yang: Aw, how are you, Maple?

Maple: Good, Miss Yang.

Glynda: What are you guys doing out here anyways?

Sage: We're gonna get some snacks for our break.

Glynda: Break?

Blake: Well we're taking a break from the missions and encounters we've had for a a break wouldn't hurt at all.

Glynda: Hm...I suppose, be safe and be prepared for Vytal Festival.

Sage then stop smiling and grew a face of worries.

Sage: ...oh....oh no.

Ruby: okay?

Sage: -eyes shrink- i forgot about the dang festival -sighs- I'll figure out that problem tomorrow..let's just buy the snacks.

-After buying snacks that morning-

RWBY and SYSB invited JNPR and CFVY to SYSB's Dorm, they started to turn the break into a sleepover as they started to play video games.

Sage: -puts on my headband- What game should we play?

RWBY: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

JNPR: We don't really care.

CFVY: Us too.

YS: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered.


Everyone but Bolt stared at Bolt a bit weirded out.

Bolt: -nervous- Whaat, who said that?

Sage: Super Smash Bros. it is.

Sage inserted the game on the Nintendo Switch and played a tournament with the following teams.

Team Woods (50% Female 50% Male):




Team Xiao Long (Almost Blonde):




Team Coco(Decision Makers):




Team Ren(Just Perfect):




-Timeskip to the end of the Finals (Sorry I'm just lazy)-

The winning team was 50% Female and 50% Male by eliminating all of Just Perfect's teammates.

Sage: WE WON!!!

Ruby: -hugs Sage, Nora and Fox- YAAAAY!!

Nora: WOO!

Fox: Heh.

WBYYSBCVYJPR: Congrats. -claps-

Maple: -clapping as well- Yaaaay!

Sage: Thanks guys-

There was a knock on the door as Sage walked up to the door, opening it.

??: LITTLE BRO!!! -hugs Sage tightly-

Sage: -screaming- AHHHHHH MY BACK!!


??: OOH~, so my little bro has a girlfriend already?

Pyrrha: Little bro?

??: Oh, I'm Karma Woods, oldest sister of Sage!

Yang: Karma?!

Karma: -sees Yang and pushes Sage away- YANG!?

They both hug each other, laughing.

Karma: Been a long time since I've seen's your sister?

Yang: -points to Ruby- The girl right there is my sister and she's doing fine.

Karma: Ah, I see-

??: Karma, you shouldn't run through the halls in the school..there are rules you know.

Weiss: Who's this?

Sage: This-AH my my adopted brother...William.

William: Salutations, friends of Sage.

Weiss: Greetings, I'm-

William: Weiss Schnee...yes I know you and your family, Sage talks about you a lot whenever he visits us.

Weiss: O-Oh.

Coco: Sorry to butt in, but we're in the middle of a break.

Karma: Does it look like I ca-

William: -covers Karma's mouth- Forgive my sister...she doesn't like being argued with.

Karma kept shouting as William looked at them all.

Velvet: So William-

William: That's me.

Velvet: Right...why are you here?

William: Ah, I almost forgot about that, thank you fellow have a name?

Velvet: Velvet.

William: Cute name...anyways Sage, we're going to visit you during the Vytal Festival and father is coming to see you!

Sage: Oh yeah...that's...pretty nice..

Everyone looks at Sage due to his odd response.

Yin: Sage, what's wron-

Sage: Nothing...nothing's wrong...I'm fine.

Karma: -looks at William- S-So we're just going to leave because we have stuff to do, bye everyone...bye, little bro.

William and Karma left SYSB's Dorm as everyone still looked at Sage.

Sage: What...I'm actually fine...come on...let's have some fun, ok?

Everyone but Sage: I guess..

-That Afternoon-

Teams from across the kingdoms of Vale came over to Beacon Academy for a tour around the place. RWBY, SYSB, JNPR and CFVY parted ways and toured the other teams from the other kingdoms.

Sage: Welcome to Beacon Academy, I'm Sage Micheal mom and dad used to come here as students till they graduated and well yeah!

Yin: Follow us and we'll give you a tour of Beacon.

The students followed as SYSB kept talking about the schedule of Beacon, activities and missions, then Sage got a glance of the same people he saw during the Village Attack..or so he thought because he wasn't really sure if it was really them but his curiosity got the best of him.

Sage: Hey Yin, tour the students...I got something to do.

Yin: -nods and continues touring with Shad and Bolt-

Sage walks up to the team he thought he saw at the attack and grabbed the black haired girl's shoulder, making her turn around to Sage.

Cinder: Oh, why.....hello, I'm Cinder Fall.

Sage: Hm...I think I've seen you somewhere...

Cinder: -in mind: That's him...the brat...kinda cute, I'm not gonna lie.-

Cinder: I don't think we have...these are my teammates, Mercury.

Mercury: Hey.

Cinder: This is Emerald.

Emerald: -smiles- Hey.

Cinder: And this is Neo..she's mute however so she won't talk.

Neo: -waves slowly-

Sage: Hm..

Cinder: We've heard many great things about your school, quite fascinating.

Sage: Oh thanks, it really means a lot...after all my parents were at this school before.

Cinder: Hm, nice..-gets closer to Sage- So you must be participating in the Vytal Festival.

Sage: Um, yeah I wanna show my skills to everyone across Vale so I can be a successful huntsman!

Cinder: Well let me tell you something...if you wanna really show your skills...use some anger in your life, it'll do well in a fight.

Sage: can I speak to Neo for a second, Cinder?

Cinder: Go ahead.

Sage and Neo walk to a nearby dorm and they both stare at each other.

Sage: why are you here, i know who you are and what you've done.

Neo: -writes on notepad- "You know NOTHING about me, Woods."

Sage: Oh I do...but tell me this, Neapolitan Ice Cream.

Neo cocked an eyebrow at what Sage nicknamed her and proceeded to listen.

Sage: you know nothing about don't know who I am or who I was before I got here...and you certainly know damn well about trying to remove my face off this planet, but let me tell you a thing you should know about me...I'm not like you -pokes her nose- or them...I am Sage Micheal Woods...and I will stop you and your stupid, murder team of yours.

Neo looked slightly scared but still acted tough and slapped Sage with a pissed face.

Neo: -writes on notepad- "I'd like to see you try."

Sage: -rubs the mark- asked for it!

Neo runs and tries to punch Sage...unfortunately due to her size Sage just put his hand on her head as she was trying to punch Sage.

Sage: You done?

Neo: -growls and pushes Sage's arm away trying to punch him only for him to dodge-

Sage: This is fun. -checks my scroll and sees load of messages from Ruby, Bolt, Jaune and Pyrrha- Jeez I really need to check this more often.

Neo: GRRRR!! -punches Sage but he catches my fist and stares at me- ....

Sage: You know if you continue won't win...

Neo continued punching Sage eventually Sage let her punch his chest after punching Sage she began crying onto Sage's hoodie.

Neo: -cries on Sage's hoodie and writes on notepad "Why can't you just go away, why do you always survive every damn battle no matter what...because if I can't finish you off then Evil Sage  will punish me again."

Sage: Because I worked my ass off to get here, plus punching me was already enough...and I have friends here who I want to protect even if it means I die...and I promise you that you won't be punished by Evil Sage.

Neo looks up at Sage surprised a bit.

Sage: Want a hug?

Neo: -nods and hugs Sage-

Sage: -hugs Neo- You tell no one about this..not even your teammates, Evil Sage or it.

Neo: -nods as I wipe my tears and writes on notepad- "I'll try to keep this between us..they won't know a thing."

Sage: I somewhat doubt that...but I know you'll do it. -rubs her head- Now let's get back before they notice.

Sage and Neo walk back to Cinder, Mercury and Emerald.

Cinder: That was a long talk.

Sage: I have a condition called "Talks A Lot"

Cinder: You're kidding.

Sage: Of course I am. -hears the bell- Welp, tours are done..AND LUNCH?!

Cinder: Ah, I see..may we follow-

Sage: NO!

CMEN: ....

Sage: I-I can...but can't follow team doesn't like newcomers...nice to meet you guys! -runs to the cafeteria-

Cinder: -waves and looks at Neo- What was he talking to you about?

Neo: -writes on notepad- "Ice Cream Flavors."

Cinder: better not be know what Evil Sage will do to you.


Neo: -writes on notepad- "PLEASE I DIDN'T MEAN TO-"

Evil Sage whacks Neo, causing her to bleed from her forehead.

Evil Sage: drop the damn notepad and speak with your mouth, wimp.

Neo: -crying- P-P-Pleas-

Evil Sage: -grabs Neo and shoves her into a heated pillar as she screams in pain-

Neo screams as a mild burn appears on the side of her cheek and Evil Sage throws her to the ground.

Evil Sage: Next time, I want you to kill them, not let them escape...otherwise next punishment won't be pleasant, Neo...DISMISSED!

Neo limps away from Evil Sage, holding her cheek.

Evil Sage: Mute bitch...-shuts my door-


Neo: -writes on notepad- "I know."

Cinder: Good and I'm sure everyone of us knows what to do...we only have a few days till the Vytal Festival begins..let's start looking for students that we should watch out during the tournament.

Mercury, Emerald and Neo nodded as the walked around, spying on other students.


RWBY and SYSB, including Maple sat at their usual lunch table giving out an exhausted sigh.

Yin: So. Many. Students.

Blake: I couldn't even walk after the tours.

Bolt: ....

Yang: What's wrong with you?

Shad: Oh, he went to the bathroom after tours and saw something he shouldn't have seen.

Weiss: And that was?

Shad: Let me make it shorter...A male student and A female student in the boys bathroom,I probably wonder what happened NEXT.

Ruby didn't really understand as Weiss, Blake and Yang stared at Bolt embarrassed.


Sage: well that's unfortunate.

Ruby: How about you Shad, how was your touring?

Shad: Eh, it was both..sure the students were the best students I've ever seen while touring..but in the end they wrapped me in toilet paper.

Sage and Yang: -laughs hysterically-

Shad: it's not funny.

Sage: You're right.

Shad: Than-

Yang: It's Hilarious!

The two started laughing as Shad sighed.

Shad: this is my world, these are my problems.

Blake: How about you Sage, how was your touring?

Sage: Well I wouldn't say I was there for most of it..but it went good..-looks around-

Weiss: Why are you looking around-

Sage: I saw Neo, HERE in the school with some of her teammates.

Yang: What is she doing here?

Sage: Apparently, they aren't just evil people looking for trouble..they actually are from a FREAKING ACADEMY!

Yin: And why is this making you frustrated?

Sage: because Yin, how come they enter our school, OUR ACADEMY, without being spotted...well guess what..I was the only one who spotted them and I had a little talk with Neo.

Ruby: You mean the girl we saw on the train?

Sage: Bingo..anyways we battled for a bit-

Weiss: Are you hurt?!

Sage: ..what..-scoffs- no....maybe, she did punch me a lot but hey...No Pain, No Game.

Weiss: Sage, as far as we all know you are the only one who could die faster than us because now you are being hunted.

Sage: Ouch...but anyways resuming to what happened, it turns out that Neo is that much of a bad person..she just wants to get the job done so Evil Sage can't abuse her anymore.

Yang: -mumbles- maybe she'll get more than abuse from him. -cracks knuckles-

Bolt: Anyways..-rubs eyes- in a few days Vytal Festival will begin and I can't wait to eat all the food they have.

Blake: Bolt.

Bolt: Yes?

Blake: You're competing..not eating.

Bolt: -smiles fades to a frown- no...No...No, NOOOOOOO! -falls on knees- WHY OUM, WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!

Shad: Overdramatic much.

RWBY and SYSB continued to eat as Maple was sleeping on Sage's lap.

-Salem's Castle-

Tyrian: -enters Salem's Throne Room- Salem, Evil Sage is coming your way, shall I tell him not to come?

Salem: Nonsense, let him come through. After all he's the one I need to talk to anyways.

Tyrian: Yes ma'am.

Evil Sage opens the door as Tyrian leaves. Evil Sage fixes his eyes at Salem as he closes the door.

Salem: Kneel.

Evil Sage: Yes, Your Majesty. -kneels-

Salem: -walks to Evil Sage- So, I've heard that you encountered Sage at least twice...and you've failed to capture him.

Evil Sage: Forgive me-

Salem slaps Evil Sage making his repaired mask fall off. She then grabbed his chin and brought him closer to her.

Salem: Why are you holding back, I thought you hated this boy as much as I hate Vale.

Evil Sage: ....he has friends.

Salem: -rolls eyes- Of course he does but that's not an excuse.

Evil Sage: But he has powers that I don't have, He can produce lightning and plasma, he can clone at an unlimited limit and he can suddenly warp when I can only leave leaves...he's not like everyone else...he's different.

Salem: Hm..and how does this make me want to change my mind about you?

Evil Sage: Because I have a soon as your plan has been executed, I will head to Beacon and fight him there-

Salem: And how will you NOT lose?

Evil Sage: he may be able to sense me, but I have improved on my speed and tactics on combat and my hammer...whatever Sage does to me will be his downfall.

Salem: ...I can't believe I'm saying this but that has to be the most stupidest plan I've ever heard...but if it works then I'll maybe regret saying that.

Evil Sage: Yes, Your Majesty.

Salem let go of Evil Sage as she picked up his mask.

Salem: If you're going to end Beacon, you might as well have a different name..ah yes...Warui Juju, which means Bad Juju in fits perfectly besides Bad Leaf. -hands him his mask-

Warui Juju: -puts it on- it will be done, Your Majesty....I promise.

Salem: may be dismissed.

Warui Juju (Evil Sage) leaves Salem's Throne Room heading towards his room.

Warui Juju: Just a few days....a few days is worth it all.

-To Be Continued-

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