Sage v RWBY

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-Oobleck's Class-

While Oobleck was teaching his class, Sage saw that Bolt was asleep, while Yin, Shad and the rest of Team RWBY were still awake, Sage then zapped Bolt, jolting him up with his eyes wide open.

Sage: -whispering- Don't fall asleep, we're learning here.

Bolt: -whispering- but it's boring.

Weiss: -whispering- Sage is right Bolt, some of us are trying to at least do our work here!

Sage: -whispering- Thank you, Weiss.

Weiss: -whispers- No problem-

Oobleck: Ahem, Weiss Schnee, Sage Woods and Bolt Sparks do you have something to share to the class?

Weiss, Sage and Bolt: No professor.

Oobleck: Good, anyways as I was saying-

-the bell rings as we leave Professor Oobleck's Class-

Bolt: So...what's the homework about again?

Team SYS and RWBY stare at Bolt with a "Are you serious" face.

Team SYS and RWBY: You can't be serious..

Bolt: I'm...serious...what was the homework about?

Sage and Weiss: -sighs heavily- you figure it out..JINX, DOUBLE JINX, TRIPLE JINX!

Yang: Ahem, if any of you may have noticed, our fight is the next class.

Ruby: Oh yeah, be prepared Sage, we may be girls but we have strength...and speed.

Sage: -smirks- Well then watch out Ruby...I have techniques and skills you can't even predict -walks to Goodwitch's class-

Blake: -pats Ruby's shoulder- Don't worry, Ruby..we'll be just fine.

YSB: In your dreams, we bet 100 lien that Sage will win.

Weiss: Is that so, well I bet 500 lien that we will emerge victorious.


Weiss: don't call me that..-walks to Goodwitch's class with my team-

YSB: -does the same-

-Professor Goodwitch's Class-

Glynda: Afternoon, students.

Everyone in class: Afternoon, Professor.

Glynda: Today, we'll do duels in the arena to improve your skills on being a huntsman-

Bolt: YES!

The whole class including Glynda stared at Bolt's response and he sat back down.

Bolt: Sorry.

Glynda: -sighs- Who would like to go first?

Sage: -raises hand- I would.

Glynda: Against who, Mr. Woods?

Sage: -points to Team RWBY- them.

Glynda: Are you sure you want to fight them alone?

Sage: I'll be fine, Professor.

Glynda then sent Sage and RWBY to the arena as all the students in class came to view the fight.

Glynda: Ready...

Weiss took out her rapier, Ruby took out her scythe, Blake took out her weapon and Yang loaded her gauntlets as Sage took out his sword/handgun Plasma Charger.

Glynda: BEGIN!

The fight began as they all turned on their aura and dashed towards each other.

Sage: -speeds behind them and clashes my sword with Ruby's scythe-

Ruby: Nice weapon.

Sage: Thanks, your's is cool too.

Ruby: R-Really?!

Sage: Yeah..also forgive me.

Ruby: -confused- for what?

Sage: This! -slashes Ruby 5 times and blasts her away with the handgun form of Plasma Charger depleting her aura level-

Ruby: GAH!

Sage: SORRY-

Sage gets his legs frozen as he looks around and sees Weiss and Blake running towards him.

Weiss and Blake: YOUR FINISHED!

Sage: no. -clones of Sage poof out of nowhere-

Sage 2 and 3: YOUR FINISHED!! -dashes to Weiss and Blake-

Weiss: H-HOW!!?

Blake: That can't be possible.

Sage: Oh it can..thanks to electricity, I'm fast enough to phase out clones..sadly not objects.

Weiss: -fighting Sage 2 using ice glyphs- That doesn't explain the poofing, Sage. -stabs Sage 2 and he poofs-

Sage: I just threw smoke bombs on the ground to create suspense.

Blake tries to use he semblance to finish off Sage 3, but Sage 3 takes out Plasma Charger and attempts to shoot Blake, but Weiss stabs him making him poof away.

Blake: Thanks.

Weiss: No problem-


Weiss and Blake look back at Sage as he mid-air kicks Blake out of the arena and grabs Weiss slamming her to the ground, Weiss and Blake's aura deplete critically.

Sage: -points the sword form of Plasma Charger at Weiss's face- Sorry, but I have things to-

Yang: TAKE THIS!! -punches Sage's back, lowering Sage's aura-

Sage: GAH! -gets launched far from Yang- alright then..

Sage puts Plasma Charger on the back of his hoodie and readies his fist as bright purple electricity surrounds his fists.

Yang: Hm...impressive..but that doesn't matter!

Sage: only one way to find out. -warps behind Yang and punches her face-


Sage: What's the gonna cry to your daddy-

In a split second, Yang's eyes glow red and she punches Sage's gut, depleting his aura near red

Sage: -yells in pain as I look up at Yang-

Yang: See, even after Signal Academy you are still the Sage that will continue to be weak and pitiful.

Sage's eyes go black as his irises go white and a black moon shape appears on his forehead.

Sage: I AM NOT WEAK!! -punches Yang harder to the face-

Sage: AND I AM NOT PITIFUL!!! -uppercuts Yang and warps to her, kicking her down-

Team RWB, YSB, the students and even Glynda were shocked from the outcome that happened.

Glynda: Y-Yang Xiao Long h-has had her aura in the red zone...m-meaning that she has l-lost.

Sage: -pants heavily as I nosebleed and revert back to normal- Y-Yang I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to-

Yang gets up and walks to Sage, putting her hand on his shoulder

Yang: Sage, we are not understand that.

Sage: ...y-yes..

Yang: But, we have become rivals..but that doesn't mean we're hanging out just like at Signal..I'll train you to be your better self.

Sage: -nods and sees RWB and YSB walk to the arena-

Shad: Dude...YOU LITERALLY BEAT YANG, not the last time I'm gonna hear that.

Yin: Nice job.


Sage: U-Uh t-thanks guys-

Ruby: What was that form you did earlier?

Weiss: Yeah..what was it?

Blake: -looks at Sage concerned-

Sage: W-Well I call it Dark Lunar Mode..DLM for's been about 2 years since I've last used it.

Yang: And how did you unlock it?

Sage: DLM requires two emotions...Rage and Denial..whenever you said I will continue to be weak and pitiful...I wanted to deny it so bad...-clenches fist- then I became angry..

Yang: Well you are pitiful and wea-

Ruby: isn't the time..

Yin: Rose is right..don't make him anymore mad than he already was.

Yang: -glares at Yin- Whatever..


After Team SYSB got their lunch, they sat with Team RWBY talking about the battles after Sage's

Weiss: The match between Cardin and Jaune wasn't a good one for Arc..Cardin got the best of him.

Sage and Bolt: -sighs sadly- yeah..-sips Apple Juice-

Then all of a sudden they all overheard Cardin and his team bullying a bunny faunus by pulling her ears.

Cardin: Heh, look at this freak, am I right?

His team nodded, laughing at the crying faunus.

Sage: that Cardin really pisses me off.

Blake: -mumbling- you can say that again..

Ruby: M-Maybe we should help her.

Sage: There is no we..only I. -gets up walking to Cardin-


Yang: -smirks- Oh he's serious alright.

Sage stands close to Cardin, somewhat nervous but confident.

Cardin: -sees Sage- Hey, Woods, you think this stupid faunus is a freak?

Sage: the only freak im seeing is the one bullying an innocent girl..put her down.

Cardin: Or what,'re gonna fight me?

Sage: No, you see I'm going to pin your teammates and then punch your balls, so that you might never have any kids again.

Cardin: -laughs- And what makes you say that?

Sage: Cause I can do this. -warps to one of Carson's teammates and pin him down as I bring out two clones and they pin down the other teammates-

Cardin: W-What the-

Sage kicks Carson's balls as he yells, dropping to the floor, almost crying.

Sage: And that's why you never mess with me.

??: U-Um t-thanks for h-h-helping me.

Sage: No problemo..after all even though I'm human at least you Faunus should have the same respect we do.

??: What's your n-name?

Sage: Full name or First and Last?

??: I-It doesn't r-really matter.

Sage: My name is Sage Micheal Woods, don't ask about the last name.

??: H-Hello, Sage...I'm Velvet.

Sage: AWWW, what a cute name.

Velvet: O-Oh u-um th-thank you. -blushes a bit-

Sage's team and Ruby's walk to Sage to introduce themselves to Velvet.

Ruby: I'm Ruby Rose.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee.

Blake: Blake Belladona

Yang: And Yang Xiao Long.

Velvet looks at Sage's team, saying what their names are.

Yin: Yin Lang.

Shad: Shad Williams.

Bolt: And Bolt Sparks.

Velvet: Nice to meet all of you-

Velvet heard her teammate call her and she went to her team waving bye.

-Back at dorms- Team SYSB invites Team RWBY to spend the night watching movies, Sage set up the popcorn, Yin had a collection of horror, comedy and action/adventure movies, Shad had the extra food in case the popcorn got boring and Bolt was the...erm blanket man.

Sage: -hears a knock- that must be them.

Sage opens the door, revealing Team RWBY

RWBY: Hey Sage/Hello.

Sage: Hey guys, come on in.

Team RWBY entered Sage's dorm, slightly amazed at the movie night stuff..then they saw moving in Sage's backpack.

Blake: Sage...what's in there?

Sage: N-Nothing!!

Wam (in backpack): -mimics- N-Nothing!!

Yang: There is definitely something in that bag..-walks towards it but Sage stops me-

Sage: It's nothing just a mini massage chair.

Yang: -squints and pushes Sage away as I open the backpack and my team was surrounding it-

Wam: -pops out of backpack with tail wagging- WAM!


Yang: -holds Wam into my arms- What's the fella's name?

Sage: Wam.

Yang: ...that's his name?


Ruby: -tickles Wam- Who's the cutie, Who's cutie, YOU are, yes you are.

Wam: -moving around while being tickled-

Weiss: So...about movie night?

SYSB: Ah, shoot..which genre..horror, comedy or action/adventure?

WBY: Horror.

Ruby: Don't I get a say in this?

Shad: Sorry, majority rules.

-Start of Movie Night-

Team SYSB and RWBY were watching IT Chapter Two (it's a hella good movie)


They got to the part where the kid and Bill met up at the mirror room where Pennywise was, as Pennywise started licking the glass.

Bolt: -holding onto Yin- im scared.

Shad: ....-covers eyes-

Ruby: -holding onto Yang- IT'S TOO SCARY!!!


Blake: -nervous-

Weiss: -holding onto Sage- 

Sage:'s just a-

Sage was interrupted as Pennywise banged his head onto the mirror as Bill tried to free the kid, as the kid was screaming for help.

Shad: IS IT OVER?!

Yin: No.

Bolt: -screaming-

Yang and Ruby: -watching it-

Blake: -covering eyes-

Weiss: -holding Sage tighter-

Sage: -nods- go pennywise go.

Pennywise stopped banging on the mirror with a creepy smile as Bill said please don't do this..and just like that-

The mirror shattered as Pennywise broke it and ate the kid as almost everyone was screaming watching the horror.

Shad, Yin and Bolt: -screaming-

Ruby: -crying- HE WAS JUST A KID!!

Yang: -comforts Ruby-

Blake: -jumps behind the couch shaking..literally-

Weiss: -buries my head into Sage's chest- P-Please tell me it's o-over, S-Sage.

Sage: -rubs Weiss's head- It's over's over.

As they continued the movie, they finished it and RWBY had to go back to the dorm.

Ruby: Thanks for letting us watch the movie.

SYSB: Our pleasure.

Yang: You guys scared Ruby half to death, this is your fault Yin.

Yin: HOW?!

RWBYSSB: Well this is your movie collection and even though we agreed on chose IT Chapter Two.

Yin: ....I see.

Ruby, Yang and Blake: Bye. -waves bye as they walk back to their dorm-

Weiss: S-So you saw what I was doing while watching the movie?

Sage: Yep, it was kinda funny...but you shouldn't be scared..there is no such thing as a shapeshifter that comes out every 27 years to kill children.

Weiss: ...

Sage: My bad..anyways it's not real..and if we do this again sometime..I'll make sure you don't get scared.

Weiss: Thanks..goodnight, Sage.

Sage: Night.

SYSB put on their pajamas and head to sleep and as they sleep Weiss is currently thinking.

Weiss 'He's so brave at times and protects the people he loves, even when he's never met them before..if only I could be with hi-' -gasps- ...i-i love Woods?

-To Be Continued-

//Story News//

Hyper_Instinct: This just in-


Yang: -grabs Ruby- Sorry bout that Hyper.

Hyper_Instinct: -sighs- Thanks, anyways I'll be adding some powers Sage has that aren't "really" related to this semblance and I think I finally made a relationship but who do you think is better.

Sage x Weiss


Sage x Nora (if you didn't see the chapter before this one)

Hyper_Instinct: Stay tuned for more Story News..this is Hyper_Instinct.

Ruby and Yang: AND US!

Hyper_Instinct: Signing off.

-To be Continued On More Story News-

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